Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (82 - 84 of 116)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#42 ymipsl smasson fixed Add the possibility to add user defined global and field attributes into a netcdf file
#43 ymipsl millour wontfix Having the possibility of enforcing the addition of a axis to a file

So far if multiple axes are defined (e.g. axis1, axis2, etc.), but only one is used (e.g.all output fields in file are with axis_ref="axis2"), then it is the only axis written to the file.

Allowing users to specify that alternative axes, although not used, should be included in the output file would be useful.

Maybe by adding a flag output="always" to the axis (or file?) parameters?

#46 ymipsl omamce fixed Compilation netcdf4_seq fails

/Users/marti/Unix/XIOS/src/output/onetcdf4.cpp:501:53: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NC_COLLECTIVE'

CheckError?(nc_var_par_access(grpid, varid, NC_COLLECTIVE));

/Users/marti/Unix/XIOS/src/output/onetcdf4.cpp:503:53: error: use of undeclared identifier 'NC_INDEPENDENT'

CheckError?(nc_var_par_access(grpid, varid, NC_INDEPENDENT));

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