
Optical Absorption of Aerosols

Here it is described the process of validation of the absorption diagnostics by specie and wavelength. Note that for wavelength of 550nm we have the optical depth by species but it is not directly an output for other wavelength (by specie).


The total extinction coefficient (or simply extinction) βext is the sum of the scattering βsca and absorption coefficients βabs . These coefficients are related with the refractive index and size/shape properties of the particles.

The single scattering albedo ω is defined by the ration βsca ⁄ βext so when absorption is dominant over scattering ω will be small.

Given ω it is possible to calculate the absorption fraction of the total optical depth by

τabs = (1 − ω)τext

but also if we apply the definition of optical depth:

τext(z) = σextn(zz = (σsca + σabs)n(zz

this second approach is the one implemented at LMDZ. Specifically for an aerosol specie i

τexti(x, z) = f(βexti)n(i)(x, zz

the function f would be just the extinction coefficient if we have a insoluble aerosol, or a more complex function that includes the humidity for a soluble aerosol. Therefore:

τabsi(x, z) = f(βabsi)n(i)(x, zz

is the absorption fraction of the total optical depth.


We use the last expression to estimate the τabsi that in practical terms is store the partial sum of total τabs (for all aerosols) in arrays for each specific specie.

The direct test is:

(τabs)/(τext) = (1 − ω) = (βabs)/(βext)

The following table shows the values of the extinction and absorption coefficients for each aerosol absorbing specie:

Aerosol βext(440nm) βext(550nm) βabs(440nm) βabs(550nm)
dust 0.788 0.818 0.081 0.048
bc-insoluble 5.342 5.159 2.861 2.806
oa-insoluble 5.300 4.569 0.170 0.145

so the ratios are:

Aerosol βabs ⁄ βext 440nm βabs ⁄ βext 550nm
dust 0.1028 0.0586
bc-insoluble 0.5355 0.5439
oa-insoluble 0.0321 0.0317

If we consider that:

f(βext) = βext +  corrections


f(βabs) = βabs +  corrections

Then the ratios of the table above would be similar also for soluble plus insoluble in the sense of order of magnitude

Aerosol τabs ⁄ τext 550nm βabs ⁄ βext 550nm
dust 0.0586 (cte) 0.0586
bc-insoluble 0.52 (+- 0.02) 0.5439
oa-insoluble 0.025 (+- 0.008) 0.0317

Therefore we see a reasonable consistency (exact for insoluble dust) approximate, as expected, for the other aerosol species.

The second test, is to validate that only BC, OA and DUST are contribution to absorption, that is shown in the next figure where we see the τabsall , τabsoa , τabsbc , τabsdust , and the difference between all aerosols absorption and the sum of these three species. We can see that the difference is just numerical noise.


Mean values

Comparison of global mean values of several optical properties for one single month

Aerosol τext τabs ω (1 − ω) (1 − ω)τext
dust 0.02399 0.00141 0.8414 0.0586 0.00139
bc-all 0.00148 0.00075 (0.4561) (0.5439) (approx) 0.00080
oa-all 0.01083 0.00025 (0.9683) (0.0317) (approx) 0.00034
bc-insoluble 5.342 5.159 0.4561 0.5439  
oa-insoluble 5.300 4.569 0.9683 0.0317  

Comparison with CAM-OSLO of AeroCOM Phase III

Aerosol (ABS550) IPSL (Feb 2006) CAM53-OSLO (full year)
all 0.0024 0.00442
dust 0.0014 0.00314
bc 0.00075 0.000534
oa 0.00024 0.000750

Comparison of soluble and insoluble parts

Here we are compare yearly values of optical absorption (AAOD here named also τabs ).

For a simulation with flag_bc_internal_mixture=.FALSE.

Aerosol AAOD λ = 440nm λ = 550nm λ = 870nm
total BC 0.000886551 0.000852139 0.000713484
bc insoluble 9.06376e-05 8.88952e-05 7.74269e-05
bc sol. int. mix 0 0 0
bc other soluble 0.000795914 0.000763244 0.000636057

Here we are compare yearly values of optical absorption (AAOD here named also τabs ).

For a simulation with flag_bc_internal_mixture=.TRUE.

Aerosol AAOD λ = 440nm λ = 550nm λ = 870nm
total BC 0.00243913 0.00193918 0.00113904
bc insoluble 9.0574e-05 8.8832e-05 7.7372e-05
bc sol. int. mix 0.00234855 0.00185035 0.00106167
bc other soluble 0.000795914 0.000763244 0.000636057

Note that for bc insoluble the differences are very small.

Comparison with references

Here we compare with several references [R.Wang-2016] being the main one. Initially the BC is treated as: BC in the soluble accumulation mode was treated as an internal mixture considering insoluble BC inclusions in a soluble hygroscopic aerosol matrix, while the Mie-Scattering is used to ascertain the optical properties. Now the dry aerosols have a MEC (mass extinction cross-section) and a single scattering albedo of a internal mixture where the absorption is attributed to BC so the mass absorption cross section is estimated from the MEC and the single scattering albedo of BC. When there is an absorption enhancement, that is related with the soluble mode.

Regarding emissions according to R. Wang paper and based on global emission inventories the median typical global value is about 8.9 Tg/yr.

Optical properties of BC

Usually it is divided the BC in soluble and insoluble parts (modes). For insoluble a common assumption is a external mixed scheme with a given refraction index. The soluble can be treated as external or internal mixture, or insoluble parts on a soluble aerosol mixed state.

me2 = m02(mA2 + 2m02 + 2vA(mA2 − m02))/(mA2 + 2m02 − vA(mA2 − m02))

Update 2020 on BC internal mixing

In principle the equation

τext = τabs + τsca

However the results of the evaluation of the version with BC internal mixing have other results. Here we have a global mean (and time average) of monthly fields and we obtain.

Diagnostic Name Internal Mixing External Mixing
τextBC od550bc 0.0013462 0.0016742
τabsBC abs550bc 0.0021083 0.0008521
τabsBCI abs550bcI 0.0000960 0.0000889
τabsBCS abs550bcs 0.0000000 0.0007632
τabsBCS abs550bcsin 0.0020123 0.0000000

The files for BC-internal has been taken from AeroCOM-CTRL-2019-PD-BC and year 2010 The files for BC-external has been taken from AeroCOM-CTRL-2019-PD and year 2005

The problem is that the

τexti(x, z) = f(βexti)n(i)(x, zz
τabsi(x, z) = f(βabsi)n(i)(x, zz

the lookup tables of R.Wang has values: βextBC <  , in the case of the internal mixing.


This test is located at _research/test_abs_vs_od_BC

[R.Wang-2016]R. Wang et al, Estimation of global black carbon direct radiative forcing and its uncertainty constrained by observations, JGR-Atmos. 2016
Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 10/13/20 10:45:27