06/09/16 11:33:19 (8 years ago)

Various clean up

+) Remove some redundant codes

+) On Curie
+) tests pass

9 edited


  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/axis_algorithm_interpolate.cpp

    r862 r867  
    274274        transPosition_[idx].resize(1); 
    275275        transPosition_[idx][0] = (dom->i_index)(idx) + niGlobDom * (dom->j_index)(idx); 
    276 //        transPosition_[idx][0] = (dom->i_index)(idx); 
    277 //        transPosition_[idx][1] = (dom->j_index)(idx); 
    278276      } 
    279277    } 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/axis_algorithm_transformation.cpp

    r866 r867  
    1414#include "context_client.hpp" 
    1515#include "client_client_dht_template.hpp" 
     16#include "axis.hpp" 
    1718namespace xios { 
     35void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs) 
     40  Compute global index of axis on different processes 
     41  \param [in] globalAxisIndex global index of axis source 
     42  \param [out] globalAxisIndexOnProc processes which contain the corresponding global index of axis source 
    3444void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalAxisIndex, 
    3545                                                              CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalAxisIndexOnProc) 
    4959    globalIndex2ProcRank[globalIndex].resize(1); 
    5060    globalIndex2ProcRank[globalIndex][0] = clientRank; 
    51 //    globalIndex2ProcRank[globalIndex].push_back(clientRank); 
    5261  } 
    5564  dhtIndexProcRank.computeIndexInfoMapping(globalAxisIndex); 
    57 //  std::vector<int> countIndex(clientSize,0); 
    58 //  const CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& computedGlobalIndexOnProc = dhtIndexProcRank.getInfoIndexMap(); 
    5966  globalAxisIndexOnProc = dhtIndexProcRank.getInfoIndexMap(); 
    60 // 
    61 //  CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::const_iterator itb = computedGlobalIndexOnProc.begin(), it, 
    62 //                                                               ite = computedGlobalIndexOnProc.end(); 
    63 //  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    64 //  { 
    65 //    const std::vector<int>& procList = it->second; 
    66 //    for (int idx = 0; idx < procList.size(); ++idx) ++countIndex[procList[idx]]; 
    67 //  } 
    68 // 
    69 //  globalAxisIndexOnProc.rehash(std::ceil(clientSize/globalAxisIndexOnProc.max_load_factor())); 
    70 //  for (int idx = 0; idx < clientSize; ++idx) 
    71 //  { 
    72 //    if (0 != countIndex[idx]) 
    73 //    { 
    74 //      globalAxisIndexOnProc[idx].resize(countIndex[idx]); 
    75 //      countIndex[idx] = 0; 
    76 //    } 
    77 //  } 
    78 // 
    79 //  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    80 //  { 
    81 //    const std::vector<int>& procList = it->second; 
    82 //    for (int idx = 0; idx < procList.size(); ++idx) 
    83 //    { 
    84 //      globalAxisIndexOnProc[procList[idx]][countIndex[procList[idx]]] = it->first; 
    85 //      ++countIndex[procList[idx]]; 
    86 //    } 
    87 //  } 
    90 void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs) 
    91 { 
    94 /*! 
    95   Compute an array of global index from a global index on a axis 
    96   \param[in] axisDestGlobalIndex global index on an axis of destination grid 
    97   \param[in] axisSrcGlobalIndex global index on an axis of source grid (which are needed by one index on axis destination) 
    98   \param[in] axisPositionInGrid position of the axis in the grid 
    99   \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim dimension size of destination grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the axis on which transformation is performed) 
    100   \param[in] globalIndexGridDestSendToServer global index of destination grid which are to be sent to server(s), this array is already acsending sorted 
    101   \param[in/out] globalIndexDestGrid array of global index (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated 
    102   \param[in/out] globalIndexSrcGrid array of global index of source grid (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated 
    103 */ 
    104 void CAxisAlgorithmTransformation::computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int axisDestGlobalIndex, 
    105                                                                           const std::vector<int>& axisSrcGlobalIndex, 
    106                                                                           const std::vector<int>& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, 
    107                                                                           int axisPositionInGrid, 
    108                                                                           const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    109                                                                           const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    110                                                                           const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, 
    111                                                                           std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, 
    112                                                                           std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& globalIndexSrcGrid) 
    113 { 
    114   bool hasDestGlobalIndexPos = !destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid.empty(); 
    115   int globalDim = gridDestGlobalDim.size(); 
    117   std::vector<size_t> currentIndex(globalDim); 
    118   std::vector<int> gridAxisGlobalDim(globalDim); 
    119   std::vector<int> idxLoop(globalDim, 0); 
    121   size_t ssize = 1, idx = 0, realGlobalIndexSize = 0; 
    122   for (int i = 0; i< globalDim; ++i) 
    123   { 
    124     if (axisPositionInGrid == i) gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = 1; 
    125     else 
    126     { 
    127       if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = gridDestGlobalDim[i]; 
