Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#30 fixed "Once" operation attribute ymipsl aclsce

When I define a field (for example "Areas" with the following attribute operation="once", it seems it is needed to do the "call xios_send_field("Areas",...)" every timestep of the model (defined thanks the call to xios_set_timestep). If I do only one call to "xios_send_field("Areas",...)", there is nothing as value of my field "Areas" in my file (only missing values)...I think it is not normal.

Thanks !

#117 invalid New bug introduced by r1030 or 1031 ymipsl ssenesi

I get a new crash, when moving from r1029 to r1031 :

what(): Error when calling function: nc_inq_varid(ncid, varName.c_str(), &varId) NetCDF: Variable not found Unable to get id of variable with name: time_instant_bounds

It ooccurs with toy test_xios2_cmip6.exe I can provide input files if it is really necessary

#185 duplicate New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand ymipsl jderouillat

Since 2440, domain expand crashes with or without the bounds specification for rectilinear domains :

The error without specifications :

In file "domain.cpp", function "void xios::CDomain::checkBounds()",
  line 1664 -> [ id = __domain_undef_id_1 , context = 'atm ] 
  'bounds_lon_1d' dimension is not compatible with 'nvertex'.
  'bounds_lon_1d' dimension is 4 but nvertex is 2.

CDomainAlgorithmExpand::updateRectilinearDomainAttributes calls fillInRectilinearBoundLonLat if bounds_lon/lat_1d is empty. fillInRectilinearBoundLonLat resizes bounds arrays with const int nvertexValue = 4;

With bounds specifications (uncommenting in generic_testcase), the crashs occurs in CDomain::sendLonLat, where bounds_lonvalue is not defined while hasBounds is true.

#3  0x55cf20882f5a in _ZN4xios7CDomain10sendLonLatEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/domain.cpp:2497
#4  0x55cf2087fa66 in _ZN4xios7CDomain14sendAttributesEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/domain.cpp:2270
#5  0x55cf2087a822 in _ZN4xios7CDomain21sendCheckedAttributesEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/domain.cpp:1953
#6  0x55cf209bed67 in _ZN4xios5CGrid14solveDomainRefEb
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/grid.cpp:637
#7  0x55cf209ba593 in _ZN4xios5CGrid18solveDomainAxisRefEb
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/grid.cpp:359
#8  0x55cf208de6a6 in _ZN4xios6CField22solveGridDomainAxisRefEb
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/field.cpp:1689
#9  0x55cf208d0da3 in _ZN4xios6CField32sendGridComponentOfEnabledFieldsEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/field.cpp:964
#10  0x55cf209285c8 in _ZN4xios5CFile32sendGridComponentOfEnabledFieldsEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/file.cpp:861
#11  0x55cf20805b97 in _ZN4xios8CContext37sendGridComponentEnabledFieldsInFilesERKSt6vectorIPNS_5CFileESaIS3_EE
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/context.cpp:759
#12  0x55cf208023db in _ZN4xios8CContext30postProcessingGlobalAttributesEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/context.cpp:632
#13  0x55cf208041cd in _ZN4xios8CContext15closeDefinitionEv
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/node/context.cpp:706
#14  0x55cf20b75c5a in cxios_context_close_definition
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/interface/c/icdata.cpp:124
#15  0x55cf205048cc in __idata_MOD_xios_close_context_definition
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/ppsrc/xios/interface/fortran/idata.f90:718
#16  0x55cf204a435d in model
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/test/generic_testcase.f90:625
#17  0x55cf2047f5c6 in generic_testcase
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/test/generic_testcase.f90:103
#18  0x55cf204a5e5f in main
	at /home/jderouil/XIOS.Src/XIOS2_trunk/src/test/generic_testcase.f90:2

bounds_lonvalue should be set using bounds_lon_1d in CDomain::completeLonLatClient

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