import netCDF4 as nc import ctypes as ct import numpy as np import os import sys import math from mpi4py import MPI import time remap = ct.cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.realpath('')) def from_mpas(filename): # construct vortex bounds from Mpas grid structure f = nc.Dataset(filename) # in this case it is must faster to first read the whole file into memory # before converting the data structure print "read" stime = time.time() lon_vert = np.array(f.variables["lonVertex"]) lat_vert = np.array(f.variables["latVertex"]) vert_cell = np.array(f.variables["verticesOnCell"]) nvert_cell = np.array(f.variables["nEdgesOnCell"]) ncell, nvert = vert_cell.shape assert(max(nvert_cell) <= nvert) lon = np.zeros(vert_cell.shape) lat = np.zeros(vert_cell.shape) etime = time.time() print "finished read, now convert", etime-stime scal = 180.0/math.pi for c in range(ncell): lat[c,:] = lat_vert[vert_cell[c,:]-1]*scal lon[c,:] = lon_vert[vert_cell[c,:]-1]*scal # signal "last vertex" by netCDF convetion lon[c,nvert_cell[c]] = lon[c,0] lat[c,nvert_cell[c]] = lat[c,0] print "convert end", time.time() - etime return lon, lat grid_types = { "dynamico:mesh": { "lon_name": "bounds_lon_i", "lat_name": "bounds_lat_i", "pole": [0,0,0] }, "dynamico:vort": { "lon_name": "bounds_lon_v", "lat_name": "bounds_lat_v", "pole": [0,0,0] }, "dynamico:restart": { "lon_name": "lon_i_vertices", "lat_name": "lat_i_vertices", "pole": [0,0,0] }, "test:polygon": { "lon_name": "bounds_lon", "lat_name": "bounds_lat", "pole": [0,0,0] }, "test:latlon": { "lon_name": "bounds_lon", "lat_name": "bounds_lat", "pole": [0,0,1] }, "mpas": { "reader": from_mpas, "pole": [0,0,0] } } interp_types = { "FV1": 1, "FV2": 2 } usage = """ Usage: python interp srctype srcfile dsttype dstfile mode outfile interp: type of interpolation choices: FV1: first order conservative Finite Volume FV2: second order conservative Finite Volume srctype, dsttype: grid type of source and destination choices: """ + " ".join(grid_types.keys()) + """ srcfile, dstfile: grid file names, should mostly be netCDF file mode: modus of operation choices: weights: computes weight and stores them in outfile remap: computes the interpolated values on destination grid and stores them in outfile outfile: output filename """ # parse command line arguments if not len(sys.argv) == 8: print usage sys.exit(2) interp = sys.argv[1] try: srctype = grid_types[sys.argv[2]] except KeyError: print "Error: srctype needs to be one of the following: " + " ".join(grid_types.keys()) + "." exit(2) srcfile = sys.argv[3] try: dsttype = grid_types[sys.argv[4]] except KeyError: print "Error: srctype needs to be one of the following: " + " ".join(grid_types.keys()) + "." exit(2) dstfile = sys.argv[5] mode = sys.argv[6] outfile = sys.argv[7] if not mode in ("weights", "remap"): print "Error: mode must be of of the following: weights remap." exit(2) remap.mpi_init() rank = remap.mpi_rank() size = remap.mpi_size() print rank, "/", size print "Reading grids from netCDF files." if "reader" in srctype: src_lon, src_lat = srctype["reader"](srcfile) else: src = nc.Dataset(srcfile) # the following two lines do not perform the actual read # the file is read later when assigning to the ctypes array # -> no unnecessary array copying in memory src_lon = src.variables[srctype["lon_name"]] src_lat = src.variables[srctype["lat_name"]] if "reader" in dsttype: dst_lon, dst_lat = dsttype["reader"](dstfile) else: dst = nc.Dataset(dstfile) dst_lon = dst.variables[dsttype["lon_name"]] dst_lat = dst.variables[dsttype["lat_name"]] src_ncell, src_nvert = src_lon.shape dst_ncell, dst_nvert = dst_lon.shape def compute_distribution(ncell): "Returns the local number and starting position in global array." if rank < ncell % size: return ncell//size + 1, \ (ncell//size + 1)*rank else: return ncell//size, \ (ncell//size + 1)*(ncell%size) + (ncell//size)*(rank - ncell%size) src_ncell_loc, src_loc_start = compute_distribution(src_ncell) dst_ncell_loc, dst_loc_start = compute_distribution(dst_ncell) print "src", src_ncell_loc, src_loc_start