source: XIOS3/dev/XIOS_ATTACHED/src/io/nc4_data_input.cpp @ 2482

Last change on this file since 2482 was 2482, checked in by ymipsl, 16 months ago

First guess in supression of attached mode replaced by online reader and write filters


  • Property copyright set to
    Software name : XIOS (Xml I/O Server)
    Creation date : January 2009
    Licence : CeCCIL version2
    see license file in root directory : Licence_CeCILL_V2-en.txt
    Holder : CEA/LSCE (Laboratoire des Sciences du CLimat et de l'Environnement)
    CNRS/IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace)
    Project Manager : Yann Meurdesoif
File size: 24.5 KB
1#include "nc4_data_input.hpp"
3#include "context.hpp"
4#include "context_server.hpp"
5#include "context_client.hpp"
6#include "domain.hpp"
7#include "axis.hpp"
8#include "scalar.hpp"
10namespace xios
12  CNc4DataInput::CNc4DataInput(const StdString& filename, MPI_Comm comm_file, bool multifile, bool isCollective /*= true*/,
13                               bool readMetaDataPar /*= false*/, bool ugridConvention /*= false*/, const StdString& timeCounterName /*= "time_counter"*/)
14    : SuperClass()
15    , SuperClassWriter(filename, &comm_file, multifile, readMetaDataPar, timeCounterName)
16    , comm_file(comm_file)
17    , filename(filename)
18    , isCollective(isCollective)
19    , ugridConvention(ugridConvention)
20    , readMetaDataDomains_(), readValueDomains_()
21    , readMetaDataAxis_(), readValueAxis_()
22    , readMetaDataScalar_(), readValueScalar_()
23  {
24    SuperClass::type = multifile ? MULTI_FILE : ONE_FILE;
25  }
27  CNc4DataInput::~CNc4DataInput(void)
28  { /* Nothing more to do */ }
30  StdSize CNc4DataInput::getFieldNbRecords_(CField* field)
31  TRY
32  {
33    StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName();
35    if (SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId))
36    {
37//      return SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId)[SuperClassWriter::getUnlimitedDimensionName()];
38      return SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId)[SuperClassWriter::getTimeCounterName()];
39    }
41    return 1;
42  }
45  void CNc4DataInput::readFieldData_(CField* field, int record, CArray<double,1>& dataOut)
46  TRY
47  {
48    CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent();
50    CGrid* grid = field->getGrid();
52    if (!grid->doGridHaveDataToWrite())  if (SuperClass::type==MULTI_FILE || !isCollective) return;
54    StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName();
56    switch (SuperClass::type)
57    {
58      case MULTI_FILE:
59        SuperClassWriter::getData(dataOut, fieldId, isCollective, record );
60        break;
61      case ONE_FILE:
62      {
63        std::vector<StdSize> start, count;
65        CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrder = grid->axis_domain_order;
66        std::vector<StdString> domainList = grid->getDomainList();
67        std::vector<StdString> axisList   = grid->getAxisList();
68        std::vector<StdString> scalarList = grid->getScalarList();
69        int numElement = axisDomainOrder.numElements();
70        int idxDomain = domainList.size() - 1, idxAxis = axisList.size() - 1 ;
71        int idx = domainList.size() * 2 + axisList.size() - 1;
73        start.reserve(idx+1);
74        count.reserve(idx+1);
76        for (int i = numElement - 1; i >= 0; --i)
77        {
78          if (2 == axisDomainOrder(i))
79          {
80            CDomain* domain = CDomain::get(domainList[idxDomain]);
81            if ((domain->type) != CDomain::type_attr::unstructured)
82            {
83              start.push_back(domain->jbeginValue_);
84              count.push_back(domain->njValue_);
85            }
86            start.push_back(domain->ibeginValue_);
87            count.push_back(domain->niValue_);
88            --idxDomain;
89          }
90          else if (1 == axisDomainOrder(i))
91          {
92            CAxis* axis = CAxis::get(axisList[idxAxis]);
93            start.push_back(axis->begin);
94            count.push_back(axis->n);
95            --idxAxis ;
96          }
97          else
98          {
