The IPSLCM6.2 configuration is a part of the IPSLCM6 family model describes here [] # Resolutions and configurations # IPSLCM6.2 model will be available at different resolutions/configurations : * '''VLR''' : LMDZ 96x95x39-ORCHIDEE - NEMO-LIM2-PISCES ORCA2xL31. * '''LR''' : LMDZ 144x144x79-ORCHIDEE - NEMO-LIM3-PISCES eORCA1xL75 * '''MR1''' : LMDZ 256x256x79-ORCHIDEE - NEMO-LIM3-PISCES eORCA1xL75 * '''MR025''' : LMDZ 256x256x79-ORCHIDEE - NEMO-LIM3 eORCA025xL75 * '''ESMCO2''' : LMDZ 144x144x79-ORCHIDEE - NEMO-LIM3-PISCES eORCA1xL75 with interactive carbon cycle ocean/atmosphere. * '''ESMAER''' : LMDZ 144x144x79-ORCHIDEE-INCA - NEMO-LIM3-PISCES eORCA1xL75 with interactive aerosols on atmosphere. ## IPSLCM6-LR_rc1 ## The resolution of LMDZ is 144x142 (2.5° in longitude and 1.5° in latitude) with 79 vertical levels. The ocean configuration is eORCA1L75 : global ocean with a tripolar grid with one South pole, one North pole above Siberia and one North pole above northern America. The resolution is 1°. In the tropical region, the latitudinal resolution decreases to 1/2°. There are 76 vertical levels, with 1m resolution near the surface, and 200m in the abyss. For LMDZ, the new physics is used. Current test (Sept. 2015) is NP 5.17h. '''IPSLCM6.2''' is composed of following components and tools (Oct. 2019) : {{{ #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work IPSLCM6.2_work coupled configuration #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work This configuration is under construction #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work NEMOGCM branch nemo_v3_6_STABLE revision 9455 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work SHACONEMO revision 279 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work XIOS trunk revision 1659 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work IOIPSL src trunk 4432 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work LMDZ6 trunk rev 3489 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work ORCHIDEE version branches/ORCHIDEE_2_2/ORCHIDEE revision 6189 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work OASIS3-MCT 2.0_branch rev 1818 #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work IPSLCM6.2 latest revision #-H- IPSLCM6.2_work libIGCM trunk rev 1482 #-M- IPSLCM6.2_work #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work IOIPSL/trunk 4432 8 IOIPSL modeles #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work branches/ORCHIDEE_2_2/ORCHIDEE 6189 14 ORCHIDEE modeles #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work branches/OASIS3-MCT_2.0_branch/oasis3-mct 1818 15 oasis3-mct . #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work LMDZ6/trunk 3559 11 LMDZ modeles #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work CONFIG/UNIFORM/v6/IPSLCM6.2 HEAD 8 IPSLCM6 config #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work trunk/libIGCM 1488 10 libIGCM . #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work branches/2015/nemo_v3_6_STABLE/NEMOGCM 9455 7 . modeles #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work trunk/ORCA1_LIM3_PISCES 287 17 . modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work trunk/ORCA025_LIM3_PISCES 287 17 . modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work trunk/INCA6 873 9 INCA modeles #-C- IPSLCM6.2_work XIOS/trunk 1659 12 XIOS modeles }}} '''Caution''' : this is subject to quick changes ! ### How to use it ### To retrieve the configuration : {{{ #!sh mkdir YOUR_DIRECTORY ; cd YOUR_DIRECTORY svn_ano # svn co modipsl cd modipsl/util ./model IPSLCM6.2_work cd ../config/IPSLCM6 }}} The compilation slightly differs from what has been done so far. Now we used a script named '''''' with several option ( resolution, level of optimisation, full or partial recompilation ) to compile the model {{{ ######################################################################## # Usage of the script # ######################################################################## ./ [Options] Options: [LR / VLR / MR1 / MR025] Model resolution, choose only one. Default: LR. [ESMCO2] Compile IPSLCM6 for CO2 interactif ocean/atmosphere. [ESMAER] Compile IPSLCM6 for AER interactif on atmosphere [-full] Full recompilation of all components. This option can be added to all other options. [-cleannemo] Full recompilation of NEMO component only. [-debug / -dev / -prod] Level of optimization. One of these can be added to all other compile options. Default: -prod. Example 1: Default compilation of IPSLCM6 for resoltion LR (Resolution atmos: 144x142x79, ocean: ORCA1) ./ Example 2: Compilation of IPSLCM6 for resolution MR025 (atmos: 256x256x79, ocean: ORCA025, NOPISCES) ./ MR025 Example 3: Compilation of IPSLCM6 for ESM CO2 ./ ESMCO2 -cleannemo Example 4: Default resoltuion (LR) compiled in debug mode ./ -debug Example 5: Default compilation with full recompilation of all components. No clean is needed. ./ -full Example 6: Full recompilation of resolution MR05 in debug mode ./ MR025 -debug -full }}} cp EXPERIMENTS/IPSLCM6/EXP00/config.card . vi config.card # modify JobName (at least) : MYJOBNAME, restarts ../../util/ins_job # Check and complete job's header # ../../util/ins_job -m Intel # on ada after a compilation with Intel 2016.2 cd MYJOBNAME vi Job_MYJOBNAME # modify PeriodNb, adjust the time, headers ... llsubmit Job_MYJOBNAME # IDRIS ccc_msub Job_MYJOBNAME # TGCC }}} ### Restart files ### Not available yet. Waiting for reference simulations. ### Output level ### By default, only '''monthly outputs''' and '''low output levels''' are activated. ### Lengths, frequencies ### #### Period length #### Default period length is 1Y, i.e in config.card : {{{ PeriodLength=1Y }}} Note that clean_PeriodLength.job will remove last period files, i.e last simulated year files. #### Pack Frequency #### Default pack frequency is 1Y, i.e in config.card : {{{ PackFrequency=1Y }}} #### Rebuild frequency #### Since we run with XIOS (server mode) as output library, '''the rebuild step is not needed anymore'''. #### How to add a parameter in NEMO's namelist? #### * let find the parameter in namelist_ref. For example in modeles/NEMOGCM/CONFIG/SHARED/namelist_ice_lim3_ref * let find the namelist's name : for example &namicedyn * let add a line with the new of the parameter in the file PARAM/namelist_lim3_ORCA1_cfg in the &namicedyn section #### What is the maximum length for a simulation name? #### Due to limitation in NEMO, a simulation should have '''less than 39 characters'''. ### Computing centres ### #### TGCC Bull Curie thin nodes #### Default configuration on '''598 cores''' allows you to run '''3 simulated years per day'''. Because of load-balancing (difference between ocean computing time and atmosphere computing time), not all configurations (in terms of number of process/threads) are efficient. If you want to run a configuration with less cores, ask Arnaud Caubel what would be the optimum configuration.