    128       else gridAxisGlobalDim[i] = 1; 
    129     } 
    130     ssize *= gridAxisGlobalDim[i]; 
    131   } 
    133   GlobalLocalMap::const_iterator iteArr = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.end(), it; 
    135   while (idx < ssize) 
    136   { 
    137     for (int i = 0; i < globalDim-1; ++i) 
    138     { 
    139       if (idxLoop[i] == gridAxisGlobalDim[i]) 
    140       { 
    141         idxLoop[i] = 0; 
    142         ++idxLoop[i+1]; 
    143       } 
    144     } 
    146     int j = 0; 
    147     for (int i = 0; i < globalDim; ++i) 
    148     { 
    149       if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) currentIndex[i] = idxLoop[i]; 
    150       else 
    151       { 
    152         if (axisPositionInGrid == i) currentIndex[i] = axisDestGlobalIndex; 
    153         else 
    154         { 
    155           currentIndex[i] = destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid[j]; 
    156           ++j; 
    157         } 
    158       } 
    159     } 
    161     currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisDestGlobalIndex; 
    163     size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    164     size_t mulDim = 1; 
    165     for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    166     { 
    167       mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    168       globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    169     } 
    171     if (iteArr != globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex)) ++realGlobalIndexSize; 
    172     ++idxLoop[0]; 
    173     ++idx; 
    174   } 
    176   if (globalLocalIndexDestMap.size() != realGlobalIndexSize) 
    177     globalLocalIndexDestMap.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); 
    179   if (realGlobalIndexSize != globalIndexSrcGrid.size()) globalIndexSrcGrid.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); 
    180   for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid.size(); ++i) 
    181     if (globalIndexSrcGrid[i].size() != axisSrcGlobalIndex.size()) 
    182       globalIndexSrcGrid[i].resize(axisSrcGlobalIndex.size()); 
    184   size_t realGlobalIndex = 0; 
    185   idx = 0; 
    186   idxLoop.assign(globalDim, 0); 
    187   while (idx < ssize) 
    188   { 
    189     for (int i = 0; i < globalDim-1; ++i) 
    190     { 
    191       if (idxLoop[i] == gridAxisGlobalDim[i]) 
    192       { 
    193         idxLoop[i] = 0; 
    194         ++idxLoop[i+1]; 
    195       } 
    196     } 
    198     int j = 0; 
    199     for (int i = 0; i < globalDim; ++i) 
    200     { 
    201       if (!hasDestGlobalIndexPos) currentIndex[i] = idxLoop[i]; 
    202       else 
    203       { 
    204         if (axisPositionInGrid == i) currentIndex[i] = axisDestGlobalIndex; 
    205         else 
    206         { 
    207           currentIndex[i] = destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid[j]; 
    208           ++j; 
    209         } 
    210       } 
    211     } 
    212     currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisDestGlobalIndex; 
    214     size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    215     size_t mulDim = 1; 
    216     for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    217     { 
    218       mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    219       globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    220     } 
    222     it = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex); 
    223     if (iteArr != it) 
    224     { 
    225       globalLocalIndexDestMap[realGlobalIndex] = (std::make_pair(it->first,it->second)); 
    226       for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex].size(); ++i) 
    227       { 
    228         currentIndex[axisPositionInGrid] = axisSrcGlobalIndex[i]; 
    229         globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    230         mulDim = 1; 
    231         for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    232         { 
    233           mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    234           globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    235         } 
    236         (globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex])[i] = globIndex; 
    237       } 
    238       ++realGlobalIndex; 
    239     } 
    241     ++idxLoop[0]; 
    242     ++idx; 
    243   } 
    244 } 
    245 } 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/axis_algorithm_transformation.hpp

    r866 r867  
    1212#include "generic_algorithm_transformation.hpp" 
    13 #include "axis.hpp" 
    1514namespace xios { 
     16class CAxis; 
    1818  \class CAxisAlgorithmTransformation 
    29   virtual void computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int axisDestGlobalIndex, 
    30                                                         const std::vector<int>& axisSrcGlobalIndex, 
    31                                                         const std::vector<int>& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, 
    32                                                         int axisPositionInGrid, 
    33                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    34                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    35                                                         const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, 
    36                                                         std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, 
    37                                                         std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& globalIndexSrcGrid); 
    3929  void computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs); 
    41   void computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalAxisIndex, 
    42                                   CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalDomainIndexOnProc); 
     31  virtual void computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalAxisIndex, 