99            if (1 == axisDomainOrder.numElements())
100            {
101              CScalar* scalar = CScalar::get(scalarList[0]);
102              start.push_back(0);
103              count.push_back(scalar->n);
104            }
105          }
106        }
108        SuperClassWriter::getData(dataOut, fieldId, isCollective, record, &start, &count);
109        break;
110      }
111    }
112  }
113  CATCH
115  void CNc4DataInput::readFieldAttributes_(CField* field, bool readAttributeValues)
116  TRY
117  {
118    StdString fieldId = field->getFieldOutputName();
120    CGrid* grid = field->getGrid();
122    std::vector<CDomain*> domainP = grid->getDomains();
123    std::vector<CAxis*> axisP = grid->getAxis();
124    std::vector<CScalar*> scalarP = grid->getScalars();
125    int gridDim = domainP.size() * 2 + axisP.size();
127    // Nothing to do with scalar without timestep
128    if ((0 == gridDim) && (!SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId))) 
129      return;
131    // Verify the compatibility of dimension of declared grid and real grid in file
132    int realGridDim = 1;
133    bool isUnstructuredGrid = ((gridDim < 2 || domainP.size()==0) ? false :  SuperClassWriter::isUnstructured(fieldId));
134    std::map<StdString, StdSize> dimSizeMap = SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&fieldId);
135    std::list<StdString> dimList = SuperClassWriter::getDimensionsList(&fieldId);
137    realGridDim = SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId) ? dimSizeMap.size() - 1 : dimSizeMap.size();
138    if (isUnstructuredGrid) ++realGridDim;
140    if (gridDim != realGridDim)
141       ERROR("CNc4DataInput::readFieldAttributes_(CField* field, bool readAttributeValues)",
142        << "Field '" << fieldId << "' has incorrect dimension " << std::endl
143        << "Verify dimension of grid defined by 'grid_ref' or 'domain_ref'/'axis_ref' and dimension of grid in read file.");
145    // Remove unlimited dimension from the map, we dont need it anymore
146    if (SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(fieldId))
147    {
148      dimSizeMap.erase(SuperClassWriter::getUnlimitedDimensionName());
149      dimList.pop_front() ;  // assume time dimension is first
150    }
152    std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> > listDimSize;
154    for (std::map<StdString, StdSize>::const_iterator itMap = dimSizeMap.begin(); itMap != dimSizeMap.end(); ++itMap)
155      listDimSize.push_front(*itMap);
158//    if (!SuperClassWriter::isRectilinear(fieldId))
159    if (true)
160    {
161      for (std::list<StdString>::const_iterator it = dimList.begin(); it != dimList.end(); ++it)
162        listDimSize.push_front(*dimSizeMap.find(*it));
163    }
164    else
165    {
166       std::list<StdString> coords = SuperClassWriter::getCoordinatesIdList(fieldId);
167       std::list<StdString>::const_iterator itCoord = coords.begin();
168       for (; itCoord != coords.end(); itCoord++)
169       {
170         const StdString& coord = *itCoord;
171         if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(coord) && !SuperClassWriter::isTemporal(coord))
172         {
173           std::map<StdString, StdSize> dimsTmp = SuperClassWriter::getDimensions(&coord);
174           StdString dimNameTmp = dimsTmp.begin()->first;
175           StdSize dimSizeTmp = dimsTmp.begin()->second;
176           listDimSize.push_front(make_pair(coord, dimSizeTmp));
177           dimSizeMap.erase(dimNameTmp);
178           dimList.remove(dimNameTmp);
179         }
180       }
181       for (std::list<StdString>::const_iterator it = dimList.begin(); it != dimList.end(); ++it)
182        listDimSize.push_front(*dimSizeMap.find(*it));
183    }
185    // Now process domain and axis
186    CArray<int,1> axisDomainOrder = grid->axis_domain_order;
187    int numElement = domainP.size() + axisP.size() + scalarP.size();
188    int elementPosition = 0;
189    int idxDomain = 0, idxAxis = 0, idxScalar = 0;
191    std::pair<std::set<StdString>::iterator,bool> it;
192    for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i)
193    {
194      if(2 == axisDomainOrder(i))
195      {
