Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#26 ymipsl aclsce fixed name of coordinate one-dimensional variable

As it is said in CF convention ( "We use this term precisely as it is defined in section 2.3.1 of the NUG 2.3.1 of the NUG . It is a one-dimensional variable with the same name as its dimension [e.g., time(time)], and it is defined as a numeric data type with values that are ordered monotonically. Missing values are not allowed in coordinate variables."

It means we have to rename lon(x) into lon(lon) or x(x) (same for lat and time_counter). Comment : lon(lon) seems better than x(x)...

Thanks !

#27 aclsce aclsce fixed compilation of XIOS with --use_oasis option

When you compile XIOS with the "--use_oasis", it is needed to have netcdf fortran interface library at the linking step. So far there is : NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdf" in arch*.path configuration files of XIOS. "-lnetcdff" is missing to compile with "--use_oasis" option because oasis library needs it.

Proposition : add a NETCDF_LIB="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf" in make_xios file only if "$use_oasis" == "true" ?.

#28 aclsce aclsce fixed compilation XIOS Oasis path

So far, the path of Oasis library is by default : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$WORKDIR/NEMO_COUPLE/prism/X64/lib" in arch*path configuration files.

It is not very generic, in particular if we want to include XIOS compilation in IPSL coupled model compilation. We would like to have a relative path instead of absolute path.

Proposition : Replace the actual path by : OASIS_INCDIR="-I$PWD/../../prism/X64/build/lib/psmile.MPI1" OASIS_LIBDIR="-L$PWD/../../prism/X64/lib"

Thanks !

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