PROGRAM progfiltrage_simulation C+ C C .. _progfiltrage_simulation.F90: C C =========================== C progfiltrage_simulation.F90 C =========================== C C SYNOPSIS C ======== C C ``progfiltrage_simulation.x`` C C DESCRIPTION C =========== C C filtrage sur olr JAN-DEC de 1968 C +todo+ C C From olr_nofiltre_arpege\_ \ *simulation*\ .dat. C ``progfiltrage_simulation.x`` compute +todo+. C C ``progfiltrage_simulation.x`` write C olr_filtre\_\ *period1*\ -\ *period2*\ d_arpege\_ \ *simulation*\ .dat. C C C CAUTIONS C ======== C C On MAC ppc, this program must be compile with ``-fendian=little`` C for g95 C according to machineformat used in :ref:`prepare_olr_filtre_simulation.m`. C C EXAMPLES C ======== C C Following line read ``olr_nofiltre_arpege_AfNQIVIV.dat``, C compute ++, C write ``olr_filtre_10-30d_arpege_AfNQIVIV.dat`` C :: C C $ echo "arpege AfNQIVIV 10 30" | progfiltrage_simulation.x - C C SEE ALSO C ======== C C :ref:`prepare_olr_filtre_simulation.m` C C :ref:`forfilter.f` C C TODO C ==== C C underflow tracking (see ifort failure) C C REAL ou DOUBLE PRECISION dans les fichiers matlab C C improve description C C improve file pb (err in open/read/write) C C F90 modules C C portability check because of getenv : now (20090203) written for C working on zeus using g95 (GCC 4.0.3 (g95!) Jun 18 2006) C C use PT fortran tool box ?! when public ... C C direct access file ? seems to work but see also C C C EVOLUTIONS C ========== C C $Id$ C C - fplod 2009-02-11T11:28:01Z (Darwin) C C * bug fix for getenv using Nag compiler C C - fplod 2009-02-10T13:57:29Z (Darwin) C C * bug fix on output file name to be compatible to convention C (not fixed period number of digits) C C - fplod 2009-02-02T13:45:57Z (Darwin) C C * created from progfiltrage_10_30.f to replace it as well as C progfiltrage_30_100.f C C * Subroutines externalized in forfilter.f C C * add parameters ircaam_dataset and simulation according to C prepare_olr_filtre_simulation.m C C * consolidation : implicit none, inquire iolength, force C LITTLE ENDIAN C C- C #ifdef NAGf90Fortran USE F90_UNIX_ENV #endif IMPLICIT NONE EXTERNAL FILTRE INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nb = 3660 INTEGER :: period1 INTEGER :: period2 C INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: j INTEGER :: k INTEGER :: l INTEGER :: lon0 INTEGER :: lat0 C REAL :: olr(24,15,nb),vb(nb) REAL :: vvb(nb),vvvb(nb),olrf(24,15,nb) C CHARACTER (LEN=255) :: ircaam_id CHARACTER (LEN=255) :: ircaam_od C CHARACTER (LEN=255) :: fullfilename CHARACTER (LEN=255) :: fullfilename_format INTEGER :: record_length = 0 C CHARACTER (LEN=6) :: ircaam_dataset CHARACTER (LEN=8) :: simulation LOGICAL :: vsel = .TRUE. write (*,*) 'enter ircaam_dataset simulation period1 period2' read (*,*) ircaam_dataset,simulation,period1,period2 write (*,*) 'ircaam_dataset : ', ircaam_dataset write (*,*) 'simulation : ', simulation write (*,*) 'period1 : ', period1 write (*,*) 'period2 : ', period2 C validation of ircaam_dataset IF (ircaam_dataset /= 'arpege') THEN vsel = .FALSE. WRITE(*,*)' eee : pb validation ircaam_dataset' ENDIF C validation of simulation IF ((simulation /= 'AfNQIVIV') .AND. + (simulation /= 'TrNQIVIV') .AND. + (simulation /= 'AsNQIVIV') .AND. + (simulation /= 'CtIV') .AND. + (simulation /= 'CtCl ')) THEN vsel = .FALSE. WRITE(*,*)' eee : pb validation simulation' ENDIF C validation of period1 and period2 IF (period1 >= period2) THEN vsel = .FALSE. WRITE(*,*)' eee : pb validation period1 vs period2' ENDIF C IF (.NOT. vsel) THEN GOTO 994 ENDIF CALL GETENV('IRCAAM_ID',ircaam_id) CALL GETENV('IRCAAM_OD',ircaam_od) WRITE(fullfilename,'(A,A,A,A,A,A)') +TRIM(ircaam_id), +'olr_nofiltre_', +TRIM(ircaam_dataset), +'_', +TRIM(simulation), +'.dat' C ask for record length INQUIRE (IOLENGTH=record_length) +(((olr(i,j,k),i=1,24),j=1,15),k=1,nb) open(1,file=fullfilename +,status='old' +,form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=record_length) read(1,rec=1) +(((olr(i,j,k),i=1,24),j=1,15),k=1,nb) CLOSE(1) c l'ordre maximal du filtrage est tel que 2*MOR+1 < nb c veuillez changer dans la subroutine FILTRE le parameter MOR do lon0=1,24 do lat0=1,15 do i=1,nb vb(i)=olr(lon0,lat0,i) enddo call filtre(vb,vvb,REAL(period1),nb) call filtre(vb,vvvb,REAL(period2),nb) do i=1,nb olrf(lon0,lat0,i)=vvb(i)-vvvb(i) enddo enddo enddo C print*,(olrf(1,1,j),j=1,nb) C adjust format of output filename according to period1 and period2 values fullfilename_format = '(A,A,' IF (period1 < 10 ) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I1,' ENDIF IF ((period1 >= 10) .AND. (period1 < 100)) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I2,' ENDIF IF (period1 >= 100 ) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I3,' ENDIF fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format) //'A,' IF (period2 < 10 ) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I1,' ENDIF IF ((period2 >= 10) .AND. (period2 < 100)) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I2,' ENDIF IF (period2 >= 100 ) THEN fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'I3,' ENDIF fullfilename_format = TRIM(fullfilename_format)//'A,A,A,A,A)' WRITE(fullfilename,fullfilename_format) +TRIM(ircaam_od), +'olr_filtre_', +period1, +'-', +period2, +'d_', +TRIM(ircaam_dataset), +'_', +TRIM(simulation), +'.dat' open(2,file=fullfilename +,status='replace' +,form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=24*15*nb*4) write(2,rec=1)(((olrf(lon0,lat0,l),lon0=1,24), + lat0=1,15),l=1,nb) close(2) 994 CONTINUE STOP END