/*! \file axis_algorithm_inverse.hpp \author Ha NGUYEN \since 14 May 2015 \date 29 June 2015 \brief Algorithm for inversing an axis.. */ #include "axis_algorithm_inverse.hpp" #include "transformation_mapping.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "context_client.hpp" namespace xios { CAxisAlgorithmInverse::CAxisAlgorithmInverse(CAxis* axisDestination, CAxis* axisSource) : CAxisAlgorithmTransformation(axisDestination, axisSource) { if (axisDestination->n_glo.getValue() != axisSource->n_glo.getValue()) { ERROR("CAxisAlgorithmInverse::CAxisAlgorithmInverse(CAxis* axisDestination, CAxis* axisSource)", << "Two axis have different global size" << "Size of axis source " <getId() << " is " << axisSource->n_glo.getValue() << std::endl << "Size of axis destionation " <getId() << " is " << axisDestination->n_glo.getValue()); } this->computeIndexSourceMapping(); int niSrc = axisSrc_->n.getValue(); int sizeSrc = axisSrc_->n_glo.getValue(); if (niSrc != sizeSrc) updateAxisValue(); else { for (int idx = 0; idx < sizeSrc; ++idx) { axisDest_->value(idx) = axisSrc_->value(sizeSrc-idx-1); } } } void CAxisAlgorithmInverse::computeIndexSourceMapping() { std::map >& transMap = this->transformationMapping_; std::map >& transWeight = this->transformationWeight_; int globalIndexSize = axisDestGlobalIndex_.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < globalIndexSize; ++idx) { transMap[axisDestGlobalIndex_[idx]].push_back(axisDestGlobalSize_-axisDestGlobalIndex_[idx]-1); transWeight[axisDestGlobalIndex_[idx]].push_back(1.0); } } /*! Update value on axis after inversing After an axis is inversed, not only the data on it must be inversed but also the value */ void CAxisAlgorithmInverse::updateAxisValue() { CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); CContextClient* client=context->client; int niSrc = axisSrc_->n.getValue(); int ibeginSrc = axisSrc_->begin.getValue(); CTransformationMapping transformationMap(axisDest_, axisSrc_); std::map >& transMap = this->transformationMapping_; std::map >& transWeight = this->transformationWeight_; std::map > > globaIndexMapFromDestToSource; std::map >::const_iterator it = transMap.begin(), ite = transMap.end(); for (; it != ite; ++it) { globaIndexMapFromDestToSource[it->first].push_back(make_pair((it->second)[0], (transWeight[it->first])[0])); } transformationMap.computeTransformationMapping(globaIndexMapFromDestToSource); const std::map > > >& globalIndexToReceive = transformationMap.getGlobalIndexReceivedOnGridDestMapping(); const std::map >& globalIndexToSend = transformationMap.getGlobalIndexSendToGridDestMapping(); // Sending global index of original grid source std::map >::const_iterator itbSend = globalIndexToSend.begin(), itSend, iteSend = globalIndexToSend.end(); int sendBuffSize = 0; for (itSend = itbSend; itSend != iteSend; ++itSend) sendBuffSize += (itSend->second).size(); typedef double Scalar; Scalar* sendBuff, *currentSendBuff; if (0 != sendBuffSize) sendBuff = new Scalar[sendBuffSize]; for (StdSize idx = 0; idx < sendBuffSize; ++idx) sendBuff[idx] = NumTraits::sfmax(); int currentBuffPosition = 0; for (itSend = itbSend; itSend != iteSend; ++itSend) { int destRank = itSend->first; const std::vector& globalIndexOfCurrentGridSourceToSend = itSend->second; int countSize = globalIndexOfCurrentGridSourceToSend.size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < (countSize); ++idx) { int index = globalIndexOfCurrentGridSourceToSend[idx] - ibeginSrc; sendBuff[idx+currentBuffPosition] = (axisSrc_->value)(index); } currentSendBuff = sendBuff + currentBuffPosition; MPI_Send(currentSendBuff, countSize, MPI_DOUBLE, destRank, 14, client->intraComm); currentBuffPosition += countSize; } // Receiving global index of grid source sending from current grid source std::map > > >::const_iterator itbRecv = globalIndexToReceive.begin(), itRecv, iteRecv = globalIndexToReceive.end(); int recvBuffSize = 0; for (itRecv = itbRecv; itRecv != iteRecv; ++itRecv) recvBuffSize += (itRecv->second).size(); Scalar* recvBuff, *currentRecvBuff; if (0 != recvBuffSize) recvBuff = new Scalar [recvBuffSize]; for (StdSize idx = 0; idx < recvBuffSize; ++idx) recvBuff[idx] = NumTraits::sfmax(); int currentRecvBuffPosition = 0; for (itRecv = itbRecv; itRecv != iteRecv; ++itRecv) { MPI_Status status; int srcRank = itRecv->first; int countSize = (itRecv->second).size(); currentRecvBuff = recvBuff + currentRecvBuffPosition; MPI_Recv(currentRecvBuff, countSize, MPI_DOUBLE, srcRank, 14, client->intraComm, &status); currentRecvBuffPosition += countSize; } int ibeginDest = axisDest_->begin.getValue(); currentRecvBuff = recvBuff; for (itRecv = itbRecv; itRecv != iteRecv; ++itRecv) { int countSize = (itRecv->second).size(); for (int idx = 0; idx < countSize; ++idx, ++currentRecvBuff) { int ssize = (itRecv->second)[idx].size(); for (int i = 0; i < ssize; ++i) { int index = ((itRecv->second)[idx][i]).first - ibeginDest; (axisDest_->value)(index) = *currentRecvBuff; } } } if (0 != sendBuffSize) delete [] sendBuff; if (0 != recvBuffSize) delete [] recvBuff; } }