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Working at IDRIS

}}} ---- [[PageOutline(1-3,Table of contents,,numbered)]] # IDRIS presentation # See: http://www.idris.fr/eng # IDRIS's machines and file systems # [[Image(wiki:DocBenvAidris:IDRIS.jpg, 360px)]] # How to install your environment at IDRIS # * Find more information about IDRIS on http://www.idris.fr/eng/ and for new users here : http://www.idris.fr/static/intro/doc_nouvel_utilisateur-eng.html * Connection to IDRIS is possible with ssh command from a registered machine. All forms are available here : http://www.idris.fr/eng/forms/index-forms.html * [http://www.idris.fr/eng/ada/ Scripts environment at IDRIS] * The Ada machine at IDRIS can be used for our configurations. '''It supports the model execution and post processing.''' * Note: the software [http://www.idris.fr/eng/docs/tina/tina-eng.html the Tina software installed at IDRIS] gives access to hourly, daily and weekly backups of your $HOME files. [[NoteBox(note,It is important to take the time to install a comfortable and efficient environment., 600px)]] * We recommend to follow the example of the rpsl035 login's environment which is in bash. Don't use the default .bash_profile but use instead the ~rpsl035/.bash_login file. Copy this file to your home and remove the default .bash_profile. {{{ ryyy999@ada: rm $HOME/.bash_profile ryyy999@ada: cp ~rpsl035/.bash_login $HOME/. }}} * The .bash_login file sources the file /smphome/rech/psl/rpsl035/.atlas_env_ada_intel_2013_0_bash which loads libraries and post processing tools needed on our platform such as: {{{ module load netcdf (currently netcdf/seq/4.1.3 in interactive mode) module load ferret/6.85 module load nco/4.4.6 module load cdo/1.6.5 }}} * Avoid messages displayed when connecting on Ada and Ergon. Do the following tests: * Make sure that the command rsh ergon pwd returns a unique line with the HOME on Ada. {{{ ryyy999@ada: rsh ergon pwd /arch/home/rech/yyy/ryyy999 }}} * Make sure the copy of a file using rcp works properly in the two directions. The following test transfers the file '''a''' containing the date: {{{ ryyy999@ada: date > a ; rcp a ergon: }}} * Transfers !Ada/Ergon must be done with mfget/mfput. * For esgf/thredds access, use the command mfdods on Ergon. This creates the link (24h after the first time) visible here: http://prodn.idris.fr/thredds/catalog/ipsl_public/catalog.html {{{ # Export a file: ryyy999@ergon: mfdods my_file -d pub/ryyy999/my_dir # Once the access activated, you must do the following to destroy a file: ryyy999@ada: mfdods -r /u/DODS/pub/ryyy999/my_dir/my_file }}} # Accounting # Since 2016, usage of computing time and quotas are printed at beginning of each new session. {{{ *********************************************************************** * Consommation du projet XXXXX - groupe : XXX * * ada : 10231 h ( 34.10% de l'allocation ) * * HOME : 5394 Mio ( 95%) - Inodes - 17787 ( 11%) * * WORKDIR : 11018 Gio ( 50%) - Inodes - 2831719 ( 80%) * * Ergon : 188700 Gio ( 55%) - Inodes - 6177427 ( 88%) * *********************************************************************** }}} To know the computing time used by your group (updated once a day): {{{ plab999@ada:~> cpt }}} # Things to know about file systems # ## WORKDIR ## * The $WORKDIR Ada is large but it is not saved. * The $WORKDIR Ada can be extended (20 To for the group for example). The project investigator can ask an extension on the IDRIS's extranet. See: http://www.idris.fr/extranet.html or directly from an authorized IP : https://extranet.idris.fr/. ## ERGON ## * The $HOME Ergon has to be used for archiving big files * The $HOME Ergon can be extended (300 To for the group for example). The project investigator can ask an extension on the IDRIS's extranet. See: http://www.idris.fr/extranet.html or directly from an authorized IP : https://extranet.idris.fr/. * you can use idrls to know the status of a file stored on ergon. See {{{idrls -?}}}. m means migrated on tape only, - means on disk. {{{ idrls IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/*/Restart/* M ACCESS L USER GROUP SIZE MOD_DATE ACC_DATE EXP_DATE FILE_NAME = ========== = ======== ===== ============ ========== ========== ========== ========= - -rwxrwxr-x 1 rpslxxx psl 218188352 09.06.2015 22.01.2016 22.01.2017 IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/ICE/Restart/O1T03V14_18891231_restart_icemod.nc m -rwxrwxr-x 1 rpslxxx psl 1411362796 09.06.2015 22.01.2016 22.01.2017 IGCM/RESTART/IPSLCM6/DEVT/piControl/O1T03V14/OCE/Restart/O1T03V14_18891231_restart.nc }}} ## Quotas ## Since 2016, usage and quotas are printed at beginning of each new session. {{{ *********************************************************************** * Consommation du projet XXXXX - groupe : xxx * * ada : 10231 h ( 34.10% de l'allocation ) * * HOME : 5394 Mio ( 95%) - Inodes - 17787 ( 11%) * * WORKDIR : 11018 Gio ( 50%) - Inodes - 2831719 ( 80%) * * Ergon : 188700 Gio ( 55%) - Inodes - 6177427 ( 88%) * *********************************************************************** }}} To check the used space and the size of the HOME, WORKDIR and ERGON: {{{ # Quota HOME ryyy999@ada: quota_u # Quota WORKDIR ryyy999@ada: quota_u -w # Quota ERGON ryyy999@ergon: quota_u }}} ## Access ## Since january 2017, access to other is prohibited. You have to use idracl to give specific access. Documentation : http://www.idris.fr/ada/configuration-droits-acces.html Exemples to give access to a list of groups to HOME ergon, HOME and WORKDIR ada : {{{ ergon> for g in yyy zzz ; do echo $g ; idracl -a -g $g ; done ada> for g in yyy zzz ; do echo $g ; idracl -w -a -g $g ; idracl -a -g $g ; done }}} Verification : {{{ ada> cd ; ls -ld . drwxr-xr-x+ 24 rxxx003 xxx 8192 Jan 19 12:13 . ada> idracl -l Liste des logins et groupes autorises a acceder a mon espace /linkhome/rech/xxx/rxxx003 =============================================== logins autorises : groupes autorises : yyy zzz }}} In case of problems, please contact the IDRIS' assistance. # Simulation outputs # Final simulation outputs are stored on Ergon in `IGCM_OUT` directories. There are also available from Adapp in `$ARCHIVE/IGCM_OUT` but not directly from Ada. The IDRIS's esgf/thredds server is accessible from here : http://prodn.idris.fr/thredds/catalog/ipsl_public/catalog.html # About Password # At IDRIS, you have a unique password for all computers. Password have to be changed one time per year. The command to change your password is `passwd` . You receive a mail 2 weeks before password expiration. # The IDRIS's machines # * [wiki:DocBenvAidrisAada Ada] for computing part * [wiki:DocBenvAidrisAada#SpecificitiesforAdapp Adapp] for post-processing part * [wiki:DocBenvAidrisBjeanzay Jean Zay] for computing part (working version)