Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (73 - 75 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#76 oabramkina ymipsl fixed set_current_context with id

Actually, fortran interface to switching context is done by context handle, missing the subrotuine by id :

SUBROUTINE xios_set_current_context("context_id")

#77 developer ymipsl fixed Generate fortran interface for fields more than 3 dimensions

In XIOS 2 it is possible to manage grid of any dimension, but fortran interface xios_send_field / xios_recv_field can only manage no more than 3dimension arrays

#78 mhnguyen ymipsl fixed grid masking attribute incorrect name : mask1, mask2, mask3 ...

In order to be coherent with previous xios convention, rename grid_masking attribute

mask1 -> mask_1d mask2 -> mask_2d etc..

Up to mask_7d

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