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Working at IDRIS

1. IDRIS presentation


2. IDRIS's machines and file systems

3. How to install your environment at IDRIS

It is important to take the time to install a comfortable and efficient environment.

4. Accounting

Since 2016, usage of computing time and quotas are printed at beginning of each new session.

* Consommation du projet  XXXXX - groupe : XXX                        *
* ada        :       10231 h   (  34.10% de l'allocation )            *
* HOME       :        5394 Mio ( 95%)    - Inodes -     17787 ( 11%)  *
* WORKDIR    :       11018 Gio ( 50%)    - Inodes -   2831719 ( 80%)  *
* Ergon      :      188700 Gio ( 55%)    - Inodes -   6177427 ( 88%)  *

To know the computing time used by your group (updated once a day):

plab999@ada:~> cpt 

5. Things to know about file systems

5.1. WORK ($WORK)



is the temporary execution directory specific to batch jobs


5.5. Quotas

To check the used space and the size of the HOME, WORK and STORE:

# Quota HOME
ryyy999@jean-zay: idrquota -m

ryyy999@jean-zay: idrquota -w

# Quota STORE
ryyy999@jean-zay: idrquota -s

5.6. Access

Since january 2017, access to other is prohibited. On Ada, you had to use idracl to give specific access. On Jean-Zay things are in progress .... Documentation : ????

In case of problems, please contact the IDRIS' assistance.

6. Simulation outputs

Final simulation outputs are stored on Jean-Zay $STORE space in IGCM_OUT directories.

The IDRIS's esgf/thredds server is not documented yet for Jean-Zay machine.

7. About Password

At IDRIS, you have a unique password for all computers. Password have to be changed one time per year. The command to change your password is passwd . You receive a mail 2 weeks before password expiration.

8. The IDRIS's machines

Ada and Adapp are not up anymore.