/*! \file client_client_dht_template_impl.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 05 Oct 2015 \date 05 Oct 2015 \brief Distributed hashed table implementation. */ #include "client_client_dht_template.hpp" #include "utils.hpp" #include "mpi_tag.hpp" namespace xios { /*! Constructor with initial distribution information and the corresponding index Each client (process) holds a piece of information as well as the attached index, the index will be redistributed (projected) into size_t space as long as the associated information. \param [in] indexInfoMap initial index and information mapping \param [in] clientIntraComm communicator of clients \param [in] hierarLvl level of hierarchy */ template CClientClientDHTTemplate::CClientClientDHTTemplate(const boost::unordered_map& indexInfoMap, const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, int hierarLvl) : index2InfoMapping_(), indexToInfoMappingLevel_() { this->computeMPICommLevel(clientIntraComm, hierarLvl); int lvl = this->commLevel_.size() - 1; computeDistributedIndex(indexInfoMap, this->commLevel_[lvl], lvl); } template CClientClientDHTTemplate::~CClientClientDHTTemplate() { } /*! Compute mapping between indices and information corresponding to these indices \param [in] indices indices a proc has */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeIndexInfoMapping(const CArray& indices) { int lvl = this->commLevel_.size() - 1; computeIndexInfoMappingLevel(indices, this->commLevel_[lvl], lvl); size_t size = indices.numElements(); for (size_t idx = 0; idx < size; ++idx) { int serverIdx = indexToInfoMappingLevel_[indices(idx)]; indexGlobalOnServer_[serverIdx].push_back(indices(idx)); } } /*! Compute mapping between indices and information corresponding to these indices for each level of hierarchical DHT. Recursive function \param [in] indices indices a proc has \param [in] commLevel communicator of current level \param [in] level current level */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeIndexInfoMappingLevel(const CArray& indices, const MPI_Comm& commLevel, int level) { int nbClient, clientRank; MPI_Comm_size(commLevel,&nbClient); MPI_Comm_rank(commLevel,&clientRank); std::vector hashedIndex; computeHashIndex(hashedIndex, nbClient); size_t ssize = indices.numElements(), hashedVal; std::vector::const_iterator itbClientHash = hashedIndex.begin(), itClientHash, iteClientHash = hashedIndex.end(); std::map > client2ClientIndex; // Number of global index whose mapping server are on other clients int nbIndexToSend = 0; HashXIOS hashGlobalIndex; for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) { size_t index = indices(i); hashedVal = hashGlobalIndex(index); itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashedVal); if (iteClientHash != itClientHash) { int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; { client2ClientIndex[indexClient].push_back(index); ++nbIndexToSend; } } } int* sendBuff = new int[nbClient]; for (int i = 0; i < nbClient; ++i) sendBuff[i] = 0; std::map >::iterator itb = client2ClientIndex.begin(), it, ite = client2ClientIndex.end(); for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) sendBuff[it->first] = 1; int* recvBuff = new int[nbClient]; MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commLevel); std::list sendIndexRequest; if (0 != nbIndexToSend) for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) sendIndexToClients(it->first, it->second, commLevel, sendIndexRequest); int nbDemandingClient = recvBuff[clientRank], nbSendBuffInfoReceived = 0; // Receiving demand as well as the responds from other clients // The demand message contains global index; meanwhile the responds have server index information // Buffer to receive demand from other clients, it can be allocated or not depending whether it has demand(s) // There are some cases we demand duplicate index so need to determine maxium size of demanding buffer for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) sendBuff[it->first] = (it->second).size(); MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commLevel); unsigned long* recvBuffIndex = 0; int maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers = recvBuff[clientRank]; if (0 != maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers) recvBuffIndex = new unsigned long[maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers]; // Buffer to receive respond from other clients, it can be allocated or not depending whether it demands other clients InfoType* recvBuffInfo = 0; int nbIndexReceivedFromOthers = nbIndexToSend; if (0 != nbIndexReceivedFromOthers) recvBuffInfo = new InfoType[nbIndexReceivedFromOthers]; std::map::iterator itRequest; std::vector demandAlreadyReceived, repondAlreadyReceived; int countIndex = 0; // Counting of buffer for receiving index std::map requestRecvIndex; // Request returned by MPI_IRecv function about index // Mapping client rank and the beginning position of receiving buffer for message of index from this client std::map indexBuffBegin; std::map > src2Index; // Temporary mapping contains info of demand (source and associate index) in curren level CArray tmpGlobalIndexOnClient(maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers); int k = 0; while ((0 < nbDemandingClient) || (!sendIndexRequest.empty())) { // Just check whether a client has any demand from other clients. // If it has, then it should send responds to these client(s) probeIndexMessageFromClients(recvBuffIndex, maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers, countIndex, indexBuffBegin, requestRecvIndex, commLevel); if (0 < nbDemandingClient) { for (itRequest = requestRecvIndex.begin(); itRequest != requestRecvIndex.end(); ++itRequest) { int flagIndexGlobal, count; MPI_Status statusIndexGlobal; MPI_Test(&(itRequest->second), &flagIndexGlobal, &statusIndexGlobal); if (true == flagIndexGlobal) { MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexGlobal, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); int clientSourceRank = statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE; unsigned long* beginBuff = indexBuffBegin[clientSourceRank]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { src2Index[clientSourceRank].push_back(*(beginBuff+i)); tmpGlobalIndexOnClient(k) = *(beginBuff+i); ++k; } --nbDemandingClient; demandAlreadyReceived.push_back(clientSourceRank); } } for (int i = 0; i< demandAlreadyReceived.size(); ++i) requestRecvIndex.erase(demandAlreadyReceived[i]); } testSendRequest(sendIndexRequest); } if (0 < level) { --level; computeIndexInfoMappingLevel(tmpGlobalIndexOnClient, this->commLevel_[level], level); } else indexToInfoMappingLevel_ = index2InfoMapping_; std::map > client2ClientInfo; std::list sendInfoRequest; std::map >::iterator itbSrc2Idx = src2Index.begin(), itSrc2Idx, iteSrc2Idx = src2Index.end(); for (itSrc2Idx = itbSrc2Idx; itSrc2Idx != iteSrc2Idx; ++itSrc2Idx) { int clientSourceRank = itSrc2Idx->first; std::vector& srcIdx = itSrc2Idx->second; for (int idx = 0; idx < srcIdx.size(); ++idx) { client2ClientInfo[clientSourceRank].push_back(indexToInfoMappingLevel_[srcIdx[idx]]); } sendInfoToClients(clientSourceRank, client2ClientInfo[clientSourceRank], commLevel, sendInfoRequest); } boost::unordered_map indexToInfoMapping; int countInfo = 0; // Counting of buffer for receiving server index std::map requestRecvInfo; // Mapping client rank and the begining position of receiving buffer for message of server index from this client std::map infoBuffBegin; while ((!sendInfoRequest.empty()) || (nbSendBuffInfoReceived < nbIndexReceivedFromOthers)) { testSendRequest(sendInfoRequest); // In some cases, a client need to listen respond from other clients about server information // Ok, with the information, a client can fill in its server-global index map. probeInfoMessageFromClients(recvBuffInfo, nbIndexReceivedFromOthers, countInfo, infoBuffBegin, requestRecvInfo, commLevel); for (itRequest = requestRecvInfo.begin(); itRequest != requestRecvInfo.end(); ++itRequest) { int flagInfo, count; MPI_Status statusInfo; MPI_Test(&(itRequest->second), &flagInfo, &statusInfo); if (true == flagInfo) { MPI_Get_count(&statusInfo, MPI_INT, &count); int clientSourceRank = statusInfo.MPI_SOURCE; InfoType* beginBuff = infoBuffBegin[clientSourceRank]; std::vector& indexTmp = client2ClientIndex[clientSourceRank]; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { indexToInfoMapping[indexTmp[i]] = *(beginBuff+i); } nbSendBuffInfoReceived += count; repondAlreadyReceived.push_back(clientSourceRank); } } for (int i = 0; i< repondAlreadyReceived.size(); ++i) requestRecvInfo.erase(repondAlreadyReceived[i]); repondAlreadyReceived.resize(0); } indexToInfoMappingLevel_ = indexToInfoMapping; if (0 != maxNbIndexDemandedFromOthers) delete [] recvBuffIndex; if (0 != nbIndexReceivedFromOthers) delete [] recvBuffInfo; delete [] sendBuff; delete [] recvBuff; } /*! Compute the hash index distribution of whole size_t space then each client will have a range of this distribution */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeHashIndex(std::vector& hashedIndex, int nbClient) { // Compute range of hash index for each client hashedIndex.resize(nbClient+1); size_t nbHashIndexMax = std::numeric_limits::max(); size_t nbHashIndex; hashedIndex[0] = 0; for (int i = 1; i < nbClient; ++i) { nbHashIndex = nbHashIndexMax / nbClient; if (i < (nbHashIndexMax%nbClient)) ++nbHashIndex; hashedIndex[i] = hashedIndex[i-1] + nbHashIndex; } hashedIndex[nbClient] = nbHashIndexMax; } /*! Compute distribution of global index for servers Each client already holds a piece of information and its attached index. This information will be redistributed among processes by projecting indices into size_t space. After the redistribution, each client holds rearranged index and its corresponding information. \param [in] indexInfoMap index and its corresponding info (usually server index) \param [in] commLevel communicator of current level \param [in] level current level */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeDistributedIndex(const boost::unordered_map& indexInfoMap, const MPI_Comm& commLevel, int level) { int nbClient, clientRank; MPI_Comm_size(commLevel,&nbClient); MPI_Comm_rank(commLevel,&clientRank); std::vector hashedIndex; computeHashIndex(hashedIndex, nbClient); int* sendBuff = new int[nbClient]; int* sendNbIndexBuff = new int[nbClient]; for (int i = 0; i < nbClient; ++i) { sendBuff[i] = 0; sendNbIndexBuff[i] = 0; } // Compute size of sending and receving buffer std::map > client2ClientIndex; std::map > client2ClientInfo; std::vector::const_iterator itbClientHash = hashedIndex.begin(), itClientHash, iteClientHash = hashedIndex.end(); typename boost::unordered_map::const_iterator it = indexInfoMap.begin(), ite = indexInfoMap.end(); HashXIOS hashGlobalIndex; for (; it != ite; ++it) { size_t hashIndex = hashGlobalIndex(it->first); itClientHash = std::upper_bound(itbClientHash, iteClientHash, hashIndex); if (itClientHash != iteClientHash) { int indexClient = std::distance(itbClientHash, itClientHash)-1; { sendBuff[indexClient] = 1; ++sendNbIndexBuff[indexClient]; client2ClientIndex[indexClient].push_back(it->first); client2ClientInfo[indexClient].push_back(it->second); } } } // Calculate from how many clients each client receive message. int* recvBuff = new int[nbClient]; MPI_Allreduce(sendBuff, recvBuff, nbClient, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commLevel); int recvNbClient = recvBuff[clientRank]; // Calculate size of buffer for receiving message int* recvNbIndexBuff = new int[nbClient]; MPI_Allreduce(sendNbIndexBuff, recvNbIndexBuff, nbClient, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, commLevel); int recvNbIndexCount = recvNbIndexBuff[clientRank]; unsigned long* recvIndexBuff = new unsigned long[recvNbIndexCount]; InfoType* recvInfoBuff = new InfoType[recvNbIndexCount]; // If a client holds information about index and the corresponding which don't belong to it, // it will send a message to the correct clients. // Contents of the message are index and its corresponding informatioin std::list sendRequest; std::map >::iterator itIndex = client2ClientIndex.begin(), iteIndex = client2ClientIndex.end(); for (; itIndex != iteIndex; ++itIndex) sendIndexToClients(itIndex->first, itIndex->second, commLevel, sendRequest); typename std::map >::iterator itInfo = client2ClientInfo.begin(), iteInfo = client2ClientInfo.end(); for (; itInfo != iteInfo; ++itInfo) sendInfoToClients(itInfo->first, itInfo->second, commLevel, sendRequest); std::map::iterator