################################################################################ ################### Projet xios - xmlioserver ##################### ################################################################################ # Cray XC build instructions for XIOS/xios-1.0 # These files have been tested on # Archer (XC30), ECMWF (XC30), and the Met Office (XC40) using the Cray PrgEnv. # One must also: # module load cray-netcdf-hdf5parallel/4.3.2 # There is a bug in the CC compiler prior to cce/8.3.7 using -O3 or -O2 # The workarounds are not ideal: # Use -Gfast and put up with VERY large executables # Use -O1 and possibly suffer a significant performance loss. # # Mike Rezny Met Office 23/03/2015 %CCOMPILER CC %FCOMPILER ftn %LINKER CC %BASE_CFLAGS -DMPICH_SKIP_MPICXX -h msglevel_4 -h zero -h gnu ## Only use -O3 if you can load module cce/8.3.7 or later #%PROD_CFLAGS -O3 -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS ## Otherwise take your pick of these, refer to information above. %PROD_CFLAGS -O1 -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS ## %PROD_CFLAGS -Gfast -DBOOST_DISABLE_ASSERTS %DEV_CFLAGS -O2 %DEBUG_CFLAGS -g %BASE_FFLAGS -em -m 4 -e0 -eZ %PROD_FFLAGS -O3 %DEV_FFLAGS -G2 %DEBUG_FFLAGS -g %BASE_INC -D__NONE__ %BASE_LD -D__NONE__ %CPP cpp %FPP cpp -P -CC %MAKE gmake