= Simulations LUMIP IPSL = LUMIP: Land-Use Model Intercomparison Project Person in charge : Nicolas Vuichard Person performing the runs: Devaraju Narayanappa More information on LUMIP from [https://cmip.ucar.edu/lumip its website] or the [http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/2973/2016/ protocol description paper] [https://view.es-doc.org/?renderMethod=id&project=cmip6&id=36365e90-d132-4e88-86ea-e75bfab37aac&version=1&client=esdoc-search Documentation ES-DOC LUMIP] Sous-imputation TGCC : lumcmip6 == Avec IPSLCM6.1 == Page du modèle : [wiki:IPSLCM6/IPSL-CM6A-LR] Simulations : Tier 1 : deforest-globe | land-hist | land-hist-altStartYear | land-noLu | hist-noLu | ssp370-ssp126Lu | ssp126-ssp370Lu | esm-ssp585-ssp126Lu Tier 2 : land-hist-altLu1 | land-hist-altLu2 | land-cCO2 | land-cClim | land-crop-grass | land-crop-noIrrigFert | land-crop-noIrrig | land-crop-noFert | land-noPasture | land-noWoodHarv | land-noShiftCultivate | land-noFire Other : historical | piControl ||Num || Priorité||Nom || Dépendances || Personne || Description || Restart || Forcages || Page d'information Hermes pour retrouver les infos : mise en place, sorties sur curie, etc ... || || || || || || || || ||