function prepare_olr_filtre_simulation(ircaam_dataset,simulation) % prepare_olr_filtre_simulation ++explication ircaam_dataset,simulation %+ % % .. _prepare_olr_filtre_simulation.m: % % =============================== % prepare_olr_filtre_simulation.m % =============================== % % ce programme prepare les fichiers d'OLR de simulations IRCAAM CNRM % pour le programme de filtrage % % DESCRIPTION % =========== % % From :file:`rlut_d.{simulation}`, % ``prepare_olr_filtre_simulation`` compute ++. % % ``prepare_olr_filtre_simulation`` write % :file:`olr_nofiltre_arpege_{simulation}.dat`. % % CAUTIONS % ======== % % can't work with octave because of ncload. % % EXAMPLES % ======== % % Following line read from :file:`` to % :file:``, % compute ++, % write :file:`olr_nofiltre_arpege_AfNQIVIV.dat`:: % % >> prepare_olr_filtre_simulation('arpege','AfNQIVIV') % % SEE ALSO % ======== % % :ref:`carte_eof_df.m` % % TODO % ==== % % improve description % % improve file pb % % use return function % % EVOLUTIONS % ========== % % $Id$ % % - fplod 2009-02-10T15:54:57Z (Darwin) % % * force output to be written using IEEE floating point 32 bits % % - fplod 2009-02-04T09:40:31Z (Darwin) % % * force output to be written using IEEE floating point with little-endian % byte order % % - fplod 2009-02-02T13:45:57Z (Darwin) % % * created from prepare_olr_filtre_AFR.m to replace it as well as % prepare_olr_filtre_AS.m, prepare_olr_filtre_CTL.m, % prepare_olr_filtre_CTL_clim.m and prepare_olr_filtre_TR.m % % Dataset ``arpege`` will be forced in output file names. % % Simulation name will be add to output file names (see parameters). % % 1990 is added to years set. %- global IRCAAM_ID; global IRCAAM_OD; % force output to be written using IEEE floating point with little-endian byte % order machineformat='l'; if nargin==2 % ircaam_dataset must be equal to arpege if ~strcmp(ircaam_dataset,'arpege') disp(['ircaam_dataset = ', ircaam_dataset]); error('eee : ircaam_dataset must be equal to arpege'); end if strcmp(ircaam_dataset,'arpege') list_simulation={'AfNQIVIV','TrNQIVIV','AsNQIVIV','CtIV','CtCl'}; end switch simulation case list_simulation % ok otherwise disp(['simulation = ', simulation]); disp(['list_simulation = ', mat2str(list_simulation)]); error('eee : simulation must be equal to one of list_simulation'); end clear list_simulation; else usage='usage : prepare_olr_filtre_simulation(ircaam_dataset,simulation)'; disp(usage); error('eee : wrong arguments numbers') end close all; iyearmin=1971; iyearmax=2000; nbyear=iyearmax-iyearmin+1; olr=zeros(122,nbyear,64,128); iiyear=0; for iyear=iyearmin:iyearmax cyear=num2str(iyear); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_ID,'rlut_d.',simulation,'.',cyear,'']; ncload(fullfilename,'rlut'); clear fullfilename; iiyear=iiyear+1; olr(:,iiyear,:,:)=rlut; clear rlut; end; % selection du domaine geographique olr1=zeros(122,nbyear,64,128); olr1(:,:,:,1:64)=olr(:,:,:,65:128); olr1(:,:,:,65:128)=olr(:,:,:,1:64); clear olr; olr=olr1; clear olr1; olr=olr(:,:,29:43,54:77); tps=size(olr,1)*size(olr,2); olr=reshape(olr,tps,15,24); olr=permute(olr,[3 2 1]); olr=reshape(olr,360,tps); switch simulation case {'CtIV','CtCl'} % nothing otherwise for a=1:360; clear vaude; vaude=olr(a,:); vaude=vaude'; vaude=mean(vaude); olr(a,:)=olr(a,:)-vaude; end; end fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'olr_nofiltre_',ircaam_dataset,'_', simulation, '.dat']; fid=fopen(fullfilename,'w',machineformat); clear fullfilename; fwrite(fid,olr,'float32'); fclose(fid);