Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (55 - 57 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#95 fixed Alternate, sensible, convention for lonvalue_1d when data_dim=1, for a rectilinear domain ymipsl ssenesi

In domain.cpp, for the case of a rectilinear domain, completeLonLatClient uses lonvalue_1D with an implicit assumption that the distribution also is recti-linear (i.e. that each MPI tasks does process a rectangle in the lat-lon space)

This does not apply when data_dim=1 and the distribution follows another scheme.

The attached version of domain.cpp, domain_new.cpp, is a proposal for an alternate convention in that case : lonvalue_1d and latvalue_1d are then interpreted as providing arrays which are parallel to the data arrays (which is more intuitive in that data_dim=1 case)

#97 fixed Release 902 unconditionally prints debug messages ymipsl ssenesi

Attached files do fix it

#99 fixed Need separating source and build directory ymipsl ssenesi

XIOS make system is fine.

However, when testing various configurations of architecture files, and hence building various versions of libraries and binaries, it would be much useful if the 'obj' and 'bin' directory were suffixed by the 'arch' value. This in order to avoid multiplying directories with the whole distro (and hence mutliplying the ARCH directories, which inevitably leads to mixing arch files versions ...)

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