


15:02 Ticket #49 (Troubles when date up to 9999 years) closed by ymipsl
fixed: Solved in rev r494
15:00 Changeset [494] by ymipsl
Problem when date is up to 9999 year. It solve the ticket #49 issue. YM
14:56 WikiStart edited by ymipsl
10:51 Changeset [493] by ymipsl
Cleaning spurious output on stdout YM


17:55 Ticket #47 (typo error in node/domain.cpp) closed by ymipsl
17:48 Ticket #56 (XIOS crash sometime in coupled model in server mode) closed by ymipsl
fixed: Event scheduler has been implemented in rev r492, that will solve the …
17:34 Changeset [492] by ymipsl
Add event scheduler functionnality in order to schedule events from …


17:14 Ticket #50 (Create interface for setting/getting variables value from code) closed by mhnguyen


17:50 WikiStart edited by ymipsl
17:45 WikiStart edited by ymipsl
14:31 Ticket #46 (Compilation netcdf4_seq fails) closed by ymipsl
fixed: No reply ? I consider this ticket closed
14:29 Ticket #57 (developper's list doesn't receive SVN commit message) closed by ymipsl
fixed: works again since rev r490
14:27 Ticket #51 (How does XIOS manage the "multiple_file" output ?) closed by ymipsl


15:13 Ticket #48 (bibliographic citation for reference to xios ?) closed by ymipsl


14:52 Changeset [491] by mhnguyen
Removing using_server from iodef.xml file. From now on, XIOS is capable of …
14:52 Changeset [490] by mhnguyen
Implementing print output in seperate files +) Add an option to write …


15:46 WikiStart edited by mhnguyen
Adding documentation policy (diff)
15:45 documentation edited by mhnguyen
Adding some information how to document codes (diff)
14:36 WikiStart edited by mhnguyen
14:17 Changeset [489] by mhnguyen
Ticket 50: Implementing the getting/setting methods for Fortran interface …


14:56 Ticket #57 (developper's list doesn't receive SVN commit message) created by ymipsl
Since revision 477
14:47 Ticket #56 (XIOS crash sometime in coupled model in server mode) created by ymipsl
When multiple context is used on MPMP code, sometime XIOS crash in server …
14:44 Ticket #55 (Memory leak) created by ymipsl
XIOS seems to have some small memory leak at each timestep. Accumulation …


17:36 Ticket #52 (time_counter_bnds) closed by mhnguyen
fixed: In output file, the variable time_xxx_bounds (xxx: counter, instant or …
17:34 Changeset [488] by mhnguyen
Ticket 52: Adding some new variables (by default) into output file(s) +) …


15:04 Ticket #54 (Variables with 5 dimensions) created by jgipsl
For ORCHIDEE, we would like to write variables with 5 dimensions. There …
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