196        if (readAttributeValues)
197        {
198           it = readValueDomains_.insert(domainP[idxDomain]->getId());
199           if (it.second) readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(domainP[idxDomain], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
200        }
201        else
202        {
203          it = readMetaDataDomains_.insert(domainP[idxDomain]->getId());
204          if (it.second) readDomainAttributesFromFile(domainP[idxDomain], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
205        }
206        ++idxDomain;
207        if (isUnstructuredGrid) ++elementPosition;
208        else elementPosition += 2;
209      }
210      else if (1 == axisDomainOrder(i))
211      {
212        if (readAttributeValues)
213        {
214          it = readValueAxis_.insert(axisP[idxAxis]->getId());
215          if (it.second) readAxisAttributeValueFromFile(axisP[idxAxis], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
216        }
217        else
218        {
219          it = readMetaDataAxis_.insert(axisP[idxAxis]->getId());
220          if (it.second) readAxisAttributesFromFile(axisP[idxAxis], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
221        }
222        ++idxAxis;
223        ++elementPosition;
224      }
225      else
226      {
227        if (readAttributeValues)
228        {
229          it = readValueScalar_.insert(scalarP[idxScalar]->getId());
230          if (it.second) readScalarAttributeValueFromFile(scalarP[idxScalar], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
231        }
232        else
233        {
234          it = readMetaDataScalar_.insert(scalarP[idxScalar]->getId());
235          if (it.second) readScalarAttributesFromFile(scalarP[idxScalar], listDimSize, elementPosition, fieldId);
236        }
237        ++idxScalar;
238        ++elementPosition;
239      }
240    }
241  }
242  CATCH
244  /*!
245    Read attributes of a domain from a file
246    \param [in] domain domain whose attributes are read from the file
247    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
248    \param [in] emelentPosition position of domain in grid
249    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
250  */
251  void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(CDomain* domain, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
252                                                       int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
253  TRY
254  {
255    // There are some optional attributes of a domain to retrieve from file    // + lon lat?
256    std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >::const_iterator itMapNi = dimSizeMap.begin(), itMapNj,
257                                                              iteMap  = dimSizeMap.end();
259    for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapNi) {}
260    itMapNj = itMapNi; ++itMapNj;
262    if ((CDomain::type_attr::rectilinear == domain->type))
263    {
264      // Ok, try to read some attributes such as longitude and latitude
265      bool hasLat = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(itMapNj->first);
266      if (hasLat)
267      {
268        domain->latvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file.resize(itMapNj->second);
269        std::vector<StdSize> nBeginLat(1, 0), nSizeLat(1, itMapNj->second);
270        readFieldVariableValue(domain->latvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file, itMapNj->first, nBeginLat, nSizeLat, true);
271      }
273      bool hasLon = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(itMapNi->first);
274      if (hasLon)
275      {
276        domain->lonvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file.resize(itMapNi->second);
277        std::vector<StdSize> nBeginLon(1, 0), nSizeLon(1, itMapNi->second);
278        readFieldVariableValue(domain->lonvalue_rectilinear_read_from_file, itMapNi->first, nBeginLon, nSizeLon, true);
279      }     
280    }
281    else if ((CDomain::type_attr::curvilinear == domain->type))
282    {
283      // Make sure that if there is no local domain defined on a process, the process still reads just one value.