     32                                          CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalDomainIndexOnProc); 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/domain_algorithm_transformation.cpp

    r866 r867  
     31  Compute global index of domain on different processes 
     32  \param [in] globalDomainIndex global index of domain source 
     33  \param [out] globalDomainIndexOnProc processes which contain the corresponding global index of domain source 
    3035void CDomainAlgorithmTransformation::computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalDomainIndex, 
    3136                                                                CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalDomainIndexOnProc) 
    5459  dhtIndexProcRank.computeIndexInfoMapping(globalDomainIndex); 
    5560  globalDomainIndexOnProc = dhtIndexProcRank.getInfoIndexMap(); 
    58 //  std::vector<int> countIndex(clientSize,0); 
    59 //  const CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& computedGlobalIndexOnProc = dhtIndexProcRank.getInfoIndexMap(); 
    60 //  CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap::const_iterator itb = computedGlobalIndexOnProc.begin(), it, 
    61 //                                                               ite = computedGlobalIndexOnProc.end(); 
    62 //  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    63 //  { 
    64 //    const std::vector<int>& procList = it->second; 
    65 //    for (int idx = 0; idx < procList.size(); ++idx) ++countIndex[procList[idx]]; 
    66 //  } 
    67 // 
    68 //  globalDomainIndexOnProc.rehash(std::ceil(clientSize/globalDomainIndexOnProc.max_load_factor())); 
    69 //  for (int idx = 0; idx < clientSize; ++idx) 
    70 //  { 
    71 //    if (0 != countIndex[idx]) 
    72 //    { 
    73 //      globalDomainIndexOnProc[idx].resize(countIndex[idx]); 
    74 //      countIndex[idx] = 0; 
    75 //    } 
    76 //  } 
    77 // 
    78 //  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    79 //  { 
    80 //    const std::vector<int>& procList = it->second; 
    81 //    for (int idx = 0; idx < procList.size(); ++idx) 
    82 //    { 
    83 //      globalDomainIndexOnProc[procList[idx]][countIndex[procList[idx]]] = it->first; 
    84 //      ++countIndex[procList[idx]]; 
    85 //    } 
    86 //  } 
    89 /*! 
    90   Compute an array of global index from a global index on a domain 
    91   \param[in] domainDestGlobalIndex global index on an domain of destination grid 
    92   \param[in] domainSrcGlobalIndex global index on an domain of source grid (which are needed by one index on domain destination) 
    93   \param[in] domainPositionInGrid position of the domain in the grid 
    94   \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim dimension size of destination grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the domain on which transformation is performed) 
    95   \param[in] gridSrcGlobalDim dimension size of source grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the domain on which transformation is performed) 
    96   \param[in] globalIndexGridDestSendToServer global index of destination grid which are to be sent to server(s), this array is already acsending sorted 
    97   \param[in/out] globalIndexDestGrid array of global index (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated 
    98   \param[in/out] globalIndexSrcGrid array of global index of source grid (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated 
    99 */ 
    100 void CDomainAlgorithmTransformation::computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int domainDestGlobalIndex, 
    101                                                                           const std::vector<int>& domainSrcGlobalIndex, 
    102                                                                           const std::vector<int>& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, 
    103                                                                           int domainPositionInGrid, 
    104                                                                           const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    105                                                                           const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    106                                                                           const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, 
    107                                                                           std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, 
    108                                                                           std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& globalIndexSrcGrid) 
    109 { 
    110   int globalDim = gridDestGlobalDim.size(); 
    111   int numElement = globalDim - 1; 
    112   int domainElementPosition = 0; 
    113   std::vector<int> currentIndex(globalDim); 
    114   std::vector<int> gridDomainGlobalDim(numElement), indexMap(numElement); 
    115   std::vector<int> idxLoop(numElement, 0), domainSrcGlobalDim(2), domainDestGlobalDim(2); 
    118   size_t ssize = 1, idx = 0, realGlobalIndexSize = 0; 
    119   for (int i = 0; i< globalDim; ++i) 
    120   { 
    121     if (domainPositionInGrid == i) continue; 
    122     if (domainPositionInGrid == (i+1)) 
    123     { 
    124       domainDestGlobalDim[0] = gridDestGlobalDim[i]; 
    125       domainDestGlobalDim[1] = gridDestGlobalDim[i+1]; 
    126       domainSrcGlobalDim[0] = gridSrcGlobalDim[i]; 
    127       domainSrcGlobalDim[1] = gridSrcGlobalDim[i+1]; 
    128       gridDomainGlobalDim[idx] = 1; 
    129       domainElementPosition = idx; 
    130     } 
    131     else 
    132     { 
    133       gridDomainGlobalDim[idx] = gridDestGlobalDim[i]; 
    134     } 
    135     indexMap[idx] = i; 
    136     ++idx; 
    137   } 
    138   int iIndex = domainDestGlobalIndex % domainDestGlobalDim[0]; 
    139   int jIndex = domainDestGlobalIndex / domainDestGlobalDim[0]; 
    141   for (int i = 0; i< numElement; ++i) ssize *= gridDomainGlobalDim[i]; 
