DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE(StdString, name) DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE(StdString, description) DECLARE_ATTRIBUTE(StdString, comment) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 1, mask_1d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 2, mask_2d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 3, mask_3d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 4, mask_4d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 5, mask_5d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 6, mask_6d, false) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 7, mask_7d, false) // Meaningless, only server for coherent purpose (for scalar grid) DECLARE_ARRAY(bool, 1, mask_0d, false) // An array contains order of axis and domains composing of the grid // Value of element: domain 2, axis 1 and sclar 0 DECLARE_ARRAY_PRIVATE(int, 1, axis_domain_order)