#include "grid.hpp" #include "attribute_template.hpp" #include "object_template.hpp" #include "group_template.hpp" #include "message.hpp" #include #include "xios_spl.hpp" #include "type.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" #include "context_server.hpp" #include "array_new.hpp" #include "server_distribution_description.hpp" #include "client_server_mapping_distributed.hpp" #include "distribution_client.hpp" #include "server.hpp" #include "distribution_type.hpp" #include "grid_client_server_remote_connector.hpp" #include "grid_elements.hpp" #include "grid_local_view.hpp" #include "grid_mask_connector.hpp" #include "transformation_path.hpp" #include "grid_transformation_factory_impl.hpp" #include "transform_filter.hpp" #include "grid_algorithm.hpp" #include "grid_algorithm_generic.hpp" #include "generic_algorithm_transformation.hpp" #include "algo_types.hpp" #include namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Dfinitions ////////////////////// /// CGrid::CGrid(void) : CObjectTemplate(), CGridAttributes() , isChecked(false), isDomainAxisChecked(false) , vDomainGroup_(), domList_(), isDomListSet(false) , vAxisGroup_(), axisList_(), isAxisListSet(false) , vScalarGroup_(), scalarList_(), isScalarListSet(false) , clientDistribution_(0), isIndexSent(false) , connectedDataSize_(), connectedServerRank_(), connectedServerRankRead_(), connectedDataSizeRead_() , isCompressible_(false) , axisPositionInGrid_(), hasDomainAxisBaseRef_(false) , gridSrc_(), order_() , clients() { setVirtualDomainGroup(CDomainGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_domain_group")); setVirtualAxisGroup(CAxisGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_axis_group")); setVirtualScalarGroup(CScalarGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_scalar_group")); } CGrid::CGrid(const StdString& id) : CObjectTemplate(id), CGridAttributes() , isChecked(false), isDomainAxisChecked(false) , vDomainGroup_(), domList_(), isDomListSet(false) , vAxisGroup_(), axisList_(), isAxisListSet(false) , vScalarGroup_(), scalarList_(), isScalarListSet(false) , clientDistribution_(0), isIndexSent(false) , connectedDataSize_(), connectedServerRank_(), connectedServerRankRead_(), connectedDataSizeRead_() , isCompressible_(false) , axisPositionInGrid_(), hasDomainAxisBaseRef_(false) , gridSrc_(), order_() , clients() { setVirtualDomainGroup(CDomainGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_domain_group")); setVirtualAxisGroup(CAxisGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_axis_group")); setVirtualScalarGroup(CScalarGroup::create(getId() + "_virtual_scalar_group")); } CGrid::~CGrid(void) { if (0 != clientDistribution_) delete clientDistribution_; } ///--------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CGrid::GetName(void) { return StdString("grid"); } StdString CGrid::GetDefName(void) { return CGrid::GetName(); } ENodeType CGrid::GetType(void) { return eGrid; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////// MEMBER FUNCTION RELATED TO GRID CONSTRUCTION by ELEMNTS AND MANAGEMENT ///// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(CDomain* domain) TRY { std::vector vecDom(1, domain); std::vector vecAxis; return createGrid(vecDom, vecAxis); } CATCH CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(CDomain* domain, CAxis* axis) TRY { std::vector vecDom(1, domain); std::vector vecAxis(1, axis); return createGrid(vecDom, vecAxis); } CATCH CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(const std::vector& domains, const std::vector& axis, const CArray& axisDomainOrder) TRY { std::vector vecScalar; return createGrid(generateId(domains, axis, vecScalar, axisDomainOrder), domains, axis, vecScalar, axisDomainOrder); } CATCH CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(const std::vector& domains, const std::vector& axis, const std::vector& scalars, const CArray& axisDomainOrder) TRY { return createGrid(generateId(domains, axis, scalars, axisDomainOrder), domains, axis, scalars, axisDomainOrder); } CATCH CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(StdString id, const std::vector& domains, const std::vector& axis, const std::vector& scalars, const CArray& axisDomainOrder) TRY { if (axisDomainOrder.numElements() > 0 && axisDomainOrder.numElements() != (domains.size() + axis.size() + scalars.size())) ERROR("CGrid* CGrid::createGrid(...)", << "The size of axisDomainOrder (" << axisDomainOrder.numElements() << ") is not coherent with the number of elements (" << domains.size() + axis.size() <<")."); CGrid* grid = CGridGroup::get("grid_definition")->createChild(id); grid->setDomainList(domains); grid->setAxisList(axis); grid->setScalarList(scalars); // By default, domains are always the first elements of a grid if (0 == axisDomainOrder.numElements()) { int size = domains.size() + axis.size() + scalars.size(); int nb = 0; grid->axis_domain_order.resize(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (i < domains.size()) { grid->axis_domain_order(i) = 2; grid->order_.push_back(2) ; } else if ((scalars.size() < (size-nb)) < size) { grid->axis_domain_order(i) = 1; grid->order_.push_back(1) ; } else { grid->axis_domain_order(i) = 0; grid->order_.push_back(0) ; } ++nb; } } else { grid->axis_domain_order.resize(axisDomainOrder.numElements()); grid->axis_domain_order = axisDomainOrder; grid->order_.clear() ; for(int i=0; iorder_.push_back(axisDomainOrder(i)) ; } // grid->solveElementsRefInheritance(true); grid->computeElements() ; return grid; } CATCH CGrid* CGrid::get(const string& id, bool noError) { const regex r("::"); smatch m; if (regex_search(id, m, r)) { if (m.size()!=1) ERROR("CGrid* Cgrid::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, separator :: append more than one time"); string fieldId=m.prefix() ; if (fieldId.empty()) ERROR("CGrid* CGrid::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, field name is empty"); string suffix=m.suffix() ; if (!suffix.empty()) ERROR("CGrid* CGrid::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< bad format id, suffix is not empty"); if (!CField::has(fieldId)) if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid* CGrid::get(string& id)", <<" id = "< field Id : < "< doesn't exist"); CField* field=CField::get(fieldId) ; return field->getAssociatedGrid() ; } else { if (noError) if(!CObjectFactory::HasObject(id)) return nullptr ; return CObjectFactory::GetObject(id).get(); } } bool CGrid::has(const string& id) { if (CGrid::get(id,true)==nullptr) return false ; else return true ; } //---------------------------------------------------------------- //! Change virtual field group to a new one void CGrid::setVirtualDomainGroup(CDomainGroup* newVDomainGroup) TRY { this->vDomainGroup_ = newVDomainGroup; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //! Change virtual variable group to new one void CGrid::setVirtualAxisGroup(CAxisGroup* newVAxisGroup) TRY { this->vAxisGroup_ = newVAxisGroup; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //! Change virtual variable group to new one void CGrid::setVirtualScalarGroup(CScalarGroup* newVScalarGroup) TRY { this->vScalarGroup_ = newVScalarGroup; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //---------------------------------------------------------------- CDomainGroup* CGrid::getVirtualDomainGroup() const TRY { return this->vDomainGroup_; } CATCH CAxisGroup* CGrid::getVirtualAxisGroup() const TRY { return this->vAxisGroup_; } CATCH CScalarGroup* CGrid::getVirtualScalarGroup() const TRY { return this->vScalarGroup_; } CATCH ///--------------------------------------------------------------- CDomain* CGrid::addDomain(const std::string& id) TRY { order_.push_back(2); axis_domain_order.resize(order_.size()); for (int idx = 0; idx < order_.size(); ++idx) axis_domain_order(idx)=order_[idx]; CDomain* domain = vDomainGroup_->createChild(id); isDomListSet=false ; computeElements(); return domain ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR CAxis* CGrid::addAxis(const std::string& id) TRY { order_.push_back(1); axis_domain_order.resize(order_.size()); for (int idx = 0; idx < order_.size(); ++idx) axis_domain_order(idx)=order_[idx]; CAxis* axis=vAxisGroup_->createChild(id); isAxisListSet=false ; computeElements(); return axis ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR CScalar* CGrid::addScalar(const std::string& id) TRY { order_.push_back(0); axis_domain_order.resize(order_.size()); for (int idx = 0; idx < order_.size(); ++idx) axis_domain_order(idx)=order_[idx]; CScalar* scalar = vScalarGroup_->createChild(id); isScalarListSet=false ; computeElements(); return scalar; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get the list of domain pointers \return list of domain pointers */ std::vector CGrid::getDomains() TRY { setDomainList(); std::vector domList; if (!domList_.