    143   GlobalLocalMap::const_iterator iteArr = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.end(), it; 
    145   idx = 0; 
    146   while (idx < ssize) 
    147   { 
    148     for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i) 
    149     { 
    150       if (idxLoop[i] == gridDomainGlobalDim[i]) 
    151       { 
    152         idxLoop[i] = 0; 
    153         ++idxLoop[i+1]; 
    154       } 
    155     } 
    157     for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i) 
    158     { 
    159       if (domainElementPosition == i) 
    160       { 
    161         currentIndex[indexMap[i]]   = iIndex; 
    162         currentIndex[indexMap[i]+1] = jIndex; 
    163       } 
    164       else 
    165         currentIndex[indexMap[i]] = idxLoop[i]; 
    166     } 
    168     size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    169     size_t mulDim = 1; 
    170     for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    171     { 
    172       mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    173       globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    174     } 
    176     if (iteArr != globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex)) ++realGlobalIndexSize; 
    177     ++idxLoop[0]; 
    178     ++idx; 
    179   } 
    181   if (globalLocalIndexDestMap.size() != realGlobalIndexSize) 
    182     globalLocalIndexDestMap.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); 
    184   if (realGlobalIndexSize != globalIndexSrcGrid.size()) globalIndexSrcGrid.resize(realGlobalIndexSize); 
    185   for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid.size(); ++i) 
    186     if (globalIndexSrcGrid[i].size() != domainSrcGlobalIndex.size()) 
    187       globalIndexSrcGrid[i].resize(domainSrcGlobalIndex.size()); 
    189   size_t realGlobalIndex = 0; 
    190   idx = 0; 
    191   idxLoop.assign(globalDim, 0); 
    192   while (idx < ssize) 
    193   { 
    194     for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i) 
    195     { 
    196       if (idxLoop[i] == gridDomainGlobalDim[i]) 
    197       { 
    198         idxLoop[i] = 0; 
    199         ++idxLoop[i+1]; 
    200       } 
    201     } 
    203     for (int i = 0; i < numElement; ++i) 
    204     { 
    205       if (domainElementPosition == i) 
    206       { 
    207         currentIndex[indexMap[i]]   = iIndex; 
    208         currentIndex[indexMap[i]+1] = jIndex; 
    209       } 
    210       else 
    211         currentIndex[indexMap[i]] = idxLoop[i]; 
    212     } 
    214     size_t globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    215     size_t mulDim = 1; 
    216     for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    217     { 
    218       mulDim *= gridDestGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    219       globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    220     } 
    222     it = globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap.find(globIndex); 
    223     if (iteArr != it) 
    224     { 
    225       globalLocalIndexDestMap[realGlobalIndex] = (std::make_pair(it->first,it->second)); 
    226       for (int i = 0; i < globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex].size(); ++i) 
    227       { 
    228         domainGlobalIndex(domainSrcGlobalIndex[i], domainSrcGlobalDim[0], domainSrcGlobalDim[1], 
    229                           currentIndex[indexMap[domainElementPosition]], 
    230                           currentIndex[indexMap[domainElementPosition]+1]); 
    232         globIndex = currentIndex[0]; 
    233         mulDim = 1; 
    234         for (int k = 1; k < globalDim; ++k) 
    235         { 
    236           mulDim *= gridSrcGlobalDim[k-1]; 
    237           globIndex += (currentIndex[k])*mulDim; 
    238         } 
    239         (globalIndexSrcGrid[realGlobalIndex])[i] = globIndex; 
    240       } 
    241       ++realGlobalIndex; 
    242     } 
    244     ++idxLoop[0]; 
    245     ++idx; 
    246   } 
    249 void CDomainAlgorithmTransformation::domainGlobalIndex(const int& index, const int& niGlob, const int& njGlob, 
    250                                                        int& iIndex, int& jIndex) 
    251 { 
    252    iIndex = index % niGlob; 
    253    jIndex = index / niGlob; 
    254 } 
    255 } 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/domain_algorithm_transformation.hpp

    r866 r867  
    30   virtual void computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int domainDestGlobalIndex, 
    31                                                         const std::vector<int>& domainSrcGlobalIndex, 
    32                                                         const std::vector<int>& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, 
    33                                                         int domainPositionInGrid, 
    34                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    35                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    36                                                         const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, 
    37                                                         std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, 
    38                                                         std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& globalIndexSrcGrid); 
    4030  void computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >&); 
    42   void computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalDomainIndex, 
     32  virtual void computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalDomainIndex, 
    4333                                  CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalDomainIndexOnProc); 
    44 protected: 
    45   inline void domainGlobalIndex(const int& index, const int& niGlob, const int& njGlob, 
    46                                 int& iIndex, int& jIndex); 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/generic_algorithm_transformation.cpp