284      int ni, nj, ibegin, jbegin;
285      if (domain->ni == 0)
286      {
287        ni = 1;
288        ibegin = 0;
289      }
290      else
291      {
292        ni = domain->ni;
293        ibegin = domain->ibegin;
294      }
295      if (domain->nj == 0)
296      {
297        nj = 1;
298        jbegin = 0;
299      }
300      else
301      {
302        nj = domain->nj;
303        jbegin = domain->jbegin;
304      }
306      std::vector<StdSize> nBeginLatLon(2), nSizeLatLon(2);
307      nBeginLatLon[0] = jbegin; nBeginLatLon[1] = ibegin;
308      nSizeLatLon[0]  = nj; nSizeLatLon[1] = ni;
310      StdString latName = this->getLatCoordName(fieldId);
311      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(latName))
312      {
313        domain->latvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file.resize(ni, nj);
314        readFieldVariableValue(domain->latvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file, latName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon);
315      }
316      StdString lonName = this->getLonCoordName(fieldId);
317      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(lonName))
318      {
319        domain->lonvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file.resize(ni, nj);
320        readFieldVariableValue(domain->lonvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file, lonName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon);
321      }
323      StdString boundsLatName = this->getBoundsId(latName);
324      StdString boundsLonName = this->getBoundsId(lonName);
326      int nbVertex = 4; //this->getNbVertex(fieldId);
327      if (!domain->nvertex.isEmpty() && (domain->nvertex != nbVertex))
328      {
329        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)",
330          << "The domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
331          << " has nvertex read from file " << this->filename << " and nvertex provided from model"
332          << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
333          << " nvertex read from file: "<< nbVertex
334          << " nvertex from model: "<< domain->nvertex << std::endl);
335      } 
337      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLatName) || SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLonName)) 
338        domain->nvertex.setValue(nbVertex);
340      std::vector<StdSize> nBeginBndsLatLon(3), nSizeBndsLatLon(3);
341      nBeginBndsLatLon[0] = jbegin; nSizeBndsLatLon[0] = nj;
342      nBeginBndsLatLon[1] = ibegin; nSizeBndsLatLon[1] = ni;
343      nBeginBndsLatLon[2] = 0; nSizeBndsLatLon[2] = nbVertex;
345      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLatName))
346      {
347        domain->bounds_latvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file.resize(nbVertex, ni, nj);
348        readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_latvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file, boundsLatName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon);
350      }
351      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLonName)) 
352      {
353        domain->bounds_lonvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file.resize(nbVertex, ni, nj);
354        readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_lonvalue_curvilinear_read_from_file, boundsLonName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon);
355      }     
356    }
357    else if ((CDomain::type_attr::unstructured == domain->type))// || (this->isUnstructured(fieldId)))
358    {
359      // Make sure that if there is no local domain defined on a process, the process still reads just one value.
360      int ni, ibegin;
361      if (domain->ni == 0)
362      {
363        ni = 1;
364        ibegin = 0;
365      }
366      else
367      {
368        ni = domain->ni;
369        ibegin = domain->ibegin;
370      }
372      std::vector<StdSize> nBeginLatLon(1,0), nSizeLatLon(1,0);
373      nBeginLatLon[0] = ibegin;
374      nSizeLatLon[0]  = ni;
376      StdString latName = this->getLatCoordName(fieldId);
377      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(latName))
378      {
379        domain->latvalue_unstructured_read_from_file.resize(ni);
380        readFieldVariableValue(domain->latvalue_unstructured_read_from_file, latName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon); 
381      }
383      StdString lonName = this->getLonCoordName(fieldId);
384      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(lonName)) //(0 !=""))
385      {
386        domain->lonvalue_unstructured_read_from_file.resize(ni);
387        readFieldVariableValue(domain->lonvalue_unstructured_read_from_file, lonName, nBeginLatLon, nSizeLatLon);
388      }
390      StdString boundsLatName = this->getBoundsId(latName);
391      StdString boundsLonName = this->getBoundsId(lonName);
393      if (ugridConvention && domain->nvertex.isEmpty())
394      {
395        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)",
396          << " Attribute nvertex must be specified for domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
397          << " read from UGRID file " << this->filename << " ."<< std::endl);
398      }
399//      int nbVertex = this->getNbVertex(fieldId);
400      int nbVertex = (ugridConvention) ? domain->nvertex : this->getNbVertex(fieldId);
401      if (!domain->nvertex.isEmpty() && (domain->nvertex != nbVertex))
402      {
403        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributeValueFromFile(...)",
404          << "The domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
405          << " has nvertex read from file " << this->filename << " and nvertex provided from model"
406          << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
