LMDEZORINCA at Ciclad have been tested with the help of information on the site : [https://forge.ipsl.jussieu.fr/igcmg_doc/wiki/Doc/ComputingCenters/ESPRImesocenter] First of all, the environment should be defined by adding in ${HOME}/.bashrc {{{ . /home/igcmg/.atlas_env_ciclad_ksh }}} = Compilation at Ciclad = The LMDEZORINCA model can be extracted as usual. At Ciclad, ifort is the default compiler. The models LMDZOR_v6 and ORCHIDEE have been tested successfully. Therefore only in INCA model arch-ifort_CICLAD.fcm and arch-ifort_CICLAD.path should be added in */INCA/arch/. Here is a example: arch-ifort_CICLAD.fcm: {{{ %COMPILER /usr/lib64/openmpi/1.4.5-ifort/bin/mpif90 %LINK /usr/lib64/openmpi/1.4.5-ifort/bin/mpif90 %AR ar %MAKE gmake %FPP_FLAGS -P -traditional %FPP_DEF CPP_FLUSH %BASE_FFLAGS -i4 -r8 -fp-model precise %PROD_FFLAGS -O3 %DEV_FFLAGS -g -O2 -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check bounds %DEBUG_FFLAGS -fpe0 -O0 -g -traceback -fp-stack-check -ftrapuv -check bounds -check all %MPI_FFLAGS %OMP_FFLAGS -openmp -openmp-threadprivate compat %BASE_LD -i4 -r8 %MPI_LD %OMP_LD -openmp }}} arch-ifort_CICLAD.path: {{{ NETCDF_INCDIR="-I/opt/netcdf42/ifort/include" NETCDF_LIBDIR="-L/opt/netcdf42/ifort/lib" NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdf -lnetcdff -lstdc++" IOIPSL_INCDIR="-I${INCADIR}/../../lib -I${INCADIR}/../IOIPSL/inc" IOIPSL_LIBDIR="-L${INCADIR}/../../lib -L${INCADIR}/../IOIPSL/lib" IOIPSL_LIB="-lioipsl" XIOS_INCDIR="-I${INCADIR}/../XIOS/inc" XIOS_LIBDIR="-L${INCADIR}/../XIOS/lib" XIOS_LIB="-lxios" ORCH_INCDIR="-I${INCADIR}/../../lib" ORCH_LIBDIR="-L${INCADIR}/../../lib" }}} A pre_proc_ifort_CICLAD.x file should also be added in */INCA/. We can copy pre_proc_X64_IRENE.x and just modifier inca_pp.x64 by inca_pp.ciclad. As at other servers, the script ins_make is used to generate makefiles. In Makefile, for xios : --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq is added. {{{ xios : (cd ../../modeles/XIOS ; ./make_xios \ --netcdf_lib netcdf4_seq \ --prod --arch ${FCM_ARCH} --job 8 ; cp bin/xios_server.exe ../../bin/. ; ) }}} P.S. Without this line, it seems to work too. = Run a simulation at CICLAD = As at Irène, a submit directory is created by launching ins_job. At Ciclad only MPI is used and one MPI is set for XIOS, therefore more memory is required. For instance, for a test AER (96*95*19) with 48MPI, #PBS -l mem=60gb #PBS -l vmem=300gb can be set.