10/15/19 11:37:29 (5 years ago)

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  • XIOS/dev/dev_trunk_omp/doc/XIOS_graph_user_guide.tex

    r1741 r1742  
    8587%%% END Article customizations 
    128130In the workflow graph, a node represents a XIOS filter. We have 7 categories of filters: 
    130     \item source filter: when the field data is received from model or read from netcdf file 
     132    \item source filter: when the field data is received from model or read from NetCDF file 
    131133    \item pass through filter: when having a field reference 
    132134    \item arithmetic filter: when arithmetic operations are performed on the field 
    133135    \item temporal filter: when the field has a temporal operation (\textit{e.g.} average, maximum, minimum, ...) 
    134136    \item spatial transform filter: when the field has a spatial transform applied upon (\textit{e.g.} zoom, interpolate, ...) 
    135     \item file write filter: when the field data is written to a netcdf file 
     137    \item file write filter: when the field data is written to a NetCDF file 
    136138    \item store filter: when the field data is send back to model 
    152 \subsection{Heritage by field referecing} 
     154\subsection{Heritage by field referencing} 
    169171\section{Visualization of workflow graph} 
    171 \begin{figure}[ht] 
    172 \centering 
    173 \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{inputs/images/graph_init} 
    174 \caption{Start state of the Visualization} 
     174\subsection{Example of XIOS workflow graph output} 
     177    \centering 
     178    \includegraphics[scale=0.45]{inputs/images/workflow_graph} 
    177 The workflow graph can be viewed through the \verb|graph.html| script located in the XIOS  
     181From this graph, we can gather several information directly: 
     183    \item the workflow has 3 inputs fields and one output field; 
     184    \item \verb|filed_D = field_A + field_B + field_C|; 
     185    \item \verb|field_D| is outputted every time step (instant temporal filter); 
     186    \item the output NetCDF file is named \verb|output.nc|; 
     187    \item the date label of the time step is 2012-03-01 at 21 o'clock. 
     190This graph shows how XIOS interprets the \verb|xml| inputs. Users can easily check if it corresponds to  
     191their designed input configurations.  
     193The workflow graph is viewed through the \verb|graph.html| script located in the XIOS  
    178194folder. The graph file \verb|graph_data.json| is stored in the same folder as the \verb|iodef.xml| file 
    179195which is used for configure the simulation. 
    180 Choose the graph file to start the Visualization by cliking the button \colorbox[RGB]{66,139,202}{\color{white}{Load a JSON XIOS file}}. 
     196Choose the graph file to start the Visualization by clicking the button \colorbox[RGB]{66,139,202}{\color{white}{Load a JSON XIOS file}}. 
    181197Several buttons are set to allow user to visualize the graph interactively.  
     200    \centering 
     201    \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{inputs/images/graph_init} 
     202    \caption{Start state of the Visualization} 
    183205\subsection{Enable/Disable all} 
    200222\visbutton{Enable input} shows all input nodes of the graph. The input nodes are 
    201223often, if not always, the source filters: data received from the model or read  
    202 from a netcdf file. 
     224from a NetCDF file. 
    204226\subsection{Enable output} 
    205227\visbutton{Enable output} shows all output nodes of the graph. The output nodes  
    206 are either the file writer filter: data written to a netcdf file; either the store  
     228are either the file writer filter: data written to a NetCDF file; either the store  
    207229filter: data send back to model. 
    238 In this example, the graph will only include information between the 3rd and 5th timestep. 
    239 These attributes are not madatory. If \verb|build_workflow_graph_start| is not define, the graph will start to record from the first iteration. 
    240 Similarly, the defualt value of \verb|build_workflow_graph_end| is the last iteration of the simulation. 
     260In this example, the graph will only include information between the 3rd and 5th time step. 
     261These attributes are not mandatory. If \verb|build_workflow_graph_start| is not define, the graph will start to record from the first iteration. 
     262Similarly, the default value of \verb|build_workflow_graph_end| is the last iteration of the simulation. 
    242264In case that two values of the same attribute are defined, we take the largest range. 
  • XIOS/dev/dev_trunk_omp/doc/XIOS_testcase_user_guide.tex

    r1741 r1742  
    1919%   read geometry.pdf for detailed page layout information 
    21 \usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and optionsi 
     21\usepackage{graphicx} % support the \includegraphics command and options 
    2323% \usepackage[parfill]{parskip} % Activate to begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent 
    2626\usepackage{booktabs} % for much better looking tables 
    2727\usepackage{array} % for better arrays (eg matrices) in maths 
    28 \usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customisable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.) 
     28\usepackage{paralist} % very flexible & customizable lists (eg. enumerate/itemize, etc.) 
    2929\usepackage{verbatim} % adds environment for commenting out blocks of text & for better verbatim 
    3030\usepackage{subfig} % make it possible to include more than one captioned figure/table in a single float 
    3434\usepackage{fancyhdr} % This should be set AFTER setting up the page geometry 
    3535\pagestyle{fancy} % options: empty , plain , fancy 
    36 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % customise the layout... 
     36\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} % customize the layout... 
    118118The XIOS generic testcase is a set of unit tests that test functionalities of  
    119 XIOS. It is reserved for XIOS developpers and it is designed to ensure that the  
     119XIOS. It is reserved for XIOS developers and it is designed to ensure that the  
    120120XIOS does not introduce errors after each code modification.  
    122 \section{Orgnization of the testcase} 
     122\section{Organization of the testcase} 
    123123The XIOS generic testcase is located in the \verb|GENERIC_TESTCASE| folder inside  
    124124the XIOS directory. Inside the \verb|GENERIC_TESTCASE| folder, we have for the moment  
    158158Besides of the default value, one can also set a temporal value for the configuration variables in the file \verb|user_params.def|. 
    159 In this file, each variable can have multiple values seperated by a semecolon. For example, \verb|NumberServers=2,4,6|. 
     159In this file, each variable can have multiple values separated by a semicolon. For example, \verb|NumberServers=2,4,6|. 
    160160From such definition, the testcase will generate 3 different configurations and tests will be run for each configuration. 
    163163\subsection{Define the output file check list} 
    164 The validation of the testcase is ensured by the comparaison between the newly generated output  
    165 \verb|NetCDF| files and the prestored reference results. In some cases, one maybe interested in only one or serveral output files. 
    166 It will not be necessary to compare all output files for this will slow down the whole test execuition. 
     164The validation of the testcase is ensured by the comparison between the newly generated output  
     165\verb|NetCDF| files and the pre-stored reference results. In some cases, one maybe interested in only one or several output files. 
     166It will not be necessary to compare all output files for this will slow down the whole test execution. 
    167167To specify the output files to compare with the reference, one can modify the \verb|checkfile.def| file. 
    168 If nothing is set in this file, or \verb|all| is set, then all output files will be examinated. 
     168If nothing is set in this file, or \verb|all| is set, then all output files will be examined. 
    170170\section{How to launch XIOS testcase} 
    206 This Ctest style summary report shows the overall execution status of all unit tests.  
     206This CTest style summary report shows the overall execution status of all unit tests.  
    207207Besides of this console output, we also have \verb|report.html| which can be viewed 
    208208by any web browser.  
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