407          << " nvertex read from file: "<< nbVertex
408          << " nvertex from model: "<< domain->nvertex << std::endl);
409      } 
411      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLatName) || SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLonName)) 
412        domain->nvertex.setValue(nbVertex);
414      std::vector<StdSize> nBeginBndsLatLon(2), nSizeBndsLatLon(2);
415      nBeginBndsLatLon[0] = ibegin; nSizeBndsLatLon[0] = ni;
416      nBeginBndsLatLon[1] = 0; nSizeBndsLatLon[1] = nbVertex;
418      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLatName)) 
419      {
420        domain->bounds_latvalue_unstructured_read_from_file.resize(nSizeBndsLatLon[1], nSizeBndsLatLon[0]);
421        readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_latvalue_unstructured_read_from_file, boundsLatName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon);
422      }
424      if (SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLonName)) 
425      {
426        domain->bounds_lonvalue_unstructured_read_from_file.resize(nSizeBndsLatLon[1], nSizeBndsLatLon[0]);
427        readFieldVariableValue(domain->bounds_lonvalue_unstructured_read_from_file, boundsLonName, nBeginBndsLatLon, nSizeBndsLatLon);
428      }     
429    }
430    domain->fillInLonLat();
431  }
432  CATCH
434  /*!
435    Read attribute value of a domain from a file
436    \param [in] domain domain whose attributes are read from the file
437    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
438    \param [in] emelentPosition position of domain in grid
439    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
440  */
441  void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributesFromFile(CDomain* domain, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
442                                                   int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
443  TRY
444  {
445    // There are some mandatory attributes of a domain to retrieve from file
446    // + ni_glo, nj_glo
447    std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >::const_iterator itMapNi = dimSizeMap.begin(), itMapNj,
448                                                              iteMap  = dimSizeMap.end();
449    for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapNi) {}
450    itMapNj = itMapNi; ++itMapNj;
452    if (CDomain::type_attr::rectilinear == domain->type || CDomain::type_attr::curvilinear == domain->type ||
453        this->isRectilinear(fieldId) || this->isCurvilinear(fieldId))
454    {
455      if (!domain->nj_glo.isEmpty() && (domain->nj_glo != itMapNj->second))
456      {
457        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributesFromFile(...)",
458          << "The domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
459          << " has nj_glo read from file " << this->filename << " and nj_glo provided from model"
460          << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
461          << " nj_glo read from file: "<< itMapNj->second
462          << " nj_glo from model: "<< domain->nj_glo << std::endl);
463      } 
464      domain->nj_glo.setValue(itMapNj->second);
466      if (!domain->ni_glo.isEmpty() && (domain->ni_glo != itMapNi->second))
467      {
468        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributesFromFile(...)",
469          << "The domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
470          << " has ni_glo read from file " << this->filename << " and ni_glo provided from model"
471          << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
472          << " ni_glo read from file: "<< itMapNi->second
473          << " ni_glo from model: "<< domain->ni_glo << std::endl);
474      } 
475      domain->ni_glo.setValue(itMapNi->second);
476    }
477    else if (CDomain::type_attr::unstructured == domain->type|| this->isUnstructured(fieldId))
478    {
479      domain->nj_glo.setValue(1);
481      if (!domain->ni_glo.isEmpty() && (domain->ni_glo != itMapNi->second))
482      {
483        ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readDomainAttributesFromFile(...)",
484          << "The domain " << domain->getDomainOutputName()
485          << " has ni_glo read from file " << this->filename << " and ni_glo provided from model"
486          << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
487          << " ni_glo read from file: "<< itMapNi->second
488          << " ni_glo from model: "<< domain->ni_glo << std::endl);
489      }       
490      domain->ni_glo.setValue(itMapNi->second);
491    }
493// determine if coordinates values are present in file
494    if ((CDomain::type_attr::rectilinear == domain->type))
495    {
496      // Ok, try to read some attributes such as longitude and latitude
497      domain->has_lat_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(itMapNj->first);
498      domain->has_lon_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(itMapNi->first);
499    }
500    else if ((CDomain::type_attr::curvilinear == domain->type) || (CDomain::type_attr::unstructured == domain->type) )
501    {
502      StdString latName = this->getLatCoordName(fieldId);
503      domain->has_lat_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(latName) ;
504      StdString lonName = this->getLonCoordName(fieldId);       
505      domain->has_lon_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(lonName) ; 
506      StdString boundsLatName = this->getBoundsId(latName);
507      domain->has_bounds_lat_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLatName) ; 
508      StdString boundsLonName = this->getBoundsId(lonName);
509      domain->has_bounds_lon_in_read_file = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(boundsLonName) ;
510    }
511  }
512  CATCH
514  /*!