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < domList_.size(); ++i) domList.push_back(CDomain::get(domList_[i])); } return domList; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get the list of axis pointers \return list of axis pointers */ std::vector CGrid::getAxis() TRY { setAxisList(); std::vector aList; if (!axisList_.empty()) for (int i =0; i < axisList_.size(); ++i) aList.push_back(CAxis::get(axisList_[i])); return aList; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get the list of axis pointers \return list of axis pointers */ std::vector CGrid::getScalars() TRY { setScalarList() ; std::vector sList; if (!scalarList_.empty()) for (int i =0; i < scalarList_.size(); ++i) sList.push_back(CScalar::get(scalarList_[i])); return sList; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get domain pointer with index \return domain pointer */ CDomain* CGrid::getDomain(int domainIndex) TRY { std::vector domainListP = this->getDomains(); if (domainListP.empty()) { ERROR("CGrid::getDomain(int domainIndex)", << "No domain associated to this grid. " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId()); } if (domainIndex >= domainListP.size() || (domainIndex < 0)) ERROR("CGrid::getDomain(int domainIndex)", << "Domain with the index doesn't exist " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId() << std::endl << "Grid has only " << domainListP.size() << " domain but domain index required is " << domainIndex << std::endl); return domainListP[domainIndex]; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get the axis pointer with index \return axis pointer */ CAxis* CGrid::getAxis(int axisIndex) TRY { std::vector axisListP = this->getAxis(); if (axisListP.empty()) { ERROR("CGrid::getDomain(int axisIndex)", << "No axis associated to this grid. " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId()); } if (axisIndex >= axisListP.size() || (axisIndex < 0)) ERROR("CGrid::getDomain(int axisIndex)", << "Domain with the index doesn't exist " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId() << std::endl << "Grid has only " << axisListP.size() << " axis but axis index required is " << axisIndex << std::endl); return axisListP[axisIndex]; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get the a scalar pointer \return scalar pointer */ CScalar* CGrid::getScalar(int scalarIndex) TRY { std::vector scalarListP = this->getScalars(); if (scalarListP.empty()) { ERROR("CGrid::getScalar(int scalarIndex)", << "No scalar associated to this grid. " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId()); } if (scalarIndex >= scalarListP.size() || (scalarIndex < 0)) ERROR("CGrid::getScalar(int scalarIndex)", << "Scalar with the index doesn't exist " << std::endl << "Grid id = " << this->getId() << std::endl << "Grid has only " << scalarListP.size() << " scalar but scalar index required is " << scalarIndex << std::endl); return scalarListP[scalarIndex]; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR CDomain* CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId, bool noError) { const regex r("\\[[0-9]*\\]"); smatch m; string id=domainId ; int pos=-1 ; if (regex_search(domainId, m, r)) { if (m.size()!=1) ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)", <<" domainId = "< bad format id, separator [] append more than one time"); id=m.prefix() ; pos = stoi(m.str(0).substr(1,m.str(0).size()-2)) ; } std::vector domainList = this->getDomains(); if (domainList.empty()) if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)", <<"no domain is composing the grid"); if (id.empty()) { if (pos==-1) { if (domainList.size()==1) return domainList[0] ; else if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)", <<"the grid contain more than 1 domain, use [#n] to specify which one must be retrieved"); } else { if (domainList.size()>pos) return domainList[pos] ; else if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)", <<"the position of the requested domain [ pos = "<getTemplateId()==id) nbDomain++ ; if (nbDomain>1) if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)", <<"no domain with the id = "<getTemplateId()==id) return domainList[i] ; } else { int currentPos=0 ; for(int i=0; igetTemplateId()==id && pos==currentPos) return domainList[i] ; currentPos++ ; } if (noError) return nullptr ; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedDomain(const string& domainId)",<<"Cannot find domain with [ id = "<< id <<" ] at [ pos = "< bad format id, separator [] append more than one time"); id=m.prefix() ; pos = stoi(m.str(0).substr(1,m.str(0).size()-2)) ; } std::vector axisList = this->getAxis(); if (axisList.empty()) if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedAxis(const string& AxisId)", <<"no axis is composing the grid"); if (id.empty()) { if (pos==-1) { if (axisList.size()==1) return axisList[0] ; else if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedAxis(const string& axisId)", <<"the grid contain more than 1 axis, use [#n] to specify which one must be retrieved"); } else { if (axisList.size()>pos) return axisList[pos] ; else if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedAxis(const string& axisId)", <<"the position of the requested axis [ pos = "<getTemplateId()==id) nbAxis++ ; if (nbAxis>1) if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedAxis(const string& axisId)", <<"no axis with the id = "<getTemplateId()==id) return axisList[i] ; } else { int currentPos=0 ; for(int i=0; igetTemplateId()==id && pos==currentPos) return axisList[i] ; currentPos++ ; } if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedAxis(const string& axisId)",<<"Cannot find axis with [ id = "<< id <<" ] at [ pos = "< bad format id, separator [] append more than one time"); id=m.prefix() ; pos = stoi(m.str(0).substr(1,m.str(0).size()-2)) ; } std::vector scalarList = this->getScalars(); if (scalarList.empty()) if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedScalar(const string& scalarId)", <<"no scalar is composing the grid"); if (id.empty()) { if (pos==-1) { if (scalarList.size()==1) return scalarList[0] ; else if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedScalar(const string& scalarId)", <<"the grid contain more than 1 scalar, use [#n] to specify which one must be retrieved"); } else { if (scalarList.size()>pos) return scalarList[pos] ; else if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedScalar(const string& scalarId)", <<"the position of the requested scalar [ pos = "<getTemplateId()==id) nbScalar++ ; if (nbScalar>1) if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedScalar(const string& scalarId)", <<"no scalar with the id = "<getTemplateId()==id) return scalarList[i] ; } else { int currentPos=0 ; for(int i=0; igetTemplateId()==id && pos==currentPos) return scalarList[i] ; currentPos++ ; } if (noError) return nullptr; else ERROR("CGrid::getAssociatedScalar(const string& scalarId)",<<"Cannot find scalar with [ id = "<< id <<" ] at [ pos = "< domains) TRY { if (isDomListSet) return; std::vector domList = this->getVirtualDomainGroup()->getAllChildren(); if (!domains.empty() && domList.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < domains.size(); ++i) this->getVirtualDomainGroup()->addChild(domains[i]); domList = this->getVirtualDomainGroup()->getAllChildren(); } if (!domList.empty()) { int sizeDom = domList.size(); domList_.resize(sizeDom); for (int i = 0; i < sizeDom; ++i) { domList_[i] = domList[i]->getId(); } isDomListSet = true; } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Set axis(s) of a grid from a list \param[in] axis list of axis */ void CGrid::setAxisList(const std::vector axis) TRY { if (isAxisListSet) return; std::vector aList = this->getVirtualAxisGroup()->getAllChildren(); if (!axis.empty() && aList.