#include "zoom_domain.hpp" #include "type.hpp" namespace xios { /// ////////////////////// Définitions ////////////////////// /// CZoomDomain::CZoomDomain(void) : CObjectTemplate(), CZoomDomainAttributes(), CTransformation() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CZoomDomain::CZoomDomain(const StdString & id) : CObjectTemplate(id), CZoomDomainAttributes(), CTransformation() { /* Ne rien faire de plus */ } CZoomDomain::~CZoomDomain(void) {} CTransformation* CZoomDomain::create(const StdString& id, xml::CXMLNode* node) { CZoomDomain* zoomDomain = CZoomDomainGroup::get("zoom_domain_definition")->createChild(id); if (node) zoomDomain->parse(*node); return static_cast*>(zoomDomain); } bool CZoomDomain::_dummyRegistered = CZoomDomain::registerTrans(); bool CZoomDomain::registerTrans() { registerTransformation(TRANS_ZOOM_DOMAIN, {create, getTransformation}); } //---------------------------------------------------------------- StdString CZoomDomain::GetName(void) { return StdString("zoom_domain"); } StdString CZoomDomain::GetDefName(void) { return StdString("zoom_domain"); } ENodeType CZoomDomain::GetType(void) { return eZoomDomain; } void CZoomDomain::checkValid(CDomain* domainSrc) { int ni_glo = domainSrc->ni_glo.getValue(); int nj_glo = domainSrc->nj_glo.getValue(); // Résolution et vérification des données globales de zoom. if (!this->ni.isEmpty() || !this->nj.isEmpty() || !this->ibegin.isEmpty() || !this->jbegin.isEmpty()) { if (this->ni.isEmpty() || this->nj.isEmpty() || this->ibegin.isEmpty() || this->jbegin.isEmpty()) { ERROR("CZoomDomain::checkValid(CDomain* domainSrc)", << "If one of zoom attributes is defined then all zoom attributes must be defined.") ; } else { int iend = ibegin + ni - 1; int jend = jbegin + nj - 1; if (ibegin < 0 || jbegin < 0 || iend > ni_glo - 1 || jend > nj_glo - 1) ERROR("CZoomDomain::checkValid(CDomain* domainSrc)", << "Zoom is wrongly defined, " << "please check the values : 'ni' (" << ni.getValue() << "), 'nj' (" << nj.getValue() << "), " << "'ibegin' (" << ibegin.getValue() << "), 'jbegin' (" << jbegin.getValue() << ")"); } } else { ni = ni_glo; nj = nj_glo; ibegin = 0; jbegin = 0; } } }