515    Read attributes of an axis from a file
516    \param [in] axis axis whose attributes are read from the file
517    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
518    \param [in] emelentPosition position of axis in grid
519    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
520  */
521  void CNc4DataInput::readAxisAttributesFromFile(CAxis* axis, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
522                                                 int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
523  TRY
524  {
525    std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >::const_iterator itMapN = dimSizeMap.begin(),
526                                                              iteMap = dimSizeMap.end();
527    for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapN) {}
529    if (!axis->n_glo.isEmpty() && (axis->n_glo != itMapN->second))
530    {
531      ERROR("void CNc4DataInput::readAxisAttributesFromFile(...)",
532        << "The axis " << axis->getAxisOutputName()
533        << " has n_glo read from file " << this->filename << " and n_glo provided from model"
534        << " are not coherent. They should be the same." << std::endl
535        << " n_glo read from file: "<< itMapN->second
536        << " n_glo from model: "<< axis->n_glo << std::endl);
537    }   
538    axis->n_glo.setValue(itMapN->second);
539  }
540  CATCH
542  /*!
543    Read attribute value of an axis from a file
544    \param [in] axis axis whose attributes are read from the file
545    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
546    \param [in] emelentPosition position of axis in grid
547    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
548  */
549  void CNc4DataInput::readAxisAttributeValueFromFile(CAxis* axis, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
550                                                    int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
551  TRY
552  {
553    std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >::const_iterator itMapN = dimSizeMap.begin(),
554                                                              iteMap = dimSizeMap.end();
555    for (int i = 0; i < elementPosition; ++i, ++itMapN) {}
557    { // Read axis value
558      bool hasValue = SuperClassWriter::hasVariable(itMapN->first);
559      if (hasValue)
560      {
561        std::vector<StdSize> nBegin(1, 0), nSize(1, itMapN->second);
562        CArray<double,1> readAxisValue(itMapN->second);
563        readFieldVariableValue(readAxisValue, itMapN->first, nBegin, nSize, true);
564        int begin = 0, n = itMapN->second;
565        if (!axis->begin.isEmpty()) begin = axis->begin.getValue();
566        if (!axis->n.isEmpty()) n = axis->n.getValue();
567        axis->value.resize(n);
568        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) axis->value(i) = readAxisValue(begin + i);
569      }
570    }
571  }
572  CATCH
574  /*!
575    Read attributes of a scalar from a file
576    \param [in] scalar scalar whose attributes are read from the file
577    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
578    \param [in] emelentPosition position of scalar in grid
579    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
580  */
581  void CNc4DataInput::readScalarAttributesFromFile(CScalar* scalar, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
582                                                  int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
583  {
584    /*Nothing to do */
585  }
587  /*!
588    Read attribute value of an axis from a file
589    \param [in] axis axis whose attributes are read from the file
590    \param [in] dimSizeMap Dimensions and and their corresponding names and size read from file
591    \param [in] emelentPosition position of axis in grid
592    \param [in] fieldId id (or name) associated with the grid
593  */
594  void CNc4DataInput::readScalarAttributeValueFromFile(CScalar* scalar, std::list<std::pair<StdString, StdSize> >& dimSizeMap,
595                                                      int elementPosition, const StdString& fieldId)
596  {
597    /*Nothing to do */
598  }
600  void CNc4DataInput::closeFile_(void)
601  TRY
602  {
603    SuperClassWriter::close();
604  }
605  CATCH
606} // namespace xios
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