All tickets (172 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 172)

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Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Component Version
#85 Interpolation does not work closed defect critical XIOS 2.0
#98 Issue with DHT when the number of indexes is lower than the number of clients closed defect critical XIOS 2.0
#100 Problem with splitted time series file name closed defect critical XIOS 2.0
#102 Global/local attributes in TS files closed defect critical XIOS 2.0
#125 Impact of "indexed_output" on fields on the same grid closed defect critical XIOS 2.0
#26 name of coordinate one-dimensional variable closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#27 compilation of XIOS with --use_oasis option closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#28 compilation XIOS Oasis path closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#30 "Once" operation attribute closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#31 inheritance seen by get_attr closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#33 bugfix in attribute_array_impl.hpp? closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#34 check if a context is initialized or not closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#39 Reduce gaussian grid support closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#44 problem with xios_field_is_activate closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#45 problem including a file containing a context in iodef.xml closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#50 Create interface for setting/getting variables value from code closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#52 time_counter_bnds closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#53 More verbosity needed closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#54 Variables with 5 dimensions closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#55 Memory leak closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#56 XIOS crash sometime in coupled model in server mode closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#62 Feeding a 2D global grid with processes working 1D is not working closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#63 Complementing field definition by sourcing from an alternate file does not work closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#64 Compile error when using option netcdf4_internal on Bull Intel with mpiifort closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#65 Regression caused by automatic detection of buffer size closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#66 Regression caused by grid related changes closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#67 Add bounds for vertical axis closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#68 Add area attribute for domain closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#69 Reenforcement of CF compliance for time operation closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#72 Crash when using a 2D grid made of 2 distributed axis closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#74 XML auto-completion from the input files is too strict closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#75 The axis attribute "value" should be optional closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#76 set_current_context with id closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#77 Generate fortran interface for fields more than 3 dimensions closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#78 grid masking attribute incorrect name : mask1, mask2, mask3 ... closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#79 add new constraint on zoom definition closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#81 Add more informations in one specific output error message closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#83 chaining filter doesn't works when reading data from file closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#87 Duration arithmetics does not work closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#88 Consistency check 'ni .le. ni_glo' unrelevant for data_dim=1 and curvilinear grid closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#90 MPI dead lock in XIOS closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#91 Default buffer size seems to be too small closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#93 problem when freq_op differrent of 1ts closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#95 Alternate, sensible, convention for lonvalue_1d when data_dim=1, for a rectilinear domain closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#97 Release 902 unconditionally prints debug messages closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#99 Need separating source and build directory closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#101 __field_undef_id as name of variable with Time Series closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#106 read a scalar in a file doesn't work closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#107 Add filter to extract a level from an axis closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#108 Reading data using an vertical axis change the axis distribution causing troubleshooting when reuse the axis to write data.e closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#109 Fortran interface with GCC : standard fortran max lenght line is 132 closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#111 wrong consistency check in domaion.cpp on ni when data_dim=1 closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#113 XIOS attribute to specify netcdf attribute "cell_methods" closed enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#116 reduce_domain workflow issue when combined with vertical interpolation closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#117 New bug introduced by r1030 or 1031 closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#120 reduce_domain doesn't work when using 'direction="iDir" ' closed defect major XIOS 1.0
#121 mess in time axes closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#122 regression with detect_missing_value between 1013 and 1029 closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#123 Parser just holds on syntax error closed enhancement major XIOS 1.0
#126 Indexed output 2D with 3D fields new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#127 Pb with index with indexed_output on 3D fields closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#128 Use of a label (character string) associated to a station/mooring new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#129 Use of weighted averaged reduction new enhancement major XIOS 2.0
#130 Pb with chaining zoom over axis + axis reduction + domain reduction closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#131 Problem with number of months in user_defined calendar closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#132 Spatial reductions across ranks broken new defect major XIOS 1.0
#133 Xios gregorian calendar actually is proleptic gregorian new defect major XIOS 2.0
#135 Need a registry dump tool new defect major XIOS 2.0
#136 Intel compiler optimization causing floating invalid in average.cpp function new defect major XIOS 2.0
#139 Interpolation + detect missing value new defect major XIOS 2.0
#140 munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer in XIOS2.5 new defect major XIOS 2.0
#141 test closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#142 test2 closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#143 XIOS2.5, Mojave and GCC8.2 new defect major XIOS 2.0
#148 domain/axis decomposition conflit in multiple_file mode new defect major XIOS 2.0
#149 Numerical error of axis zoom along X direction new defect major XIOS 2.0
#150 problem in CDomainAlgorithmGenerateRectilinear::computeDistributionGridDestination new defect major XIOS 2.0
#151 Declaring with same ID does not raise an error closed defect major XIOS 2.0
#152 2nd order interpolation seems to be not reproductive new defect major XIOS 2.0
#153 interpolation from curvilinear grid to gaussian grid looks not very good new defect major XIOS 2.0
#154 repaired compressed output on coupling branch closed task major XIOS coupling
#155 Add views and connector for scalars elements closed task major XIOS coupling
#156 test connectors functionnalities for spurious grid : overlapping closed task major XIOS coupling
#157 test connectors functionnalities for spurious grid : some servers or clients have no data closed task major XIOS coupling
#158 test connectors functionnalities for spurious grid : holes closed task major XIOS coupling
#161 Type mismatch in src/test/generic_testcase.f90 new defect major XIOS 2.5
#172 Segmentation violation with trunk on ARCHER2 (AMD/Cray compilers). Bug in xios_set_domain_attr? new defect major XIOS trunk
#173 XIOS, fcm and perl new defect major XIOS 2.5
#174 Compiling XIOS with gcc11 on MacOSX new enhancement major XIOS 2.5
#176 XIOS don't compile on Irene SKL new defect major XIOS 2.5
#179 Compilation fails : gcc11 on Mac OS X new defect major XIOS 2.5
#181 label axis are not written new defect major XIOS coupling
#182 XIOS3: xios_server.exe tries to call MPI routine before MPI initialisation new defect major XIOS trunk
#184 Bounds added in the rectilinear case of the generic_testcase crash interpolations new defect major XIOS trunk
#185 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand closed defect major XIOS trunk
#186 New bounds rectilinear domain crash domain expand new defect major XIOS trunk
#187 Compilation fails with clang on Mac OS X in attribute_map.cpp new defect major XIOS 2.5
#189 Hangs when attempting to use pools and services with XIOS3 generic_testcase new defect major XIOS trunk
#190 XIOS3-trunk with NEMO - Hangs at writing step (legacy) or 'Wrong window flavor' error (one-sided) new defect major XIOS trunk
#191 Request for information on netcdf4 chunking controls new defect major XIOS 2.5
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