Custom Query (116 matches)


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Results (70 - 72 of 116)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#146 fixed Need function xios_copy_domain ymipsl ssenesi

A use case for some Surface Models is to have one Xios domain per tile (e.g. for Land, Sea, Town, Lakes ...) which share a single spatial grid but use each a different compression index (data_i_index) For initializing such domains, the cleanest way would be to derive all these domains from a single one, using a 'copy_domain' function

#47 fixed typo error in node/domain.cpp ymipsl theetten

line 494 : zoom_ibegin is written twice instead of zoom_ibegin, zoom_jbegin

(Nota bene : same error is found in presentation slides "Grids definition")

#48 fixed bibliographic citation for reference to xios ? ymipsl theetten


Is there a bibliographic citation for xios ? What reference should be given in article, poster, etc ?

Thanks, Sébastien

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