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < axis.size(); ++i) this->getVirtualAxisGroup()->addChild(axis[i]); aList = this->getVirtualAxisGroup()->getAllChildren(); } if (!aList.empty()) { int sizeAxis = aList.size(); axisList_.resize(sizeAxis); for (int i = 0; i < sizeAxis; ++i) { axisList_[i] = aList[i]->getId(); } isAxisListSet = true; } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Set scalar(s) of a grid from a list \param[in] scalars list of scalars */ void CGrid::setScalarList(const std::vector scalars) TRY { if (isScalarListSet) return; std::vector sList = this->getVirtualScalarGroup()->getAllChildren(); if (!scalars.empty() && sList.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < scalars.size(); ++i) this->getVirtualScalarGroup()->addChild(scalars[i]); sList = this->getVirtualScalarGroup()->getAllChildren(); } if (!sList.empty()) { int sizeScalar = sList.size(); scalarList_.resize(sizeScalar); for (int i = 0; i < sizeScalar; ++i) { scalarList_[i] = sList[i]->getId(); } isScalarListSet = true; } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Get list of id of domains \return id list of domains */ std::vector CGrid::getDomainList() TRY { setDomainList(); return domList_; } CATCH /*! \brief Get list of id of axis \return id list of axis */ std::vector CGrid::getAxisList() TRY { setAxisList(); return axisList_; } CATCH /*! \brief Get list of id of scalar \return id list of scalar */ std::vector CGrid::getScalarList() TRY { setScalarList(); return scalarList_; } CATCH void CGrid::computeElements(void) { const auto& domains = getDomains() ; const auto& axis = getAxis() ; const auto& scalars = getScalars() ; int idxDomain = 0, idxAxis=0 , idxScalar=0 ; elements_.clear() ; for(auto type : order_) { if (type == 0) { elements_.push_back({scalars[idxScalar], TYPE_SCALAR, scalars[idxScalar], nullptr, nullptr } ) ; idxScalar++;} else if (type == 1) { elements_.push_back({axis[idxAxis], TYPE_AXIS, nullptr, axis[idxAxis], nullptr}) ; idxAxis++;} else if (type == 2) { elements_.push_back({domains[idxDomain], TYPE_DOMAIN, nullptr, nullptr, domains[idxDomain] }) ; idxDomain++;} } elementsComputed_ = true ; } /*! Parse a grid, for now, it contains only domain, axis and scalar */ void CGrid::parse(xml::CXMLNode& node) TRY { SuperClass::parse(node); if (node.goToChildElement()) { StdString domainName("domain"); StdString axisName("axis"); StdString scalarName("scalar"); do { if (node.getElementName() == domainName) { order_.push_back(2); this->getVirtualDomainGroup()->parseChild(node); } if (node.getElementName() == axisName) { order_.push_back(1); this->getVirtualAxisGroup()->parseChild(node); } if (node.getElementName() == scalarName) { order_.push_back(0); this->getVirtualScalarGroup()->parseChild(node); } } while (node.goToNextElement()); node.goToParentElement(); } if (!order_.empty()) { int sizeOrd = order_.size(); axis_domain_order.resize(sizeOrd); for (int i = 0; i < sizeOrd; ++i) { axis_domain_order(i) = order_[i]; } } setDomainList(); setAxisList(); setScalarList(); computeElements() ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// StdSize CGrid::getDimension(void) TRY { return getGlobalDimension().size(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //--------------------------------------------------------------- StdSize CGrid::getDataSize(void) TRY { StdSize retvalue = 1; if (!isScalarGrid()) { std::vector dataNindex = getClientDistribution()->getDataNIndex(); for (int i = 0; i < dataNindex.size(); ++i) retvalue *= dataNindex[i]; } return retvalue; } CATCH /*! * Get the local data grid size, ie the size of the compressed grid (inside the workflow) * \return The size od the compressed grid */ StdSize CGrid::getLocalDataSize(void) { return getClientDistribution()->getLocalDataSize();} /*! * Compute the minimum buffer size required to send the attributes to the server(s). * * \return A map associating the server rank with its minimum buffer size. * TODO: Refactor code */ std::map CGrid::getAttributesBufferSize(CContextClient* client, bool bufferForWriting) TRY { std::map attributesSizes = getMinimumBufferSizeForAttributes(client); // The grid indexes require a similar size as the actual data std::map dataSizes = getDataBufferSize(client, "", bufferForWriting); std::map::iterator it, itE = dataSizes.end(); for (it = dataSizes.begin(); it != itE; ++it) { it->second += 2 * sizeof(bool); if (it->second > attributesSizes[it->first]) attributesSizes[it->first] = it->second; } // Account for the axis attributes std::vector axisList = getAxis(); for (size_t i = 0; i < axisList.size(); ++i) { std::map axisAttBuffSize = axisList[i]->getAttributesBufferSize(client, getGlobalDimension(),getAxisPositionInGrid()[i]); for (it = axisAttBuffSize.begin(), itE = axisAttBuffSize.end(); it != itE; ++it) { it->second += 2 * sizeof(bool); if (it->second > attributesSizes[it->first]) attributesSizes[it->first] = it->second; } } // Account for the domain attributes std::vector domList = getDomains(); for (size_t i = 0; i < domList.size(); ++i) { std::map domAttBuffSize = domList[i]->getAttributesBufferSize(client); for (it = domAttBuffSize.begin(), itE = domAttBuffSize.end(); it != itE; ++it) { it->second += 2 * sizeof(bool); if (it->second > attributesSizes[it->first]) attributesSizes[it->first] = it->second; } } return attributesSizes; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! * Compute the minimum buffer size required to send the data. * \param client contextClient used to determine the size of connected receivers * \param id the id used to tag the data * \param bufferForWriting flag indicating if a buffer is used to send data for writing * \return A map associating the sender rank with its minimum buffer size. */ std::map CGrid::getDataBufferSize(CContextClient* client, const std::string& id /*= ""*/, bool bufferForWriting /*= "false"*/) TRY { // The record index is sometimes sent along with the data but we always // include it in the size calculation for the sake of simplicity const size_t extraSize = CEventClient::headerSize + (id.empty() ? getId() : id).size() + 2 * sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(size_t); std::map dataSizes; int receiverSize = client->serverSize; std::map& dataSizeMap = bufferForWriting ? connectedDataSize_[receiverSize]: connectedDataSizeRead_; std::vector& connectedServerRanks = bufferForWriting ? connectedServerRank_[receiverSize] : connectedServerRankRead_; std::map::const_iterator itEnd = dataSizeMap.end(); for (size_t k = 0; k < connectedServerRanks.size(); ++k) { int rank = connectedServerRanks[k]; std::map::const_iterator it = dataSizeMap.find(rank); size_t count = (it != itEnd) ? it->second : 0; dataSizes.insert(std::make_pair(rank, extraSize + CArray::size(count))); } return dataSizes; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR size_t CGrid::getGlobalWrittenSize(void) TRY { std::vector domainP = this->getDomains(); std::vector axisP = this->getAxis(); size_t globalGridSize=1 ; for (std::vector::iterator it=domainP.begin(); it!=domainP.end();++it) globalGridSize*=(*it)->getGlobalWrittenSize() ; for (std::vector::iterator it=axisP.begin(); it!=axisP.end();++it) globalGridSize*=(*it)->getGlobalWrittenSize() ; return globalGridSize ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CGrid::computeAxisPositionInGrid(void) { axisPositionInGrid_.resize(0); int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < axis_domain_order.numElements(); ++i) { int elementDimension = axis_domain_order(i); if (1 == elementDimension) { axisPositionInGrid_.push_back(idx); ++idx; } else if (2 == elementDimension) idx += 2; } } /*! * Test whether the data defined on the grid can be outputted in a compressed way. * * \return true if and only if a mask was defined for this grid */ bool CGrid::isCompressible(void) const TRY { return isCompressible_; } CATCH //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CGrid::addRelFileCompressed(const StdString& filename) TRY { this->relFilesCompressed.insert(filename); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CGrid::isWrittenCompressed(const StdString& filename) const TRY { return (this->relFilesCompressed.find(filename) != this->relFilesCompressed.end()); } CATCH //--------------------------------------------------------------- /* Find all reference of grid's components and inherite attributes if necessary */ void CGrid::solveDomainAxisRef(bool areAttributesChecked) TRY { if (this->isDomainAxisChecked) return; this->solveScalarRef(areAttributesChecked); this->solveAxisRef(areAttributesChecked); this->solveDomainRef(areAttributesChecked); this->isDomainAxisChecked = areAttributesChecked; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /* Go up hierachy reference and fill in the base reference with attributes of the children This function should be only used after reading component's attributes from file */ void CGrid::solveDomainAxisBaseRef() TRY { if (this->hasDomainAxisBaseRef_) return; // Account for the scalar attributes std::vector scalarList = getScalars(); for (size_t i = 0; i < scalarList.size(); ++i) { scalarList[i]->setAttributesReference(); } // Account for the axis attributes std::vector axisList = getAxis(); for (size_t i = 0; i < axisList.size(); ++i) { axisList[i]->setAttributesReference(); } // Account for the domain attributes std::vector domList = getDomains(); for (size_t i = 0; i < domList.size(); ++i) { domList[i]->setAttributesReference(); } this->hasDomainAxisBaseRef_ = true; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CGrid::checkEligibilityForCompressedOutput() TRY { // We don't check if the mask is valid here, just if a mask has been defined at this point. isCompressible_ = !mask_1d.isEmpty() || !mask_2d.isEmpty() || !mask_3d.isEmpty(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //ym obsolete -> to be removed later void CGrid::checkMaskIndex(bool doSendingIndex) TRY { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); if (this->isChecked) return; this->checkElementsAttributes(); this->isChecked = true; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CGrid::hasMask() const TRY { return (!mask_1d.isEmpty() || !mask_2d.isEmpty() || !mask_3d.isEmpty() || !mask_4d.isEmpty() || !mask_5d.isEmpty() || !mask_6d.isEmpty() || !mask_7d.isEmpty()); } CATCH CArray& CGrid::getMask(void) { if (mask_.isEmpty()) { if (!mask_0d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_0d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_0d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_1d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_1d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_1d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_2d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_2d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_2d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_3d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_3d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_3d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_4d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_4d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_4d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_5d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_5d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_5d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_6d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_6d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_6d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; if (!mask_7d.isEmpty()) mask_.reference(CArray(mask_7d.dataFirst(),shape(mask_7d.numElements()), neverDeleteData)) ; } return mask_ ; } //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CGrid::solveDomainRef(bool sendAtt) TRY { setDomainList(); std::vector domListP = this->getDomains(); if (!domListP.empty()) for (int i = 0; i < domListP.size(); ++i) domListP[i]->checkAttributes(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CGrid::solveAxisRef(bool sendAtt) TRY { setAxisList(); std::vector axisListP = this->getAxis(); if (!axisListP.empty()) for (int i = 0; i < axisListP.size(); ++i) axisListP[i]->checkAttributes(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CGrid::solveScalarRef(bool sendAtt) TRY { setScalarList(); std::vector scalarListP = this->getScalars(); if (!scalarListP.empty()) for (int i = 0; i < scalarListP.size(); ++i) scalarListP[i]->checkAttributes() ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //--------------------------------------------------------------- CDistributionClient* CGrid::getClientDistribution() TRY { if (!computeClientDistribution_done_) computeClientDistribution() ; return clientDistribution_; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CGrid::computeClientDistribution(void) { if (computeClientDistribution_done_) return ; else computeClientDistribution_done_ = true ; CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); int rank = context-> getIntraCommRank(); clientDistribution_ = new CDistributionClient(rank, this); } bool CGrid::isDataDistributed(void) { return getClientDistribution()->isDataDistributed() ; } CGrid* CGrid::cloneGrid(const StdString& idNewGrid, CGrid* gridSrc) TRY { std::vector domainSrcTmp = gridSrc->getDomains(), domainSrc; std::vector axisSrcTmp = gridSrc->getAxis(), axisSrc; std::vector scalarSrcTmp = gridSrc->getScalars(), scalarSrc; for (int idx = 0; idx < domainSrcTmp.size(); ++idx) { CDomain* domain = CDomain::createDomain(); domain->duplicateAttributes(domainSrcTmp[idx]); domain->duplicateTransformation(domainSrcTmp[idx]); domain->solveRefInheritance(true); domain->solveInheritanceTransformation(); domainSrc.push_back(domain); } for (int idx = 0; idx < axisSrcTmp.size(); ++idx) { CAxis* axis = CAxis::createAxis(); axis->duplicateAttributes(axisSrcTmp[idx]); axis->duplicateTransformation(axisSrcTmp[idx]); axis->solveRefInheritance(true); axis->solveInheritanceTransformation(); axisSrc.push_back(axis); } for (int idx = 0; idx < scalarSrcTmp.size(); ++idx) { CScalar* scalar = CScalar::createScalar(); scalar->duplicateAttributes(scalarSrcTmp[idx]); scalar->duplicateTransformation(scalarSrcTmp[idx]); scalar->solveRefInheritance(true); scalar->solveInheritanceTransformation(); scalarSrc.push_back(scalar); } CGrid* grid = CGrid::createGrid(idNewGrid, domainSrc, axisSrc, scalarSrc, gridSrc->axis_domain_order); return grid; } CATCH StdString CGrid::generateId(const std::vector& domains, const std::vector& axis, const std::vector& scalars, const CArray& axisDomainOrder) TRY { if (axisDomainOrder.numElements() > 0 && axisDomainOrder.numElements() != (domains.size() + axis.size() + scalars.size())) ERROR("CGrid* CGrid::generateId(...)", << "The size of axisDomainOrder (" << axisDomainOrder.numElements() << ") is not coherent with the number of elements (" << domains.size() + axis.size() <<")."); std::ostringstream id; if (domains.empty() && axis.empty() && !scalars.empty()) id << "__scalar_"; if (0 != (domains.size() + axis.size() + scalars.size())) { id << "__grid"; if (0 == axisDomainOrder.numElements()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < domains.size(); ++i) id << "_" << domains[i]->getId(); for (size_t i = 0; i < axis.size(); ++i) id << "_" << axis[i]->getId(); for (size_t i = 0; i < scalars.size(); ++i) id << "_" << scalars[i]->getId(); } else { size_t iDomain = 0, iAxis = 0, iScalar = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < axisDomainOrder.numElements(); ++i) { if (2 == axisDomainOrder(i)) id << "_" << domains[iDomain++]->getId(); else if (1 == axisDomainOrder(i)) id << "_" << axis[iAxis++]->getId(); else id << "_" << scalars[iScalar++]->getId(); } } id << "__"; } return id.str(); } CATCH StdString CGrid::generateId(const CGrid* gridSrc, const CGrid* gridDest) TRY { StdString idSrc = gridSrc->getId(); StdString idDest = gridDest->getId(); std::ostringstream id; id << idSrc << "__" << idDest; return id.str(); } CATCH //---------------------------------------------------------------- /* Compute on the fly the global dimension of a grid with its elements \param[in/out] globalDim global dimension of grid \param[in] domains list of its domains \param[in] axiss list of its axis \param[in] scalars list of its scalars \param[in] axisDomainOrder the order of element in a grid (e.g: scalar then axis) \return The dimension of which we do distribution (often for server) */ int CGrid::computeGridGlobalDimension(std::vector& globalDim, const std::vector domains, const std::vector axis, const std::vector scalars, const CArray& axisDomainOrder) TRY { // globalDim.resize(domains.size()*2+axis.size()+scalars.size()); globalDim.resize(domains.size()*2+axis.size()); int positionDimensionDistributed = 1; int idx = 0, idxDomain = 0, idxAxis = 0, idxScalar = 0; for (int i = 0; i < axisDomainOrder.numElements(); ++i) { if (2 == axisDomainOrder(i)) { if (!