    r866 r867  
    2222  This function computes the global indexes of grid source, which the grid destination is in demand. 
    2323  \param[in] elementPositionInGrid position of an element in a grid .E.g: if grid is composed of domain and axis (in order), 
    24                 then position of axis in grid is 2 (since a domain is considered to contain 2 elements (axis) 
    25   \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim global size of each dimension of grid source (all dimension must have the same size except of the one on which transformation is performed) 
    26   \param[in] gridSrcGlobalDim dimension size of source grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the domain on which transformation is performed) 
    27   \param[in] globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer global and local index mapping of grid destination on the current client to send to server 
    28   \param[in/out] globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource mapping between transformed global index of grid destination 
    29              and the weighted value as well as global index from grid index source 
    30 */ 
    31 //void CGenericAlgorithmTransformation::computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, 
    32 //                                                               const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    33 //                                                               const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    34 //                                                               const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer, 
    35 //                                                               DestinationIndexMap& globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource) 
    36 //{ 
    37 //  bool isTransPosEmpty = transformationPosition_.empty(); 
    38 //  for (size_t idxTrans = 0; idxTrans < transformationMapping_.size(); ++idxTrans) 
    39 //  { 
    40 //    TransformationIndexMap::const_iterator itbTransMap = transformationMapping_[idxTrans].begin(), itTransMap, 
    41 //                                                     iteTransMap = transformationMapping_[idxTrans].end(); 
    42 //    TransformationWeightMap::const_iterator itTransWeight = transformationWeight_[idxTrans].begin(); 
    43 // 
    44 //    // If transformation position exists 
    45 //    TransformationIndexMap::const_iterator itTransPos, iteTransPos; 
    46 //    if (!isTransPosEmpty) 
    47 //    { 
    48 //      itTransPos  = transformationPosition_[idxTrans].begin(), 
    49 //      iteTransPos = transformationPosition_[idxTrans].end(); 
    50 //    } 
    51 //    std::vector<int> emptyTransPos; 
    52 // 
    53 //    std::vector<std::vector<size_t> > globalIndexSrcGrid; 
    54 //    std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> > globalLocalIndexDest; 
    55 //    for (itTransMap = itbTransMap; itTransMap != iteTransMap; ++itTransMap, ++itTransWeight) 
    56 //    { 
    57 //      if (!isTransPosEmpty) 
    58 //      { 
    59 //        this->computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(itTransMap->first, 
    60 //                                                           itTransMap->second, 
    61 //                                                           itTransPos->second, 
    62 //                                                           elementPositionInGrid, 
    63 //                                                           gridDestGlobalDim, 
    64 //                                                           gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    65 //                                                           globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer, 
    66 //                                                           globalLocalIndexDest, 
    67 //                                                           globalIndexSrcGrid); 
    68 //        ++itTransPos; 
    69 //      } 
    70 //      else 
    71 //      { 
    72 //        this->computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(itTransMap->first, 
    73 //                                                           itTransMap->second, 
    74 //                                                           emptyTransPos, 
    75 //                                                           elementPositionInGrid, 
    76 //                                                           gridDestGlobalDim, 
    77 //                                                           gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    78 //                                                           globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer, 
    79 //                                                           globalLocalIndexDest, 
    80 //                                                           globalIndexSrcGrid); 
    81 //      } 
    82 //      std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >::const_iterator it = globalLocalIndexDest.begin(), ite = globalLocalIndexDest.end(); 
    83 //      const std::vector<double>& currentVecWeight = itTransWeight->second; 
    84 // 
    85 //      for (size_t idx = 0; it != ite; ++it, ++idx) 
    86 //      { 
    87 //        size_t srcGridSize = globalIndexSrcGrid[idx].size(); 
    88 ////        globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource[(it->first)].resize(srcGridSize); 
    89 //        DestinationGlobalIndex& tmp = globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource[(it->first)]; 
    90 //        tmp.resize(srcGridSize); 
    91 //        for (int i = 0; i < srcGridSize; ++i) 
    92 //        { 
    93 //          tmp[i].first = it->second; 
    94 //          tmp[i].second = make_pair(globalIndexSrcGrid[idx][i], currentVecWeight[i]); 
    95 ////          globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource[(it->first)][i] = (make_pair(it->second, make_pair(globalIndexSrcGrid[idx][i], currentVecWeight[i]))); 
    96 //        } 
    97 //      } 
    98 //    } 
    99 //  } 
    100 //} 
    102 /*! 
    103   This function computes the global indexes of grid source, which the grid destination is in demand. 
    104   \param[in] elementPositionInGrid position of an element in a grid .E.g: if grid is composed of domain and axis (in order), 
    10524                then position of axis in grid is 1 and domain is positioned at 0. 
    10625  \param[in] gridSrc Grid source 
    10726  \param[in] gridDst Grid destination 
    108   \param[in] globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst mapping of each global index source and weight to index destination 
     27  \param[in\out] globaIndexWeightFromSrcToDst mapping of each global index source and weight to index destination 
    11029void CGenericAlgorithmTransformation::computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/generic_algorithm_transformation.hpp

    r866 r867  
    4747  virtual ~CGenericAlgorithmTransformation() {} 
    49 //  void computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, 
    50 //                                const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    51 //                                const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    52 //                                const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer, 
    53 //                                DestinationIndexMap& globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource); 
    5549  void computeGlobalSourceIndex(int elementPositionInGrid, 
    5650                               CGrid* gridSrc, 
    68   /*! 
