#ifndef __XMLIO_CContext__ #define __XMLIO_CContext__ /// xios headers /// #include "xmlioserver_spl.hpp" //#include "node_type.hpp" #include "calendar.hpp" #include "declare_group.hpp" //#include "context_client.hpp" //#include "context_server.hpp" #include "data_output.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "registry.hpp" namespace xios { class CContextClient ; class CContextServer ; /// ////////////////////// Déclarations ////////////////////// /// class CContextGroup; class CContextAttributes; class CContext; class CFile; ///-------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare/Define CFileAttribute BEGIN_DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP(CContext) # include "context_attribute.conf" END_DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE_MAP(CContext) ///-------------------------------------------------------------- class CContext : public CObjectTemplate , public CContextAttributes { public : enum EEventId { EVENT_ID_CLOSE_DEFINITION,EVENT_ID_UPDATE_CALENDAR, EVENT_ID_CREATE_FILE_HEADER,EVENT_ID_CONTEXT_FINALIZE, EVENT_ID_SEND_REGISTRY } ; /// typedef /// typedef CObjectTemplate SuperClass; typedef CContextAttributes SuperClassAttribute; public : typedef CContextAttributes RelAttributes; typedef CContext RelGroup; //--------------------------------------------------------- public : /// Constructeurs /// CContext(void); explicit CContext(const StdString & id); CContext(const CContext & context); // Not implemented yet. CContext(const CContext * const context); // Not implemented yet. /// Destructeur /// virtual ~CContext(void); //--------------------------------------------------------- public : /// Mutateurs /// void setCalendar(boost::shared_ptr newCalendar); /// Accesseurs /// boost::shared_ptr getCalendar(void) const; /// Accesseurs statiques /// static StdString GetName(void); static StdString GetDefName(void); static ENodeType GetType(void); static CContextGroup* GetContextGroup(void); public : /// Traitements /// virtual void solveDescInheritance(bool apply, const CAttributeMap * const parent = 0); void solveFieldRefInheritance(bool apply); void solveCalendar(void); /// Autres méthodes statiques /// static void ShowTree(StdOStream & out = std::clog); static void CleanTree(void); /// Test /// virtual bool hasChild(void) const; bool eventLoop(void) ; bool serverLoop(void) ; void clientLoop(void) ; void initServer(MPI_Comm intraComm, MPI_Comm interComm) ; void initClient(MPI_Comm intraComm, MPI_Comm interComm) ; bool isInitialized(void) ; CContextServer* server ; CContextClient* client ; bool hasClient ; bool hasServer ; void finalize(void) ; void closeDefinition(void) ; void findAllEnabledFields(void); void processEnabledFiles(void) ; void solveAllGridRef(void); void solveAllOperation(void); void solveAllExpression(void); void solveAllInheritance(bool apply=true) ; void findEnabledFiles(void); void closeAllFile(void) ; void updateCalendar(int step) ; void createFileHeader(void ) ; // dispatch event static bool dispatchEvent(CEventServer& event) ; void sendCloseDefinition(void) ; void sendUpdateCalendar(int step) ; void sendCreateFileHeader(void) ; void sendRegistry(void) ; //!< after be gathered to the root process of the context, merged registry is sent to the root process of the servers static void recvUpdateCalendar(CEventServer& event) ; void recvUpdateCalendar(CBufferIn& buffer) ; static void recvCloseDefinition(CEventServer& event) ; static void recvCreateFileHeader(CEventServer& event) ; void recvCreateFileHeader(CBufferIn& buffer) ; static void recvRegistry(CEventServer& event) ; void recvRegistry(CBufferIn& buffer) ; //!< registry is received by the root process of the servers static CContext* getCurrent(void) ; static CContextGroup* getRoot(void) ; static void setCurrent(const string& id) ; static CContext* create(const string& id = "") ; public : /// Autres /// virtual void parse(xml::CXMLNode & node); virtual StdString toString(void) const; // virtual void toBinary (StdOStream & os) const; // virtual void fromBinary(StdIStream & is); public : boost::shared_ptr calendar; std::vector enabledFiles; static shared_ptr root ; CRegistry* registryIn ; //!< input registry which is read from file CRegistry* registryOut ; //!< output registry which will be wrote on file at the finalize }; // class CContext ///-------------------------------------------------------------- // Declare/Define CContextGroup and CContextDefinition DECLARE_GROUP(CContext); ///-------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace xios #endif // __XMLIO_CContext__