Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Doc/Tools/External/SvnBasic

03/24/14 16:19:02 (10 years ago)



  • Doc/Tools/External/SvnBasic

    v1 v1  
     3<h1> Basic commands to manage source versions: Subversion (<code>svn</code>)</h1> 
     6 [[PageOutline]] 
     8## How to find help ## 
     10General help : 
     14svn help 
     17Help for a specific command (e.g. {{{add}}}) 
     21svn help add 
     24## How to create a workspace from a file repository ## 
     26In one of your directories, from a file repository identified by a URL: 
     30svn checkout URL directory 
     33## How to find out about your workspace's status  ## 
     35To find out if a file has been modified since your last update ({{{checkout}}} or {{{update}}}) : 
     38svn status [namefile] 
     41To find out if your file has been modified in its present state : 
     44svn status -u [namefile] 
     47If a file's content has been modified, this will be shown in the 1st column. If a file's property has been modified, this will be shown in the 2nd column. 
     49 A:: 
     50    the file has been added in your workspace. It does not exist in the file repository. 
     51 D:: 
     52  the file has been deleted from your directory. It still exists in the file repository. 
     53 M:: 
     54  the file has been modified in your workspace. It is different than the file in the repository 
     56## How to find out the repository's status ## 
     58If you want to find out the changes that have been made in the svn sources repository : 
     62svn log -rHEAD:BASE 
     65To find out all revisions (version number and message) related to a file ; 
     68svn log [namefile] 
     71This information can be accessed via the related [wiki:DocKexterntools#forge forge] with the `Timeline` tag. 
     74## How to update your workspace ## 
     76[[NoteBox(warn, It is not recommended to update your workspace unless you have previously spoken with the persons in charge of each model components\, configurations or tools.)]] 
     79svn update [namefile] 
     82Example : 
     85svn update toto 
     86U toto 
     89The '''svn update''' command returns a letter (U, A, D, R, G or C) and the file name concerned. Below is the meaning of these letters : 
     90 U:: 
     91   The file has been updated properly. There is no conflict. 
     92 A:: 
     93   The file has been added to your directory, it did not exist before. 
     94 D:: 
     95   The file has been deleted from your directory. 
     96 R:: 
     97   The file has been replaced in your directory. 
     98 G:: 
     99   You have changed the original file and these changes are not in conflict with the update. 
     100 C:: 
     101   There are conflicts between the update and you own changes. You must therefore open the file and solve the problems by hand. 
     103## How to add a svn version identifier in a file header ## 
     105Add the following line in the file's header : 
     107{{{! $Id$}}} 
     109or according to type of file (shell script, makefile, etc.) 
     111{{{# $Id$}}} 
     113Then type the following command lines : 
     117svn propset svn:keywords "Id" *.f90 
     120This modification will be taken into account in the repository in the next  [#Propagerlesmodificationsdesonespacedetravailaudépôt "commit"] of this file. 
     122## How to add a directory or a file to your workspace ## 
     126svn add newnamefile 
     129This modification will be taken into account in the repository in the next  [#Propagerlesmodificationsdesonespacedetravailaudépôt "commit"] of this file. 
     131## How to delete a file ## 
     135svn delete namefile 
     138This modification will be taken into account in the repository in the next  [#Propagerlesmodificationsdesonespacedetravailaudépôt "commit"] of this file. 
     140## How to propagate the changes from your workspace to the repository ## 
     142'''This is only possible if the repository has been retrieved as administrator with ({{{svn checkout svn+ssh://...}}}) ''' 
     146svn commit --message "explication modification" [namefile] 
     149If {{{namefile}}} does not appear in the command, all modified ({{{M}}}), added ({{{A}}}) or deleted ({{{D}}}) files in the current workspace will be taken into account. 
     150Files identified by the sign {{{!}}} and {{{?}}} by {{{svn status}}} will not be taken into account. 
     152## How to change the status of a version retrieved with svn ## 
     154If you retrieved a model in read-only mode ({{{svn export ...}}}) and if you want to perform a "commit" on it, you can change the status of this version. Here is an example with igcmg: 
     157svn switch --relocate svn+ssh:// 