Changes between Version 120 and Version 121 of IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/IPSLCM5A-LR

02/09/12 22:00:39 (12 years ago)




    v120 v121  
    100100|| No Land Use || Misc/historicalNoLU || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalNoLU1''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || Done || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoLU More ...] || Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA || '''label=r1i1p1''' [[BR]] move-and-rename v2.historicalNolU1 puis poursuite 1995-2005 avec aerosols v3 ||  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    101101|| No Land Use || Misc/historicalNoLU || 7.3 E || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalNoLU2''' || Ended (vargas) || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || '''TSC OK''' ||  || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoLU More ...] || Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA || '''label=r2i1p1''' [[BR]] sur vargas ||  || - || 
    102 || No Land Use || Misc/historicalNoLU || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalNoLU3''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || '''Ready to publish''' || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoLU More ...] || Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA || '''label=r3i1p1''' ||  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
     102|| No Land Use || Misc/historicalNoLU || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalNoLU3''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || Done || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalNoLU More ...] || Nat, Ant, GHG, SA, Oz, SS, Ds, BC, MD, OC, AA || '''label=r3i1p1''' ||  || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    103103|| Anthropogenic forcing || Misc/historicalAnt || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalAnt1''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || Done || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalAnt More ...] || Ant || '''label=r1i1p2''' [[BR]] avec diag aerosols OK || || sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic || 
    104104|| Anthropogenic forcing || Misc/historicalAnt || 7.3 || tier 2 || '''v3.historicalAnt2''' || Ended || IPSL [ ftp] and [ Dods]  || CMOR [ ftp] and [ dods] || Done || [wiki:IPSLCMIP5/Centennal/Table7#a73:historicalAnt More ...] || Ant ||  '''label=r2i1p2''' [[BR]] start year 1860 of piControl2 || ||  sohtatl, sohtpac, sohtind, sohtipic ||