    69   Compute an array of global index from a global index on an element 
    70     \param[in] destGlobalIndex global index on an element of destination grid 
    71     \param[in] srcGlobalIndex global index(es) on an element of source grid (which are needed by one index on element destination) 
    72     \param[in] elementPositionInGrid position of the element in the grid (for example: a grid with one domain and one axis, position of domain is 1, position of axis is 2) 
    73     \param[in] gridDestGlobalDim dimension size of destination grid (it should share the same size for all dimension, maybe except the element on which transformation is performed) 
    74     \param[in] globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap pair of global index and local index of destination grid which are to be sent to server(s), this array is already acsending sorted 
    75     \param[in/out] globalLocalIndexDestMap array of global index (for 2d grid, this array maybe a line, for 3d, this array may represent a plan). It should be preallocated 
    76     \param[in/out] globalIndexSrcGrid array of global index of source grid (for 2d grid, this array is a line, for 3d, this array represents a plan). It should be preallocated 
    77   */ 
    78   virtual void computeGlobalGridIndexFromGlobalIndexElement(int destGlobalIndex, 
    79                                                         const std::vector<int>& srcGlobalIndex, 
    80                                                         const std::vector<int>& destGlobalIndexPositionInGrid, 
    81                                                         int elementPositionInGrid, 
    82                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridDestGlobalDim, 
    83                                                         const std::vector<int>& gridSrcGlobalDim, 
    84                                                         const GlobalLocalMap& globalLocalIndexDestSendToServerMap, 
    85                                                         std::vector<std::pair<size_t,int> >& globalLocalIndexDestMap, 
    86                                                         std::vector<std::vector<size_t> >& globalIndexSrcGrid) = 0; 
    8862  virtual void computeIndexSourceMapping_(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >&) = 0; 
     64  /*! 
     65  Compute proc which contains global index of an element 
     66    \param[in] globalElementIndex demanding global index of an element of source grid 
     67    \param[out] globalElementIndexOnProc Proc contains the demanding global index 
     68  */ 
    9069  virtual void computeExchangeGlobalIndex(const CArray<size_t,1>& globalElementIndex, 
    9170                                          CClientClientDHTInt::Index2VectorInfoTypeMap& globalElementIndexOnProc) = 0; 
    9373  void computeGlobalGridIndexMapping(int elementPositionInGrid, 
    9474                                     const std::vector<int>& srcRank, 
    11898  std::vector<TransformationPositionMap> transformationPosition_; 
    120   //! Id of auxillary inputs which help doing transformation dynamically 
     100  //! Id of auxillary inputs which helps doing transformation dynamically 
    121101  std::vector<StdString> idAuxInputs_; 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/grid_transformation.cpp

    • Property svn:executable set to *
    r862 r867  
    1515#include "context.hpp" 
    1616#include "context_client.hpp" 
    17 #include "transformation_mapping.hpp" 
    1817#include "axis_algorithm_transformation.hpp" 
    1918#include "distribution_client.hpp" 
    2019#include "mpi_tag.hpp" 
     20#include "grid.hpp" 
    2121#include <boost/unordered_map.hpp> 
    2424CGridTransformation::CGridTransformation(CGrid* destination, CGrid* source) 
    2525: gridSource_(source), gridDestination_(destination), originalGridSource_(source), 
    26   algoTypes_(), nbAlgos_(0), currentGridIndexToOriginalGridIndex_(), tempGrids_(), 
     26  algoTypes_(), nbAlgos_(0), tempGrids_(), 
    2727  auxInputs_(), dynamicalTransformation_(false), timeStamp_() 
    4545  } 
    47   initializeMappingOfOriginalGridSource(); 
     47  initializeTransformations(); 
    5454for each transformation, we need to make sure that the current "temporary source" maps its global index correctly to the original one. 
    56 void CGridTransformation::initializeMappingOfOriginalGridSource() 
     56void CGridTransformation::initializeTransformations() 
    5858  CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); 
    9595    { 
    9696      axisPositionInGrid.push_back(i); 
    97 //      axisPositionInGrid.push_back(idx); 
    98 //      ++idx; 
    9997    } 
    10098    else 
    10199    { 
    102100      domPositionInGrid.push_back(i); 
    103 //      ++idx; 
    104 //      domPositionInGrid.push_back(idx); 
    105 //      ++idx; 
    106101    } 
    107102  } 
    123118    { 
    124119      initializeAxisAlgorithms(i); 
    125 //      initializeAxisAlgorithms(idx); 
    126 //      ++idx; 
    127120    } 
    128121    else 
    129122    { 
    130123      initializeDomainAlgorithms(i); 
    131 //      ++idx; 
    132 //      initializeDomainAlgorithms(idx); 
    133 //      ++idx; 
    134124    } 
    135125  } 
    357347  -) Chose the correct algorithm by transformation type and position of element 