(domains[idxDomain]->type.isEmpty()) && (domains[idxDomain]->type==CDomain::type_attr::unstructured)) { positionDimensionDistributed = idx; } else { positionDimensionDistributed = idx +1; } globalDim[idx] = domains[idxDomain]->ni_glo.getValue(); globalDim[idx+1] = domains[idxDomain]->nj_glo.getValue(); ++idxDomain; idx += 2; } else if (1 == axisDomainOrder(i)) { globalDim[idx] = axis[idxAxis]->n_glo.getValue(); ++idxAxis; ++idx; } else { // globalDim[idx] = 1; ++idxScalar; // ++idx; } } return positionDimensionDistributed; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR // Retrieve the global dimension of grid std::vector CGrid::getGlobalDimension() TRY { std::vector globalDim; computeGridGlobalDimension(globalDim, getDomains(), getAxis(), getScalars(), axis_domain_order); return globalDim; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR // Retrieve dimension on which we do distribution (Very often, it should be 2nd dimension) int CGrid::getDistributedDimension() TRY { std::vector globalDim; return computeGridGlobalDimension(globalDim, getDomains(), getAxis(), getScalars(), axis_domain_order); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CGrid::isScalarGrid() const TRY { return (axisList_.empty() && domList_.empty()); } CATCH /*! Verify whether one server need to write data There are some cases on which one server has nodata to write. For example, when we just only want to zoom on a domain. */ bool CGrid::doGridHaveDataToWrite() TRY { return (0 != getGridLocalElements()->getView(CElementView::FULL)->getSize()); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CGrid::doGridHaveDataDistributed(CContextClient* client) TRY { // This function is now useless because it will return false only if server and client size are equal to 1 // to be seriously check in future if (isScalarGrid()) return false; else if (0 != client) { return (isDataDistributed() || (1 != client->clientSize) || (1 != client->serverSize)); } else return isDataDistributed(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Dispatch event received from client Whenever a message is received in buffer of server, it will be processed depending on its event type. A new event type should be added in the switch list to make sure it processed on server side. \param [in] event: Received message */ bool CGrid::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) TRY { if (SuperClass::dispatchEvent(event)) return true; else { switch(event.type) { case EVENT_ID_ADD_DOMAIN : recvAddDomain(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_ADD_AXIS : recvAddAxis(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_ADD_SCALAR : recvAddScalar(event); return true; break; case EVENT_ID_SEND_MASK : recvMask(event); return true; break; default : ERROR("bool CGrid::dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event)", << "Unknown Event"); return false; } } } CATCH void CGrid::sendGridToFileServer(CContextClient* client) { if (sendGridToFileServer_done_.count(client)!=0) return ; else sendGridToFileServer_done_.insert(client) ; StdString gridDefRoot("grid_definition"); CGridGroup* gridPtr = CGridGroup::get(gridDefRoot); gridPtr->sendCreateChild(this->getId(),client); this->sendAllAttributesToServer(client); distributeGridToServer(client) ; } void CGrid::sendGridToCouplerOut(CContextClient* client, const string& fieldId) { if (sendGridToCouplerOut_done_.count(client)!=0) return ; else sendGridToCouplerOut_done_.insert(client) ; this->sendAllAttributesToServer(client, getCouplingAlias(fieldId)); distributeGridToServer(client, fieldId) ; } void CGrid::distributeGridToServer(CContextClient* client, const string& fieldId) { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); bool isCoupling = !fieldId.empty() ; // simple Distribution for now // distribute over the fisrt element except if it is a scalar auto& elements = getElements() ; int posDistributed = 0 ; for(auto& element : elements) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) break ; else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) break ; else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) posDistributed++ ; } if (posDistributed==elements.size()) posDistributed=0 ; // grid composed only of scalar vector> localViews ; vector> workflowView ; vector> remoteViews ; for(int i=0 ; icomputeRemoteElement(client, posDistributed==i ? EDistributionType::BANDS : EDistributionType::NONE) ; remoteViews.push_back(domain->getRemoteElement(client)->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; localViews.push_back(domain->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)) ; workflowView.push_back(domain->getLocalView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)) ; } else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_AXIS) { CAxis* axis = (CAxis*) elements[i].ptr ; axis->computeRemoteElement(client, posDistributed==i ? EDistributionType::BANDS : EDistributionType::NONE) ; remoteViews.push_back(axis->getRemoteElement(client)->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; localViews.push_back(axis->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)) ; workflowView.push_back(axis->getLocalView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)) ; } else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_SCALAR) { CScalar* scalar = (CScalar*) elements[i].ptr ; scalar->computeRemoteElement(client, posDistributed==i ? EDistributionType::ROOT : EDistributionType::NONE) ; remoteViews.push_back(scalar->getRemoteElement(client)->getView(CElementView::FULL)) ; localViews.push_back(scalar->getLocalView(CElementView::FULL)) ; workflowView.push_back(scalar->getLocalView(CElementView::WORKFLOW)) ; } } // CGridClientServerRemoteConnector : workflowView is added to avoid spurious optimisation with only the fullview auto gridRemoteConnector = make_shared(localViews, workflowView, remoteViews, context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; gridRemoteConnector->computeConnector(true) ; auto gridRemoteConnectorIn = make_shared(localViews, workflowView, remoteViews, context->getIntraComm(), client->getRemoteSize()) ; gridRemoteConnectorIn->computeConnector(false) ; vector> scattererConnectors ; shared_ptr scattererConnector; for(int i=0 ; idistributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector, domain->getCouplingAlias(fieldId,i)) ; else { sendAddDomain(domain->getId(),client) ; domain->distributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector) ; } scattererConnectors.push_back(scattererConnector) ; } else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_AXIS) { CAxis* axis = (CAxis*) elements[i].ptr ; if (isCoupling) axis->distributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector, axis->getCouplingAlias(fieldId,i)) ; else { sendAddAxis(axis->getId(),client) ; axis->distributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector) ; } scattererConnectors.push_back(scattererConnector) ; } else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_SCALAR) { CScalar* scalar = (CScalar*) elements[i].ptr ; if (isCoupling) scalar->distributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector, scalar->getCouplingAlias(fieldId,i)) ; else { sendAddScalar(scalar->getId(),client) ; scalar->distributeToServer(client, gridRemoteConnector->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), gridRemoteConnectorIn->getDistributedGlobalIndex(i), scattererConnector) ; } scattererConnectors.push_back(scattererConnector) ; } } auto gridScattererConnector = make_shared(scattererConnectors) ; shared_ptr workflowToFull = getGridLocalElements()->getConnector(CElementView::WORKFLOW, CElementView::FULL) ; CArray maskIn(workflowToFull->getSrcSize()) ; CArray maskOut(workflowToFull->getDstSize()) ; maskIn = true ; workflowToFull->transfer(maskIn,maskOut,false) ; CEventClient event(getType(), EVENT_ID_SEND_MASK); CMessage message ; if (isCoupling) message<transfer(maskOut, client, event, message) ; vector> clientToServerConnectors ; vector> clientFromServerConnectors ; for(auto& element : elements) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) { clientToServerConnectors.push_back(element.domain->getClientToServerConnector(client)) ; clientFromServerConnectors.push_back(element.domain->getClientFromServerConnector(client)) ; } else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) { clientToServerConnectors.push_back(element.axis->getClientToServerConnector(client)) ; clientFromServerConnectors.push_back(element.axis->getClientFromServerConnector(client)) ; } else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) { clientToServerConnectors.push_back(element.scalar->getClientToServerConnector(client)) ; clientFromServerConnectors.push_back(element.scalar->getClientFromServerConnector(client)) ; } } // compute the grid clientToServerConnector to send flux from client to servers clientToServerConnector_[client] = make_shared(clientToServerConnectors) ; clientFromServerConnector_[client] = make_shared(clientFromServerConnectors) ; } void CGrid::recvMask(CEventServer& event) { string gridId; for (auto& subEvent : event.subEvents) (*subEvent.buffer) >> gridId ; get(gridId)->receiveMask(event); } void CGrid::receiveMask(CEventServer& event) { vector> gathererConnectors ; vector> fullViews ; for(auto& element : getElements()) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) { gathererConnectors.push_back(element.domain->getGathererConnector()); fullViews.push_back(element.domain->getLocalElement()->getView(CElementView::FULL)); } else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) { gathererConnectors.push_back(element.axis->getGathererConnector()); fullViews.push_back(element.axis->getLocalElement()->getView(CElementView::FULL)); } else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) { gathererConnectors.push_back(element.scalar->getGathererConnector()); fullViews.push_back(element.scalar->getLocalElement()->getView(CElementView::FULL)); } } auto gridGathererConnector = make_shared(gathererConnectors) ; auto gridMaskConnector = make_shared(fullViews) ; CArray maskOut ; gridGathererConnector->transfer_or(event,maskOut) ; gridMaskConnector->computeConnector(maskOut) ; CContextClient* client = event.getContextServer()->getAssociatedClient() ; int i=0 ; for(auto& element : getElements()) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) element.domain->setServerMask(gridMaskConnector->getElementMask(i),client); else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) element.axis->setServerMask(gridMaskConnector->getElementMask(i),client); else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) element.scalar->setServerMask(gridMaskConnector->getElementMask(i),client); i++ ; } } string CGrid::getCouplingAlias(const string& fieldId) { return "_grid_of_"+fieldId; } void CGrid::makeAliasForCoupling(const string& fieldId) { string gridId=getCouplingAlias(fieldId) ; createAlias(gridId) ; auto& elements = getElements() ; for(int i=0 ; imakeAliasForCoupling(fieldId, i); else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_AXIS) elements[i].axis->makeAliasForCoupling(fieldId, i); else if (elements[i].type==TYPE_SCALAR) elements[i].scalar->makeAliasForCoupling(fieldId, i); } } /*! \brief Send a message to create a domain on server side \param[in] id String identity of domain that will be created on server */ void CGrid::sendAddDomain(const string& id, CContextClient* contextClient) TRY { sendAddItem(id, (int)EVENT_ID_ADD_DOMAIN, contextClient); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Send a message to create an axis on server side \param[in] id String identity of axis that will be created on server */ void CGrid::sendAddAxis(const string& id, CContextClient* contextClient) TRY { sendAddItem(id, (int)EVENT_ID_ADD_AXIS, contextClient); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Send a message to create a scalar on server side \param[in] id String identity of scalar that will be created on server */ void CGrid::sendAddScalar(const string& id, CContextClient* contextClient) TRY { sendAddItem(id, (int)EVENT_ID_ADD_SCALAR, contextClient); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of a domain on server side \param[in] event Received event */ void CGrid::recvAddDomain(CEventServer& event) TRY { CBufferIn* buffer = event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer >> id; get(id)->recvAddDomain(*buffer); } CATCH /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of a domain on server side \param[in] buffer Buffer containing message */ void CGrid::recvAddDomain(CBufferIn& buffer) TRY { string id; buffer >> id; addDomain(id); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of an axis on server side \param[in] event Received event */ void CGrid::recvAddAxis(CEventServer& event) TRY { CBufferIn* buffer = event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer >> id; get(id)->recvAddAxis(*buffer); } CATCH /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of an axis on server side \param[in] buffer Buffer containing message */ void CGrid::recvAddAxis(CBufferIn& buffer) TRY { string id; buffer >> id; addAxis(id); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of an scalar on server side \param[in] event Received event */ void CGrid::recvAddScalar(CEventServer& event) TRY { CBufferIn* buffer = event.subEvents.begin()->buffer; string id; *buffer >> id; get(id)->recvAddScalar(*buffer); } CATCH /*! \brief Receive a message annoucing the creation of an scalar on server side \param[in] buffer Buffer containing message */ void CGrid::recvAddScalar(CBufferIn& buffer) TRY { string id; buffer >> id; addScalar(id); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief Check if all elements of the grid are complete Before make any grid processing, we must be sure that all grid information elements have been sent, for exemple when reading a grid in a file or when grid elements are sent by an other context (coupling) */ bool CGrid::isCompleted(void) { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) if (!CDomain::get(domainId)->isCompleted()) return false ; setAxisList() ; for (auto axisId : axisList_) if (!CAxis::get(axisId)->isCompleted()) return false ; setScalarList() ; for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) if (!CScalar::get(scalarId)->isCompleted()) return false ; return true ; } /*! \brief impose that all elements of the grid are complete Before make any grid processing, we must be sure that all grid information elements have been sent, for exemple when reading a grid in a file or when grid elements are sent by an other context (coupling) */ void CGrid::setCompleted(void) { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) CDomain::get(domainId)->setCompleted() ; setAxisList() ; for (auto axisId : axisList_) CAxis::get(axisId)->setCompleted() ; setScalarList() ; for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) CScalar::get(scalarId)->setCompleted() ; } /*! \brief impose that all elements of the grid are incomplete Before make any grid processing, we must be sure that all grid information elements have been sent, for exemple when reading a grid in a file or when grid elements are sent by an other context (coupling) */ void CGrid::unsetCompleted(void) { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) CDomain::get(domainId)->unsetCompleted() ; setAxisList() ; for (auto axisId : axisList_) CAxis::get(axisId)->unsetCompleted() ; setScalarList() ; for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) CScalar::get(scalarId)->unsetCompleted() ; } /*! \brief Solve domain and axis references As field, domain and axis can refer to other domains or axis. In order to inherit correctly all attributes from their parents, they should be processed with this function \param[in] apply inherit all attributes of parents (true) */ void CGrid::solveElementsRefInheritance(bool apply) TRY { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) { CDomain* pDom = CDomain::get(domainId); pDom->solveRefInheritance(apply); if (apply) pDom->solveInheritanceTransformation(); } setAxisList(); for (auto axisId : axisList_) { CAxis* pAxis = CAxis::get(axisId); pAxis->solveRefInheritance(apply); if (apply) pAxis->solveInheritanceTransformation(); } setScalarList(); for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) { CScalar* pScalar = CScalar::get(scalarId); pScalar->solveRefInheritance(apply); if (apply) pScalar->solveInheritanceTransformation(); } } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR bool CGrid::activateFieldWorkflow(CGarbageCollector& gc) TRY { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) { CDomain* pDom = CDomain::get(domainId); bool ret = pDom->activateFieldWorkflow(gc); if (!ret) return false ; } setAxisList(); for (auto axisId : axisList_) { CAxis* pAxis = CAxis::get(axisId); bool ret = pAxis->activateFieldWorkflow(gc); if (!ret) return false ; } setScalarList(); for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) { CScalar* pScalar = CScalar::get(scalarId); bool ret = pScalar->activateFieldWorkflow(gc); if (!ret) return false ; } return true ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR /*! \brief check attributes of all elements of the grid */ void CGrid::checkElementsAttributes(void) TRY { setDomainList(); for (auto domainId : domList_) CDomain::get(domainId)->checkAttributes(); setAxisList(); for (auto axisId : axisList_) CAxis::get(axisId)->checkAttributes(); setScalarList(); for (auto scalarId : scalarList_) CScalar::get(scalarId)->checkAttributes(); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //********************************************************** //************** New transformation method ************** //********************************************************** std::pair, std::shared_ptr > CGrid::buildTransformationGraph(CGarbageCollector& gc, bool isSource, CGrid* gridSrc, double detectMissingValues, double defaultValue, CGrid*& newGrid, bool graphEnabled, CField* field) TRY { static bool transformationGoing = false; registerAlgorithmTransformation() ; // needed to enable self-registration of the transformations // big mystery why it doesn't work witout that... // problem with the linker ?? std::shared_ptr inputFilter = std::shared_ptr(new CPassThroughFilter(gc)); std::shared_ptr outputFilter = inputFilter ; string newId ; if (gridSrc!=nullptr) newId = gridSrc->getId() + " --> " + this->getId() ; else newId = " --> " + this->getId() ; bool isNewGrid ; if (CGrid::has(newId)) { cout<<"Retrive existing grid : "< algo ; int pos ; for(int i=0 ; igetTransformationPaths() ; else if (dstElement.type==TYPE_AXIS) transformationPath = dstElement.axis->getTransformationPaths() ; else if (dstElement.type==TYPE_SCALAR) transformationPath = dstElement.scalar->getTransformationPaths() ; SElement srcElement ; if (gridSrc==nullptr) srcElement = this->elements_[i] ; else srcElement = gridSrc->elements_[i] ; if (gridSrc==nullptr) transformationPath.mergePaths() ; else { if (srcElement.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) transformationPath.mergePaths(srcElement.domain->getTransformationPaths()) ; else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_AXIS) transformationPath.mergePaths(srcElement.axis->getTransformationPaths()) ; else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_SCALAR) transformationPath.mergePaths(srcElement.scalar->getTransformationPaths()) ; } hasTransform=transformationPath.hasTransform() ; if (hasTransform && !hadTransform) { pos=i ; EElement dstElementType=transformationPath.getNextElementType() ; string dstElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementId() ; string srcElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementSrcId() ; auto transType = transformationPath.getNextTransformationType() ; auto transId = transformationPath.getNextTransformationId() ; CGrid* tmpGridSrc=CGrid::create(); // source grid if (srcElement.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) tmpGridSrc->addDomain(srcElement.domain->getId()) ; else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_AXIS) tmpGridSrc->addAxis(srcElement.axis->getId()) ; else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_SCALAR) tmpGridSrc->addScalar(srcElement.scalar->getId()) ; // WARNING -> suppress checkElement attribute ? What append ? // tmpGridSrc->checkElementsAttributes() ; CGrid* tmpGridDst=CGrid::create(); // destination Grid map posInGrid={{0,0}} ; cout<<"--> New transform from "<createAlias(dstElementId) ; cout<<"Create new domain : "<getId()<<" with alias : "<duplicateAttributes(lastDstDomain) ; dstDomain->setTemplateId(lastDstDomain) ; } else if (srcElementId=="" && srcElement.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) { dstDomain->duplicateAttributes(srcElement.domain) ; // make a copy dstDomain->setTemplateId(srcElement.domain) ; } else { dstDomain->duplicateAttributes(dstElement.domain) ; // make a copy dstDomain->setTemplateId(dstElement.domain) ; } CTransformation* transformation = CTransformation::createTransformation(transType,"") ; auto srcTransform = CTransformation::getTransformation(transType, transId) ; transformation->inheritFrom(srcTransform) ; CGrid* tmpGridDst=CGrid::create(); // destination Grid tmpGridDst->addDomain(dstDomain->getId()) ; algo = transformation -> createAlgorithm(false, tmpGridDst, tmpGridSrc, 0, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid ); dstDomain->setTransformationAlgorithm(algo) ; dstDomain->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } algo=dstDomain->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; isGenerate = algo->isGenerateTransformation() ; transformationPath.removeNextTransform() ; dstElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementId() ; srcElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementSrcId() ; transType = transformationPath.getNextTransformationType() ; transId = transformationPath.getNextTransformationId() ; lastDstDomain=dstDomain ; dstDomain->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } while(transformationPath.hasTransform() && isGenerate) ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addDomain(dstDomain->getId()) ; algo = dstDomain->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; } else if (dstElementType==EElement::AXIS) { CAxis* dstAxis ; CAxis* lastDstAxis ; bool isGenerate=false ; do { if (CAxis::has(dstElementId)) { dstAxis = CAxis::get(dstElementId) ; cout<<"Retrive existing axis : "<createAlias(dstElementId) ; cout<<"Create new axis : "<getId()<<" with alias : "<duplicateAttributes(lastDstAxis) ; dstAxis->setTemplateId(lastDstAxis) ; } else if (srcElementId=="" && srcElement.type==TYPE_AXIS) { dstAxis->duplicateAttributes(srcElement.axis) ; // make a copy dstAxis->setTemplateId(srcElement.axis) ; } else { dstAxis->duplicateAttributes(dstElement.axis) ; // make a copy$ dstAxis->setTemplateId(dstElement.axis) ; } CTransformation* transformation = CTransformation::createTransformation(transType,"") ; auto srcTransform = CTransformation::getTransformation(transType, transId) ; transformation->inheritFrom(srcTransform) ; tmpGridDst->addAxis(dstAxis->getId()) ; algo = transformation -> createAlgorithm(false, tmpGridDst, tmpGridSrc, 0, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid ); dstAxis->setTransformationAlgorithm(algo) ; dstAxis->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } algo=dstAxis->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; isGenerate = algo->isGenerateTransformation() ; transformationPath.removeNextTransform() ; dstElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementId() ; srcElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementSrcId() ; transType = transformationPath.getNextTransformationType() ; transId = transformationPath.getNextTransformationId() ; lastDstAxis=dstAxis ; dstAxis->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } while(transformationPath.hasTransform() && isGenerate) ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addAxis(dstAxis->getId()) ; algo = dstAxis->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; } else if (dstElementType==EElement::SCALAR) { CScalar* dstScalar ; CScalar* lastDstScalar ; bool isGenerate=false ; do { if (CScalar::has(dstElementId)) { dstScalar = CScalar::get(dstElementId) ; cout<<"Retrive existing scalar : "<createAlias(dstElementId) ; cout<<"Create new scalar : "<getId()<<" with alias : "<duplicateAttributes(lastDstScalar) ; dstScalar->setTemplateId(lastDstScalar) ; } else if (srcElementId=="" && srcElement.type==TYPE_SCALAR) { dstScalar->duplicateAttributes(srcElement.scalar) ; // make a copy dstScalar->setTemplateId(srcElement.scalar) ; } else { dstScalar->duplicateAttributes(dstElement.scalar) ; // make a copy dstScalar->setTemplateId(dstElement.scalar) ; } CTransformation* transformation = CTransformation::createTransformation(transType,"") ; auto srcTransform = CTransformation::getTransformation(transType, transId) ; transformation->inheritFrom(srcTransform) ; tmpGridDst->addScalar(dstScalar->getId()) ; algo = transformation -> createAlgorithm(false, tmpGridDst, tmpGridSrc, 0, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid, posInGrid,posInGrid,posInGrid ); dstScalar->setTransformationAlgorithm(algo) ; dstScalar->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } algo=dstScalar->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; isGenerate = algo->isGenerateTransformation() ; transformationPath.removeNextTransform() ; dstElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementId() ; srcElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementSrcId() ; transType = transformationPath.getNextTransformationType() ; transId = transformationPath.getNextTransformationId() ; lastDstScalar=dstScalar ; dstScalar->setTransformationPaths(transformationPath) ; } while(transformationPath.hasTransform() && isGenerate) ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addScalar(dstScalar->getId()) ; algo = dstScalar->getTransformationAlgorithm() ; } // here create a new spatial filter with algo hadTransform=true ; hasTransform=false ; } else { string srcElementId=transformationPath.getNextElementSrcId() ; if (srcElement.