itRequestIndex, itRequestInfo; std::map countBuffInfo, countBuffIndex; std::vector processedList; bool isFinished = (0 == recvNbClient) ? true : false; // Counting of buffer for receiving global index int countIndex = 0; // Counting of buffer for receiving server index int countInfo = 0; // Request returned by MPI_IRecv function about global index std::map requestRecvIndex, requestRecvInfo; // Mapping client rank and the beginning position of receiving buffer for message of global index from this client std::map indexBuffBegin; // Mapping client rank and the begining position of receiving buffer for message of server index from this client std::map infoBuffBegin; boost::unordered_map indexToInfoMapping; // Now each client trys to listen to demand from others. // If they have message, it processes: pushing global index and corresponding server to its map while (!isFinished || (!sendRequest.empty())) { testSendRequest(sendRequest); probeIndexMessageFromClients(recvIndexBuff, recvNbIndexCount, countIndex, indexBuffBegin, requestRecvIndex, commLevel); // Processing complete request for (itRequestIndex = requestRecvIndex.begin(); itRequestIndex != requestRecvIndex.end(); ++itRequestIndex) { int rank = itRequestIndex->first; int count = computeBuffCountIndex(itRequestIndex->second); if (0 != count) countBuffIndex[rank] = count; } probeInfoMessageFromClients(recvInfoBuff, recvNbIndexCount, countInfo, infoBuffBegin, requestRecvInfo, commLevel); for (itRequestInfo = requestRecvInfo.begin(); itRequestInfo != requestRecvInfo.end(); ++itRequestInfo) { int rank = itRequestInfo->first; int count = computeBuffCountInfo(itRequestInfo->second); if (0 != count) countBuffInfo[rank] = count; } for (std::map::iterator it = countBuffIndex.begin(); it != countBuffIndex.end(); ++it) { int rank = it->first; if ((countBuffInfo.end() != countBuffInfo.find(rank)) && (countBuffIndex.end() != countBuffIndex.find(rank))) { int count = it->second; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) indexToInfoMapping.insert(std::make_pair(*(indexBuffBegin[rank]+i),*(infoBuffBegin[rank]+i))); processedList.push_back(rank); --recvNbClient; } } for (int i = 0; i < processedList.size(); ++i) { requestRecvInfo.erase(processedList[i]); requestRecvIndex.erase(processedList[i]); countBuffIndex.erase(processedList[i]); countBuffInfo.erase(processedList[i]); } if (0 == recvNbClient) isFinished = true; } delete [] sendBuff; delete [] sendNbIndexBuff; delete [] recvBuff; delete [] recvNbIndexBuff; delete [] recvIndexBuff; delete [] recvInfoBuff; // Ok, now do something recursive if (0 < level) { --level; computeDistributedIndex(indexToInfoMapping, this->commLevel_[level], level); } else index2InfoMapping_ = indexToInfoMapping; } /*! Probe and receive message containg global index from other clients. Each client can send a message of global index to other clients to fulfill their maps. Each client probes message from its queue then if the message is ready, it will be put into the receiving buffer \param [in] recvIndexBuff buffer dedicated for receiving global index \param [in] recvNbIndexCount size of the buffer \param [in] countIndex number of received index \param [in] indexBuffBegin beginning of index buffer for each source rank \param [in] requestRecvIndex request of receving index \param [in] intraComm communicator */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::probeIndexMessageFromClients(unsigned long* recvIndexBuff, const int recvNbIndexCount, int& countIndex, std::map& indexBuffBegin, std::map& requestRecvIndex, const MPI_Comm& intraComm) { MPI_Status statusIndexGlobal; int flagIndexGlobal, count; // Probing for global index MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INDEX, intraComm, &flagIndexGlobal, &statusIndexGlobal); if ((true == flagIndexGlobal) && (countIndex < recvNbIndexCount)) { MPI_Get_count(&statusIndexGlobal, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); indexBuffBegin.insert(std::make_pair(statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE, recvIndexBuff+countIndex)); MPI_Irecv(recvIndexBuff+countIndex, count, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INDEX, intraComm, &requestRecvIndex[statusIndexGlobal.MPI_SOURCE]); countIndex += count; } } /*! Probe and receive message containg server index from other clients. Each client can send a message of server index to other clients to fulfill their maps. Each client probes message from its queue then if the message is ready, it will be put into the receiving buffer \param [in] recvInfoBuff buffer dedicated for receiving server index \param [in] recvNbIndexCount size of the buffer \param [in] countInfo number of received info \param [in] infoBuffBegin beginning of index buffer for each source rank \param [in] requestRecvInfo request of receving index \param [in] intraComm communicator */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::probeInfoMessageFromClients(T* recvInfoBuff, const int recvNbIndexCount, int& countInfo, std::map& infoBuffBegin, std::map& requestRecvInfo, const MPI_Comm& intraComm) { MPI_Status statusInfo; int flagInfo, count; // Probing for server index MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INFO, intraComm, &flagInfo, &statusInfo); if ((true == flagInfo) && (countInfo < recvNbIndexCount)) { MPI_Get_count(&statusInfo, MPI_CHAR, &count); infoBuffBegin.insert(std::make_pair(statusInfo.MPI_SOURCE, recvInfoBuff+countInfo)); MPI_Irecv(recvInfoBuff+countInfo, count, MPI_CHAR, statusInfo.MPI_SOURCE, MPI_DHT_INFO, intraComm, &requestRecvInfo[statusInfo.MPI_SOURCE]); countInfo += count/infoTypeSize; } } /*! Send message containing index to clients \param [in] clientDestRank rank of destination client \param [in] indices index to send \param [in] clientIntraComm communication group of client \param [in] requestSendIndex list of sending request */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::sendIndexToClients(int clientDestRank, std::vector& indices, const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, std::list& requestSendIndex) { MPI_Request request; requestSendIndex.push_back(request); MPI_Isend(&(indices)[0], (indices).size(), MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, clientDestRank, MPI_DHT_INDEX, clientIntraComm, &(requestSendIndex.back())); } /*! Send message containing information to clients \param [in] clientDestRank rank of destination client \param [in] info server index to send \param [in] clientIntraComm communication group of client \param [in] requestSendInfo list of sending request */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::sendInfoToClients(int clientDestRank, std::vector& info, const MPI_Comm& clientIntraComm, std::list& requestSendInfo) { MPI_Request request; requestSendInfo.push_back(request); MPI_Isend(&(info)[0], info.size() * infoTypeSize, MPI_CHAR, clientDestRank, MPI_DHT_INFO, clientIntraComm, &(requestSendInfo.back())); } /*! Verify status of sending request \param [in] sendRequest sending request to verify */ template void CClientClientDHTTemplate::testSendRequest(std::list& sendRequest) { int flag = 0; MPI_Status status; std::list::iterator itRequest; int sizeListRequest = sendRequest.size(); int idx = 0; while (idx < sizeListRequest) { bool isErased = false; for (itRequest = sendRequest.begin(); itRequest != sendRequest.end(); ++itRequest) { MPI_Test(&(*itRequest), &flag, &status); if (true == flag) { isErased = true; break; } } if (true == isErased) sendRequest.erase(itRequest); ++idx; } } /*! Compute size of message containing global index \param[in] requestRecv request of message */ template int CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeBuffCountIndex(MPI_Request& requestRecv) { int flag, count = 0; MPI_Status status; MPI_Test(&requestRecv, &flag, &status); if (true == flag) { MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_UNSIGNED_LONG, &count); } return count; } /*! Compute size of message containing server index \param[in] requestRecv request of message */ template int CClientClientDHTTemplate::computeBuffCountInfo(MPI_Request& requestRecv) { int flag, count = 0; MPI_Status status; MPI_Test(&requestRecv, &flag, &status); if (true == flag) { MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_CHAR, &count); } return (count/infoTypeSize); } }