    358348  -) Calculate the mapping of global index between the current grid source and grid destination 
    359   -) Calculate the mapping of global index between current grid DESTINATION and ORIGINAL grid SOURCE 
     349  -) Calculate the mapping of global index between current grid DESTINATION and grid SOURCE 
    360350  -) Make current grid destination become grid source in the next transformation 
    362 //void CGridTransformation::computeAll(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs, Time timeStamp) 
    363 //{ 
    364 //  if (nbAlgos_ < 1) return; 
    365 //  if (!auxInputs_.empty() && !dynamicalTransformation_) { dynamicalTransformation_ = true; return; } 
    366 //  if (dynamicalTransformation_) 
    367 //  { 
    368 //    if (timeStamp_.insert(timeStamp).second) 
    369 //      DestinationIndexMap().swap(currentGridIndexToOriginalGridIndex_);  // Reset map 
    370 //    else 
    371 //      return; 
    372 //  } 
    373 // 
    374 //  CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); 
    375 //  CContextClient* client = context->client; 
    376 // 
    377 //  ListAlgoType::const_iterator itb = listAlgos_.begin(), 
    378 //                               ite = listAlgos_.end(), it; 
    379 // 
    380 //  CGenericAlgorithmTransformation* algo = 0; 
    381 //  int nbAgloTransformation = 0; // Only count for executed transformation. Generate domain is a special one, not executed in the list 
    382 //  for (it = itb; it != ite; ++it) 
    383 //  { 
    384 //    int elementPositionInGrid = it->first; 
    385 //    ETranformationType transType = (it->second).first; 
    386 //    int transformationOrder = (it->second).second; 
    387 //    DestinationIndexMap globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource; 
    388 // 
    389 //    // First of all, select an algorithm 
    390 //    if (!dynamicalTransformation_ || (algoTransformation_.size() < listAlgos_.size())) 
    391 //    { 
    392 //      selectAlgo(elementPositionInGrid, transType, transformationOrder, algoTypes_[std::distance(itb, it)]); 
    393 //      algo = algoTransformation_.back(); 
    394 //    } 
    395 //    else 
    396 //      algo = algoTransformation_[std::distance(itb, it)]; 
    397 // 
    398 //    if (0 != algo) // Only registered transformation can be executed 
    399 //    { 
    400 //      algo->computeIndexSourceMapping(dataAuxInputs); 
    401 // 
    402 //      // Recalculate the distribution of grid destination 
    403 //      CDistributionClient distributionClientDest(client->clientRank, gridDestination_); 
    404 //      const CDistributionClient::GlobalLocalDataMap& globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer = distributionClientDest.getGlobalLocalDataSendToServer(); 
    405 // 
    406 //      // ComputeTransformation of global index of each element 
    407 //      std::vector<int> gridDestinationDimensionSize = gridDestination_->getGlobalDimension(); 
    408 //      std::vector<int> gridSrcDimensionSize = gridSource_->getGlobalDimension(); 
    409 //      int elementPosition = it->first; 
    410 //      algo->computeGlobalSourceIndex(elementPosition, 
    411 //                                     gridDestinationDimensionSize, 
    412 //                                     gridSrcDimensionSize, 
    413 //                                     globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer, 
    414 //                                     globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource); 
    415 // 
    416 //      // Compute transformation of global indexes among grids 
    417 //      computeTransformationMapping(globaIndexWeightFromDestToSource); 
    418 // 
    419 //      // Update number of local index on each transformation 
    420 //      nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_.push_back(globalLocalIndexGridDestSendToServer.size()); 
    421 // 
    422 //      if (1 < nbAlgos_) 
    423 //      { 
    424 //        // Now grid destination becomes grid source in a new transformation 
    425 //        if (nbAgloTransformation != (nbAlgos_-1)) setUpGrid(elementPositionInGrid, transType, nbAgloTransformation); 
    426 //      } 
    427 //      ++nbAgloTransformation; 
    428 //    } 
    429 //  } 
    430 //} 
    432352void CGridTransformation::computeAll(const std::vector<CArray<double,1>* >& dataAuxInputs, Time timeStamp) 
    436356  if (dynamicalTransformation_) 
    437357  { 
    438     if (timeStamp_.insert(timeStamp).second) 
    439     { 
    440       DestinationIndexMap().swap(currentGridIndexToOriginalGridIndex_);  // Reset map 
    441       std::list<size_t>().swap(nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_); 
     358    if (timeStamp_.insert(timeStamp).second)   //Reset map 
     359    { 
    442360      std::list<SendingIndexGridSourceMap>().swap(localIndexToSendFromGridSource_); 
    443361      std::list<RecvIndexGridDestinationMap>().swap(localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_); 
    444     }       
     362      std::list<size_t>().swap(nbLocalIndexOnGridDest_); 
     363    } 
    445364    else 
    446365      return; 
    555474  } 
    559476  // Sending global index of grid source to corresponding process as well as the corresponding mask 
    560477  std::vector<MPI_Request> requests; 
    722 ///*! 
