Changes between Version 73 and Version 74 of RetourSurLesPings

12/21/17 14:50:18 (6 years ago)



  • RetourSurLesPings

    v73 v74  
    9797||JM|| hfbasin || Omon || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08f || values = 0. Par contre hfbasinpmadv ok. sltbasin a des valeurs  || NEMO? || en cours Julie... || 
    9898||JM|| sltovgyre et sltbasins hfbasinpmadv (m>1)  || Omon || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08f || suspicieux: mauvais masque de bassin. htovgyre probablement faux aussi mais ne se voit pas a cause de hfbasin. || NEMO || en cours Julie: diaptr.F90: btmsk30 a rajouter dans calcul des composantes totales. update 21 Dec: ok diaptr.F90 chez JD || 
    99 ||JM|| sltnortha ||  || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08f || lon x lat x time devrait etre lat x time seulement? || || || 
     99||JM|| sltnortha ||  || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08f || lon x lat x time devrait etre lat x time seulement? || XIOS || corrigé. Devrait être pris en compte dans CM6014 || 
    100100||JM|| tos || Omon Oday 3hr || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08 || given in °C but indicated unit is K. After emails exchanges with Martin Jukes, he indicated that the DR will eventually be changes with tos to be given in °C. So we leave the field as it is given but units will have to be changed in agreement with the evolution of the DR|| || || 
    101101||JM|| ficeberg2D, flandice, hfibthermds2d || Omon || CM6013.cmip6-pi-08f || the mask (not the values) seems not to depend on time -> ok? Check with Martin || || ||