module purge module load gcc/9.1.0 module load pgi/20.4 module load openmpi/4.0.4 module load hdf5/1.12.0-mpi module load netcdf-c/4.7.4-mpi #module load netcdf-fortran/4.5.2-mpi-cuda #PGI use gcc/4.8.5 STL which is not good makelocalrc -x -d . -gcc `which gcc` -gpp `which g++` -g77 `which gfortran` export PGI_LOCALRC=$PWD/localrc #export PGI_LOCALRC=/gpfswork/rech/psl/uim55ri/XIOS.Src/XIOS_PGI/localrc #export PGI_LOCALRC=/linkhome/rech/genmdl01/uim55ri/localrc export TMP=/dev/shm # to compile on node with enough memory export TMPDIR=/dev/shm # to compile on node with enough memory