#include "xmlioserver_spl.hpp" #include "cxios.hpp" #include "client.hpp" #include "server.hpp" #include "xml_parser.hpp" #include #include "mpi.hpp" #include "memory.hpp" #include #include "memtrack.hpp" namespace xios { string CXios::rootFile="./iodef.xml" ; string CXios::xiosCodeId="xios.x" ; string CXios::clientFile="./xios_client"; string CXios::serverFile="./xios_server"; bool CXios::isClient ; bool CXios::isServer ; MPI_Comm CXios::globalComm ; bool CXios::usingOasis ; bool CXios::usingServer = false; double CXios::bufferServerFactorSize=1.0 ; double CXios::defaultBufferServerFactorSize=1.0 ; bool CXios::printInfo2File; bool CXios::isServerSide; bool CXios::isOptPerformance = true; //! Parse configuration file and create some objects from it void CXios::initialize() { set_new_handler(noMemory); parseFile(rootFile); parseXiosConfig(); } /*! \brief Parse xios part of configuration file (.iodef.xml) Both client and server need information returned from this function */ void CXios::parseXiosConfig() { usingOasis=getin("using_oasis",false) ; usingServer=getin("using_server",false) ; info.setLevel(getin("info_level",0)) ; report.setLevel(getin("info_level",50)); printInfo2File=getin("print_file",false); StdString bufMemory("memory"); StdString bufPerformance("performance"); StdString bufOpt = getin("optimal_buffer_size", bufPerformance); std::transform(bufOpt.begin(), bufOpt.end(), bufOpt.begin(), ::tolower); if (0 == bufOpt.compare(bufMemory)) isOptPerformance = false; else if (0 != bufOpt.compare(bufPerformance)) { ERROR("CXios::parseXiosConfig()", << "optimal_buffer_size must be memory or performance "<< endl ); } bufferServerFactorSize=getin("buffer_factor_size",defaultBufferServerFactorSize) ; globalComm=MPI_COMM_WORLD ; } /*! Initialize client \param [in] codeId identity of context \param [in] localComm local communicator \param [in/out] returnComm communicator corresponding to group of client with same codeId */ void CXios::initClientSide(const string& codeId, MPI_Comm& localComm, MPI_Comm& returnComm) { initialize() ; isClient=true; CClient::initialize(codeId,localComm,returnComm) ; if (usingServer) isServerSide = isServer=false; else isServerSide = isServer=true; if (printInfo2File) CClient::openInfoStream(clientFile); else CClient::openInfoStream(); } void CXios::clientFinalize(void) { CClient::finalize() ; CClient::closeInfoStream(); #ifdef XIOS_MEMTRACK MemTrack::TrackListMemoryUsage() ; MemTrack::TrackDumpBlocks(); #endif } //! Init server by parsing only xios part of config file void CXios::initServer() { set_new_handler(noMemory); std::set parseList; parseList.insert("xios"); xml::CXMLParser::ParseFile(rootFile, parseList); parseXiosConfig(); } //! Initialize server then put it into listening state void CXios::initServerSide(void) { initServer(); isClient=true; isServer=false ; isServerSide = true; // Initialize all aspects MPI CServer::initialize(); if (printInfo2File) CServer::openInfoStream(serverFile); else CServer::openInfoStream(); // Enter the loop to listen message from Client CServer::eventLoop(); // Finalize CServer::finalize(); CServer::closeInfoStream(); } //! Parse configuration file void CXios::parseFile(const string& filename) { xml::CXMLParser::ParseFile(filename); } //! Set using server void CXios::setUsingServer() { usingServer = true; } //! Unset using server void CXios::setNotUsingServer() { usingServer = false; } }