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) { CDomain* domain ; if (srcElementId=="") srcElementId=srcElement.domain->getId() ; if (!CDomain::has(srcElementId)) { domain=srcElement.domain ; domain->createAlias(srcElementId) ; } else domain = CDomain::get(srcElementId) ; domain->checkAttributes() ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addDomain(srcElementId) ; } else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_AXIS) { CAxis* axis ; if (srcElementId=="") srcElementId=srcElement.axis->getId() ; if (!CAxis::has(srcElementId)) { axis=srcElement.axis ; axis->createAlias(srcElementId) ; } else axis = CAxis::get(srcElementId) ; axis->checkAttributes() ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addAxis(srcElementId) ; } else if (srcElement.type==TYPE_SCALAR) { CScalar* scalar ; if (srcElementId=="") srcElementId=srcElement.scalar->getId() ; if (!CScalar::has(srcElementId)) { scalar=srcElement.scalar ; scalar->createAlias(srcElementId) ; } else scalar = CScalar::get(srcElementId) ; scalar->checkAttributes() ; if (isNewGrid) newGrid->addScalar(srcElementId) ; } } if (transformationPath.hasTransform() && hadTransform) hasRemainTransform=true ; } if (hadTransform) { if (!isSource) { shared_ptr gridAlgorithm ; if (isNewGrid) { gridAlgorithm = algo->createGridAlgorithm(gridSrc, newGrid, pos) ; newGrid->setGridAlgorithm(gridAlgorithm); } else gridAlgorithm = newGrid->getGridAlgorithm() ; shared_ptr transformFilter = shared_ptr(gridAlgorithm->createTransformFilter(gc, detectMissingValues, defaultValue)) ; outputFilter->connectOutput(transformFilter,0) ; if(graphEnabled) { transformFilter->graphEnabled=true; transformFilter->graphPackage = new CGraphPackage; transformFilter->graphPackage->inFields.push_back(field); transformFilter->graphPackage->show = !transformationGoing; } vector auxFieldId = algo->getAuxFieldId() ; // better to do that at transformation not algo ?? int i=1; for (auto& it : auxFieldId) { CField* auxField = CField::get(it) ; auxField->buildWorkflowGraph(gc) ; auxField->getInstantDataFilter()->connectOutput(transformFilter,i) ; i++ ; } outputFilter = transformFilter ; } if (hasRemainTransform) { transformationGoing = true; gridSrc=newGrid ; CField *field_bis = field; pair, shared_ptr > filters = this->buildTransformationGraph(gc, isSource, gridSrc, detectMissingValues, defaultValue, newGrid, graphEnabled, field_bis) ; outputFilter->connectOutput(filters.first,0) ; outputFilter=filters.second ; } transformationGoing = false; } return {inputFilter,outputFilter} ; } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR //**************************************************************** //**************************************************************** //---------------------------------------------------------------- CGrid* CGrid::duplicateSentGrid(void) { CGrid* newGrid ; string sentGridId="sent__"+getId() ; if (has(sentGridId)) newGrid = get(sentGridId) ; else { newGrid = CGrid::create(sentGridId) ; for(auto element : elements_) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) { CDomain* domain = CDomain::create(); domain->duplicateAttributes(element.domain) ; domain->setTemplateId(element.domain) ; domain->name = element.domain->getId() ; newGrid->addDomain(domain->getId()) ; } else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) { CAxis* axis = CAxis::create(); axis->duplicateAttributes(element.axis) ; axis->setTemplateId(element.axis) ; axis->name = element.axis->getId() ; newGrid->addAxis(axis->getId()) ; } else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) { CScalar* scalar = CScalar::create(); scalar->duplicateAttributes(element.scalar) ; scalar->setTemplateId(element.scalar) ; scalar->name = element.scalar->getId() ; newGrid->addScalar(scalar->getId()) ; } } newGrid->checkElementsAttributes() ; } return newGrid ; } void CGrid::setContextClient(CContextClient* contextClient) TRY { if (clientsSet.find(contextClient)==clientsSet.end()) { clients.push_back(contextClient) ; clientsSet.insert(contextClient); } for (auto domain : getDomains()) domain->setContextClient(contextClient); for (auto axis : getAxis()) axis->setContextClient(contextClient); for (auto scalar : getScalars()) scalar->setContextClient(contextClient); } CATCH_DUMP_ATTR void CGrid::computeGridLocalElements() { std::vector domainList = this->getDomains(); std::vector axisList = this->getAxis(); std::vector scalarList = this->getScalars(); auto domain=domainList.begin() ; auto axis=axisList.begin() ; auto scalar=scalarList.begin() ; vector> elements; for(auto order : order_) { if (order==2) { elements.push_back((*domain)->getLocalElement()); domain++ ; } else if (order==1) { elements.push_back((*axis)->getLocalElement()); axis++ ; } else if (order==0) { elements.push_back((*scalar)->getLocalElement()); scalar++ ; } } if (hasMask()) { vector mask(getMask().getVector()) ; gridLocalElements_ = make_shared(elements, mask) ; } else gridLocalElements_ = make_shared(elements) ; } void CGrid::computeModelToWorkflowConnector(void) { modelToWorkflowConnector_ = getGridLocalElements()->getConnector(CElementView::MODEL,CElementView::WORKFLOW,true) ; } void CGrid::computeWorkflowToFullConnector(void) { workflowToFullConnector_ = getGridLocalElements()->getConnector(CElementView::WORKFLOW,CElementView::FULL) ; } void CGrid::computeWorkflowToModelConnector(void) { workflowToModelConnector_ = getGridLocalElements()->getConnector(CElementView::WORKFLOW,CElementView::MODEL,true) ; } void CGrid::computeFullToWorkflowConnector(void) { fullToWorkflowConnector_ = getGridLocalElements()->getConnector(CElementView::FULL,CElementView::WORKFLOW) ; } void CGrid::computeServerFromClientConnector(void) { vector> connectors ; for(auto& element : getElements()) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) connectors.push_back(element.domain->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) connectors.push_back(element.axis->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) connectors.push_back(element.scalar->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; } serverFromClientConnector_ = make_shared(connectors) ; } void CGrid::computeServerToClientConnector(void) { vector> connectors ; for(auto& element : getElements()) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) connectors.push_back(element.domain->getServerToClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) connectors.push_back(element.axis->getServerToClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) connectors.push_back(element.scalar->getServerToClientConnector()) ; } serverToClientConnector_ = make_shared(connectors) ; } void CGrid::computeClientFromClientConnector(void) { vector> connectors ; for(auto& element : getElements()) { if (element.type==TYPE_DOMAIN) connectors.push_back(element.domain->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_AXIS) connectors.push_back(element.axis->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; else if (element.type==TYPE_SCALAR) connectors.push_back(element.scalar->getServerFromClientConnector()) ; } clientFromClientConnector_ = make_shared(connectors) ; } } // namespace xios