Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (79 - 81 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#87 ymipsl ssenesi worksforme Duration arithmetics does not work

According to the ref_guide :

Arithmetic operations on durations
The following arithmetic operations on durations are available:
• Addition: xios_duration = xios_duration + xios_duration
• Subtraction: xios_duration = xios_duration - xios_duration
• Multiplication by a scalar value: xios_duration = scalar * xios_duration
or xios_duration = xios_duration * scalar
• Negation: xios_duration = -xios_duration

But gfortran doesn't agree :



Error: Operands of binary numeric operator '*' at (1) are INTEGER(4)/TYPE(xios_duration)



Error: Operands of binary numeric operator '*' at (1) are REAL(8)/TYPE(xios_duration)

#88 ymipsl ssenesi duplicate Consistency check 'ni .le. ni_glo' unrelevant for data_dim=1 and curvilinear grid

At node/domain.cpp l693, a test read as

      if (ni.getValue() < 0 || ibegin.getValue() < 0 )
	// || (ibegin.getValue() + ni.getValue()) > ni_glo.getValue())
              << "[ id = " << this->getId() << " , context = '" << CObjectFactory::GetCurrentContextId() << " ] "
              << "The local domain is wrongly defined,"
              << " check the attributes 'ni_glo' (" << ni_glo.getValue() << "), 'ni' (" << ni.getValue() << ") and 'ibegin' (" << ibegin.getValue() << ")");

The third condition does not make sense in the case of data_dim=1 and grid types curvilinear and regular , as each task may handle up to ni_glo*nj_glo grid cells.

#90 ymipsl mcastril fixed MPI dead lock in XIOS

We are experiencing a repetitive issue with XIOS 1.0 . It appeared using NEMO 3.6 stable and more than 2600 cores, and it seemed to be solved when using Intel 16 compiler and IMPI 5. However, after updating to NEMO 3.6 current stable, the problem appears when using 1920 or more cores. I don't really get how the NEMO revision change could affect to this, but there it is.

The problem is just in this line of client.cpp:

MPI_Send(buff,buffer.count(),MPI_CHAR,serverLeader,1,CXios::globalComm) ;

In the meanwhile the server.cpp is doing MPI_Iprobe continuosly in order to receive all the MPI_Send.

What we have observed is that using a high number of cores, around 80-100 of these cores get stucked at the MPI_Send, causing the run to hang and not complete. The fact that with a certain number of cores the issue appears 80% of the times but not always, made us think that could be related with the IMPI implementation.

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