print "dst", dst_ncell_loc, dst_loc_start c_src_lon = (ct.c_double * (src_ncell_loc*src_nvert))() c_src_lat = (ct.c_double * (src_ncell_loc*src_nvert))() c_dst_lon = (ct.c_double * (dst_ncell_loc*dst_nvert))() c_dst_lat = (ct.c_double * (dst_ncell_loc*dst_nvert))() c_src_lon[:] = nc.numpy.reshape(src_lon[src_loc_start:src_loc_start+src_ncell_loc,:], (len(c_src_lon),1)) c_src_lat[:] = nc.numpy.reshape(src_lat[src_loc_start:src_loc_start+src_ncell_loc,:], (len(c_src_lon),1)) c_dst_lon[:] = nc.numpy.reshape(dst_lon[dst_loc_start:dst_loc_start+dst_ncell_loc,:], (len(c_dst_lon),1)) c_dst_lat[:] = nc.numpy.reshape(dst_lat[dst_loc_start:dst_loc_start+dst_ncell_loc,:], (len(c_dst_lon),1)) print "Calling remap library to compute weights." srcpole = (ct.c_double * (3))() dstpole = (ct.c_double * (3))() srcpole[:] = srctype["pole"] dstpole[:] = dsttype["pole"] c_src_ncell = ct.c_int(src_ncell_loc) c_src_nvert = ct.c_int(src_nvert) c_dst_ncell = ct.c_int(dst_ncell_loc) c_dst_nvert = ct.c_int(dst_nvert) order = ct.c_int(interp_types[interp]) c_nweight = ct.c_int() print "src:", src_ncell, src_nvert print "dst:", dst_ncell, dst_nvert remap.remap_get_num_weights(c_src_lon, c_src_lat, c_src_nvert, c_src_ncell, srcpole, c_dst_lon, c_dst_lat, c_dst_nvert, c_dst_ncell, dstpole, order, ct.byref(c_nweight)) nwgt = c_nweight.value c_weights = (ct.c_double * nwgt)() c_dst_idx = (ct.c_int * nwgt)() c_src_idx = (ct.c_int * nwgt)() remap.remap_get_weights(c_weights, c_src_idx, c_dst_idx) wgt_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(c_weights[:]) src_idx_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(c_src_idx[:]) dst_idx_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(c_dst_idx[:]) if rank == 0 and mode == 'weights': nwgt_glo = sum(len(wgt) for wgt in wgt_glo) print "Writing", nwgt_glo, "weights to netCDF-file '" + outfile + "'." f = nc.Dataset(outfile,'w') f.createDimension('n_src', src_ncell) f.createDimension('n_dst', dst_ncell) f.createDimension('n_weight', nwgt_glo) var = f.createVariable('src_idx', 'i', ('n_weight')) var[:] = np.hstack(src_idx_glo) + 1 # make indices start from 1 var = f.createVariable('dst_idx', 'i', ('n_weight')) var[:] = np.hstack(dst_idx_glo) + 1 # make indices start from 1 var = f.createVariable('weight', 'd', ('n_weight')) var[:] = np.hstack(wgt_glo) f.close() def test_fun(x, y, z): return (1-x**2)*(1-y**2)*z def test_fun_ll(lat, lon): #return np.cos(lat*math.pi/180)*np.cos(lon*math.pi/180) return 2.0 + np.cos(lat*math.pi/180.)**2 * np.cos(2*lon*math.pi/180.); #UNUSED #def sphe2cart(lat, lon): # phi = math.pi/180*lon[:] # theta = math.pi/2 - math.pi/180*lat[:] # return np.sin(theta)*np.cos(phi), np.sin(theta)*np.sin(phi), np.cos(theta) if mode == 'remap': c_centre_lon = (ct.c_double * src_ncell_loc)() c_centre_lat = (ct.c_double * src_ncell_loc)() c_areas = (ct.c_double * src_ncell_loc)() remap.remap_get_barycentres_and_areas(c_src_lon, c_src_lat, c_src_nvert, c_src_ncell, srcpole, c_centre_lon, c_centre_lat, c_areas) # src_val_loc = test_fun_ll(np.array(c_centre_lat[:]), np.array(c_centre_lon[:])) # src_val_loc = src.variables["ps"] # src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[:])) # src_val_glo = src_val_loc c_centre_lon = (ct.c_double * dst_ncell_loc)() c_centre_lat = (ct.c_double * dst_ncell_loc)() c_areas = (ct.c_double * dst_ncell_loc)() remap.remap_get_barycentres_and_areas(c_dst_lon, c_dst_lat, c_dst_nvert, c_dst_ncell, dstpole, c_centre_lon, c_centre_lat, c_areas) # dst_val_loc = test_fun_ll(np.array(c_centre_lat[:]), np.array(c_centre_lon[:])) # dst_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(dst_val_loc) dst_areas_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(c_areas[:])) dst_centre_lon_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(c_centre_lon[:])) dst_centre_lat_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(c_centre_lat[:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': from scipy import sparse A = sparse.csr_matrix(sparse.coo_matrix((np.hstack(wgt_glo),(np.hstack(dst_idx_glo),np.hstack(src_idx_glo))))) # src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) # dst_ref = np.hstack(dst_val_glo) dst_areas = np.hstack(dst_areas_glo) dst_centre_lon = np.hstack(dst_centre_lon_glo) dst_centre_lat = np.hstack(dst_centre_lat_glo) # print "source:", src_val.shape # print "destin:", dst_ref.shape # dst_val = A*src_val # err = dst_val - dst_ref # print "absolute maximum error, maximum value:", np.max(np.abs(err)), np.max(np.abs(dst_ref)) # print "relative maximum error, normalized L2 error, average target cell size (edgelength of same-area square):" # print np.max(np.abs(err))/np.max(np.abs(dst_ref)), np.linalg.norm(err)/np.linalg.norm(dst_ref), np.mean(np.sqrt(dst_areas)) lev=src.dimensions['lev'] f = nc.Dataset(outfile,'w') f.createDimension('nvert', dst_nvert) f.createDimension('cell', dst_ncell) f.createDimension('lev', len(lev)) var = f.createVariable('lat', 'd', ('cell')) var.setncattr("long_name", "latitude") var.setncattr("units", "degrees_north") var.setncattr("bounds", "bounds_lat") var[:] = dst_centre_lat var = f.createVariable('lon', 'd', ('cell')) var.setncattr("long_name", "longitude") var.setncattr("units", "degrees_east") var.setncattr("bounds", "bounds_lon") var[:] = dst_centre_lon var = f.createVariable('bounds_lon', 'd', ('cell','nvert')) var[:] = dst_lon var = f.createVariable('bounds_lat', 'd', ('cell','nvert')) var[:] = dst_lat var = f.createVariable('lev', 'd', ('lev')) var[:] = src.variables['lev'] var.setncattr('axis', 'Z') var.setncattr('units', 'Pa') var.setncattr('positive', 'down') var[:] = src.variables['lev'] U = f.createVariable('U', 'd', ('lev','cell')) U.setncattr("coordinates", "lev lon lat") V = f.createVariable('V', 'd', ('lev','cell')) V.setncattr("coordinates", "lev lon lat") TEMP = f.createVariable('TEMP', 'd', ('lev','cell')) TEMP.setncattr("coordinates", "lev lon lat") R = f.createVariable('R', 'd', ('lev','cell')) R.setncattr("coordinates", "lev lon lat") Z = f.createVariable('Z', 'd', ('cell')) Z.setncattr("coordinates", "lon lat") ST = f.createVariable('ST', 'd', ('cell')) ST.setncattr("coordinates", "lon lat") CDSW = f.createVariable('CDSW', 'd', ('cell')) CDSW.setncattr("coordinates", "lon lat") SP = f.createVariable('SP', 'd', ('cell')) SP.setncattr("coordinates", "lon lat") #for U if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['U'] for l in range(0, len(lev)): if mode == 'remap': src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[l,:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val U[l,:] = dst_val #for V if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['V'] for l in range(0, len(lev)): if mode == 'remap': src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[l,:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val V[l,:] = dst_val #for TEMP if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['TEMP'] for l in range(0, len(lev)): if mode == 'remap': src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[l,:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val TEMP[l,:] = dst_val #for R if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['R'] for l in range(0, len(lev)): if mode == 'remap': src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[l,:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val R[l,:] = dst_val #for Z if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['Z'] src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val Z[:] = dst_val #for ST if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['ST'] src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val ST[:] = dst_val #for CDSW if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['CDSW'] src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val CDSW[:] = dst_val #for SP if mode == 'remap': src_val_loc = src.variables['SP'] src_val_glo = MPI.COMM_WORLD.gather(np.array(src_val_loc[:])) if rank == 0 and mode == 'remap': src_val = np.hstack(src_val_glo) dst_val = A*src_val SP[:] = dst_val if mode == 'remap': f.close() if not "reader" in srctype: src.close() if not "reader" in dsttype: dst.close()