Changes between Version 17 and Version 18 of Doc/Models/ORCHIDEE

11/15/19 10:30:21 (4 years ago)



  • Doc/Models/ORCHIDEE

    v17 v18  
    3232# Run options # 
    33 Predefined run options are set in orchidee.card and stomate.card for coupled configurations and in orchidee_ol.card, sechiba.card and stomate.card for offline configurations. Other options not listed in the card can be set directly in the parameter file run.def (for offline run) or orchidee.def(for coupled run). 
     33Predefined run options are set in orchidee.card and stomate.card for coupled configurations and in orchidee_ol.card, sechiba.card and stomate.card for offline configurations. Other options not listed in the card can be set directly in the parameter file run.def (for offline run) or orchidee.def (for coupled run). 
    3535## Choice of hydrology scheme ## 
    4747## Vegetation map ## 
    48 The vegetation map ( can be constant or updated annually. Use the option VEGET_UPDATE=0Y for constant vegetation map and VEGET_UPDATE=1Y to update annually the vegetation map. Note that in previous versions of ORCHIDEE up to revision 2718 on the trunk, including _v5 configurations, the vegetation map was updated in the end of the year with the map for the next coming year. In newer versions and all _v6 configurations, the vegetation map is updated on the first day of the year.  
     48The vegetation map ( can be constant or updated annually. Use the option VEGET_UPDATE=0Y for constant vegetation map and VEGET_UPDATE=1Y to update annually the vegetation map. Note that in previous versions of ORCHIDEE up to revision 2718 on the trunk, including _v5 configurations, the vegetation map was updated at the end of the year with the map for the next coming year. In newer versions and all _v6 configurations, the vegetation map is updated on the first day of the year.  
    5050For constant vegetation map, set in orchidee.card (or sechiba.card) VEGET_UPDATE=0Y and set in [!InitialStateFiles] the file you want to use for the simulation. Note that for constant vegetation map, the vegetation will be read from the restart file. Only if it is not found in the restart file, then the file will be read.  
    7676XIOS is used by default in v6 configurations.  
    78 The output levels in ORCHIDEE are controlled by the xml files that have to be present during run time. All files in folder modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml are needed. Following files are needed : iodef.xml, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml and file_def_orchidee.xml. Depending on the version, the files context_input_orchidee.xml or field_def_input_orchidee.def is also needed. You can see the copy of these files and where they are stored in the orchidee.card or orchidee_ol.card. file_def_orchidee.xml contains a description of predefined files and their variable content. All variables modified by the configuration are marked with _AUTO_. These variables can be changed directly in the file if you want.  
     78The output levels in ORCHIDEE are controlled by the xml files that have to be present during run time. All files in folder modipsl/modeles/ORCHIDEE/src_xml are needed. Following files are needed : iodef.xml, context_orchidee.xml, field_def_orchidee.xml and file_def_orchidee.xml. Depending on the version, the files context_input_orchidee.xml or field_def_input_orchidee.def are also needed. You can see the copy of these files and where they are stored in the orchidee.card or orchidee_ol.card. file_def_orchidee.xml contains a description of predefined files and their variable content. All variables modified by the configuration are marked with _AUTO_. These variables can be changed directly in the file if you want.  
    8080In orchidee.card (sechiba.card in offline) and in stomate.card, each predefined output file can be activated or deactivated, the output level and the output frequency can be set.