#include "server_context.hpp" #include "contexts_manager.hpp" #include "cxios.hpp" #include "mpi.hpp" #include "context.hpp" #include "register_context_info.hpp" #include "services.hpp" #include "thread_manager.hpp" #include "timer.hpp" namespace xios { using namespace std ; map > CServerContext::overlapedComm_ ; CServerContext::CServerContext(CService* parentService, MPI_Comm contextComm, const std::string& poolId, const std::string& serviceId, const int& partitionId, const std::string& contextId) : finalizeSignal_(false), parentService_(parentService), hasNotification_(false) { info(40)<<"CCServerContext::CServerContext : new context creation ; contextId : "<getServiceType(poolId,serviceId, 0, type) ; SRegisterContextInfo contextInfo = {poolId, serviceId, partitionId, type, contextId, commSize, globalLeader_} ; name_ = CXios::getContextsManager()->getServerContextName(poolId, serviceId, partitionId, type, contextId) ; CXios::getContextsManager()->registerContext(name_, contextInfo) ; } MPI_Bcast(&type, 1, MPI_INT, localLeader_,contextComm_) ; name_ = CXios::getContextsManager()->getServerContextName(poolId, serviceId, partitionId, type, contextId) ; context_=CContext::create(name_); context_->init(this, contextComm, type) ; info(10)<<"Context "<< CXios::getContextsManager()->getServerContextName(poolId, serviceId, partitionId, type, contextId)<<" created, on local rank "<(false, newInterCommClient, newInterCommServer) ; MPI_Barrier(contextComm_) ; if (intraCommRank==0) { ok=CXios::getContextsManager()->createServerContextIntercomm(poolId, serviceId, partitionId, contextId, name_, wait) ; if (ok) { CXios::getServicesManager()->getServiceType(poolId,serviceId, 0, type) ; string name=CXios::getContextsManager()->getServerContextName(poolId, serviceId, partitionId, type, contextId) ; CXios::getContextsManager()->getContextLeader(name, contextLeader) ; } } if (wait) { MPI_Request req ; MPI_Status status ; MPI_Ibarrier(intraComm,&req) ; int flag=false ; while(!flag) { CXios::getDaemonsManager()->servicesEventLoop() ; MPI_Test(&req,&flag,&status) ; } } MPI_Bcast(&ok, 1, MPI_INT, 0, intraComm) ; if (ok) { int globalRank ; MPI_Comm_rank(xiosComm_,&globalRank) ; MPI_Bcast(&contextLeader, 1, MPI_INT, 0, intraComm) ; int overlap, nOverlap ; if (contextLeader==globalRank) overlap=1 ; else overlap=0 ; MPI_Allreduce(&overlap, &nOverlap, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, contextComm_) ; /* int overlap ; if (get<0>(overlapedComm_[name_])) overlap=1 ; else overlap=0 ; int nOverlap ; MPI_Allreduce(&overlap, &nOverlap, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, contextComm_) ; int commSize ; MPI_Comm_size(contextComm_,&commSize ) ; */ if (nOverlap==0) { MPI_Intercomm_create(intraComm, 0, xiosComm_, contextLeader, 3141, &interCommClient) ; MPI_Comm_dup(interCommClient, &interCommServer) ; MPI_Comm_free(&newInterCommClient) ; MPI_Comm_free(&newInterCommServer) ; } else { ERROR("void CServerContext::createIntercomm(void)",<<"CServerContext::createIntercomm : overlap ==> not managed") ; } } overlapedComm_.erase(name_) ; return ok ; } void CServerContext::createIntercomm(int remoteLeader, const string& sourceContext) { int commSize ; MPI_Comm_size(contextComm_,&commSize) ; info(40)<<"CServerContext::createIntercomm : notify createContextIntercomm to all context members ; sourceContext : "<pushToExclusiveWindow(rank, this, &CServerContext::notificationsDumpOut) ; } void CServerContext::notificationsDumpOut(CBufferOut& buffer) { buffer.realloc(maxBufferSize_) ; if (notifyOutType_==NOTIFY_CREATE_INTERCOMM) { auto& arg=notifyOutCreateIntercomm_ ; buffer << notifyOutType_ << std::get<0>(arg)<(arg) ; } } void CServerContext::notificationsDumpIn(CBufferIn& buffer) { if (buffer.bufferSize() == 0) notifyInType_= NOTIFY_NOTHING ; else { buffer>>notifyInType_; if (notifyInType_==NOTIFY_CREATE_INTERCOMM) { auto& arg=notifyInCreateIntercomm_ ; buffer >> std::get<0>(arg)>> std::get<1>(arg) ; } } } void CServerContext::checkNotifications(void) { if (!hasNotification_) { double time=MPI_Wtime() ; if (time-lastEventLoop_ > eventLoopLatency_) { int commRank ; MPI_Comm_rank(contextComm_, &commRank) ; winNotify_->popFromExclusiveWindow(commRank, this, &CServerContext::notificationsDumpIn) ; if (notifyInType_!= NOTIFY_NOTHING) { hasNotification_=true ; auto eventScheduler=parentService_->getEventScheduler() ; std::hash hashString ; size_t hashId = hashString(name_) ; size_t currentTimeLine=0 ; eventScheduler->registerEvent(currentTimeLine,hashId); } lastEventLoop_=time ; } } if (hasNotification_) { auto eventScheduler=parentService_->getEventScheduler() ; std::hash hashString ; size_t hashId = hashString(name_) ; size_t currentTimeLine=0 ; if (eventScheduler->queryEvent(currentTimeLine,hashId)) { eventScheduler->popEvent() ; if (notifyInType_==NOTIFY_CREATE_INTERCOMM) createIntercomm() ; hasNotification_=false ; } } } bool CServerContext::eventLoop(bool serviceOnly) { CTimer::get("CServerContext::eventLoop").resume(); bool finished=false ; int flag ; MPI_Iprobe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, MPI_ANY_TAG, MPI_COMM_WORLD, &flag, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE); // double time=MPI_Wtime() ; // if (time-lastEventLoop_ > eventLoopLatency_) // { if (winNotify_!=nullptr) checkNotifications() ; // lastEventLoop_=time ; // } if (!serviceOnly && context_!=nullptr) { if (context_->eventLoop()) { info(100)<<"Remove context server with id "<getId()<getId()) ; context_=nullptr ; // destroy context ??? --> later } } CTimer::get("CServerContext::eventLoop").suspend(); if (context_==nullptr && finalizeSignal_) finished=true ; return finished ; } void CServerContext::threadEventLoop(void) { info(100)<<"Launch Thread for CServerContext::threadEventLoop, context id = "<getId()<eventLoop()) { info(100)<<"Remove context server with id "<getId()<getId()) ; context_=nullptr ; // destroy context ??? --> later } } CTimer::get("CServerContext::eventLoop").suspend(); if (context_==nullptr && finalizeSignal_) finished_=true ; if (!finished_) CThreadManager::yield() ; } while (!finished_) ; CThreadManager::threadFinalize() ; info(100)<<"Close thread for CServerContext::threadEventLoop"<(arg) ; string sourceContext=get<1>(arg) ; auto it=overlapedComm_.find(sourceContext) ; int overlap=0 ; if (it!=overlapedComm_.end()) { get<0>(it->second)=true ; overlap=1 ; } int nOverlap ; MPI_Allreduce(&overlap, &nOverlap, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, contextComm_) ; int commSize ; MPI_Comm_size(contextComm_,&commSize ) ; if (nOverlap==0) { info(10)<<"CServerContext::createIntercomm : No overlap ==> context in server mode"< createClientInterComm(interCommClient,interCommServer) ; clientsInterComm_.push_back(interCommClient) ; clientsInterComm_.push_back(interCommServer) ; } else { ERROR("void CServerContext::createIntercomm(void)",<<"CServerContext::createIntercomm : overlap ==> not managed") ; } } void CServerContext::freeComm(void) { delete winNotify_ ; winNotify_=nullptr ; MPI_Comm_free(&contextComm_) ; // don't forget intercomm -> later } void CServerContext::finalizeSignal(void) { finalizeSignal_=true ; } }