    723 //  Compute exchange index between grid source and grid destination 
    724 //  \param [in] globalIndexWeightFromDestToSource global index mapping between grid destination and grid source 
    725 //*/ 
    726 //void CGridTransformation::computeTransformationMapping(const DestinationIndexMap& globalIndexWeightFromDestToSource) 
    727 //{ 
    728 //  CContext* context = CContext::getCurrent(); 
    729 //  CContextClient* client = context->client; 
    730 // 
    731 //  CTransformationMapping transformationMap(gridDestination_, gridSource_); 
    732 // 
    733 //  transformationMap.computeTransformationMapping(globalIndexWeightFromDestToSource); 
    734 // 
    735 //  const CTransformationMapping::ReceivedIndexMap& globalIndexToReceive = transformationMap.getGlobalIndexReceivedOnGridDestMapping(); 
    736 //  CTransformationMapping::ReceivedIndexMap::const_iterator itbMapRecv, itMapRecv, iteMapRecv; 
    737 //  itbMapRecv = globalIndexToReceive.begin(); 
    738 //  iteMapRecv = globalIndexToReceive.end(); 
    739 //  localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.push_back(RecvIndexGridDestinationMap()); 
    740 //  RecvIndexGridDestinationMap& recvTmp = localIndexToReceiveOnGridDest_.back(); 
    741 //  for (itMapRecv = itbMapRecv; itMapRecv != iteMapRecv; ++itMapRecv) 
    742 //  { 
    743 //    int sourceRank = itMapRecv->first; 
    744 //    int numGlobalIndex = (itMapRecv->second).size(); 
    745 //    recvTmp[sourceRank].resize(numGlobalIndex); 
    746 //    for (int i = 0; i < numGlobalIndex; ++i) 
    747 //    { 
    748 //      recvTmp[sourceRank][i] = make_pair((itMapRecv->second)[i].localIndex,(itMapRecv->second)[i].weight); 
    749 //    } 
    750 //  } 
    751 // 
    752 //  // Find out local index on grid source (to send) 
    753 //  const CTransformationMapping::SentIndexMap& globalIndexToSend = transformationMap.getGlobalIndexSendToGridDestMapping(); 
    754 //  CTransformationMapping::SentIndexMap::const_iterator itbMap, itMap, iteMap; 
    755 //  itbMap = globalIndexToSend.begin(); 
    756 //  iteMap = globalIndexToSend.end(); 
    757 //  localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.push_back(SendingIndexGridSourceMap()); 
    758 //  SendingIndexGridSourceMap& tmpSend = localIndexToSendFromGridSource_.back(); 
    759 //  for (itMap = itbMap; itMap != iteMap; ++itMap) 
    760 //  { 
    761 //    int destRank = itMap->first; 
    762 //    int vecSize = itMap->second.size(); 
    763 //    tmpSend[destRank].resize(vecSize); 
    764 //    for (int idx = 0; idx < vecSize; ++idx) 
    765 //    { 
    766 //      tmpSend[destRank](idx) = itMap->second[idx].first; 
    767 //    } 
    768 //  } 
    769 //} 
    771639bool CGridTransformation::isSpecialTransformation(ETranformationType transType) 
  • XIOS/trunk/src/transformation/grid_transformation.hpp

    r862 r867  
    1212#include <map> 
    1313#include <vector> 
    14 #include "grid.hpp" 
    1514#include "generic_algorithm_transformation.hpp" 
    1615#include "transformation_enum.hpp" 
    2524  This class is an interface for all transformations to interact with the rest of XIOS. 
    2625The class, firstly, tries to get all information relating to requested transformations by retrieving directly from grid. 
    27 Then with all these information, all necessary transformations will be created by generic class \class CGenericAlgorithmTransformation. 
    28 Because there are information exchange among clients to accomplish the transformations (e.g: some index need retrieving from other clients), 
    29 this class uses class \class CTransformationMapping to fulfill this demand. 
     26Secondly, with all these information, all necessary transformations will be created by generic class \class CGenericAlgorithmTransformation. 
     27Then this class accomplishes the transformations by exchanging information among clients (e.g: some index need retrieving index from other clients), 
    3028For each transformation, a new temporary grid source is created. 
    3129For a consequential transformations (e.g: inversing -> zoom -> inversing -> ...), 
    6361  void initializeAxisAlgorithms(int axisPositionInGrid); 
    6462  void initializeDomainAlgorithms(int domPositionInGrid); 
    65   void initializeMappingOfOriginalGridSource(); 
     63  void initializeTransformations(); 
    6765  void selectAxisAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder); 
    6967  void selectAlgo(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int transformationOrder, bool isDomainAlgo); 
    7068  void setUpGrid(int elementPositionInGrid, ETranformationType transType, int nbTransformation); 
    71 //  void computeFinalTransformationMapping(); 
    72 //  void computeTransformationFromOriginalGridSource(const DestinationIndexMap& globaIndexMapFromDestToSource); 
    7369  void computeTransformationMapping(const SourceDestinationIndexMap& globalIndexWeightFromSrcToDest); 
    74 //  void updateFinalGridDestination(); 
    7570  bool isSpecialTransformation(ETranformationType transType); 
    113108  std::map<int, int> elementPosition2AxisPositionInGrid_, elementPosition2DomainPositionInGrid_; 
    115   //! (Grid) Global index of grid source 
    116   DestinationIndexMap currentGridIndexToOriginalGridIndex_; 
    118110  std::vector<CGrid*> tempGrids_; 
    119111  std::vector<StdString> auxInputs_; 
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.