See the UserGuide for a tutorial and a reference to the SAX and stream XPATH parser APIs. The sax and xpath directories contain the source for the exercises in the User Guide. The new DOM interface is documented in file DOM.html. The WXML writing library and the "Jumbo90" (CML writer by Jon Wakelin) are documented in WXML.html GETTING STARTED QUICKLY You should really read the User Guide, but if you insist, here is the *minimum* you can do to get the parser working: * Define the environment variable FLIB_ROOT to point to the macros directory in the xmlf90 distribution (You could make it point anywhere, but this is the simplest setup, as you have everything under the same tree) FLIB_ROOT=/somewhere/xmlf90/macros ; export FLIB_ROOT (sh-like shells) setenv FLIB_ROOT /somewhere/xmlf90/macros (csh-like shells) * Go into macros, look through the files, and see if one of them applies to your computer/compiler combination. If so, copy it or make a (symbolic) link to '': ln -sf If none of the .mk files look useful, write your own, using the files provided as a guide. Basically you need to figure out the name and options for the compiler, the extension assigned to module files, and the flag used to identify the module search path. The above steps need only be done once. Go back to the top directory. If you have a Fortran95 compiler, simply type "sh" If not, edit and comment out the DOM sections as directed. * Go into subdirectory 'Examples' and explore. * Go into subdirectory 'Tutorial' and try the exercises in the User Guide (see the next section for compilation details). ** Compiling user programs After installation, the appropriate modules and library files should already be in $FLIB_ROOT/modules and $FLIB_ROOT/lib, respectively. To compile user programs, it is suggested that the user create a separate directory to hold the program files and prepare a Makefile following the templates in the Examples/ directory.