function time_serie_eof_df(dataset,simulation,ndmin, ndmax) % time_serie_eof_df ++explication between ndmin days and ndmax days %+ % module % ====== % % ++ % % DESCRIPTION % =========== % % From eof_arpege_\ *simulation*\ _ \ *ndmin*\ -\ *ndmax*\ d.mat, % ``time_serie_eof_df`` compute ++. % % ``time_serie_eof_df`` plot ++. % % ``time_serie_eof_df`` save eof[12]_arpege_\ *simulation*\ _ \ *ndmin*\ -\ *ndmax*\ d.txt. % % 2 Postscript files % time_serie_arpege_\ *simulation*\ _ \ *ndmin*\ -\ *ndmax*\ d_part[12].eps are % written. % % EXAMPLES % ======== % % Following line read ``eof_arpege_TrNQIVIV_10-30d.mat``, % compute ++, % plot ++, % write ``eof[12]_arpege_TrNQIVIV_10-30d`` and % write ``time_serie_arpege_TrNQIVIV_10-30d_part[12].eps`` % :: % % >> time_serie_eof_df('arpege','TrNQIVIV',10,30) % % SEE ALSO % ======== % % eof_olr_ircaam_1030_as.m_ % % .. _eof_olr_ircaam_1030_as.m : eof_olr_ircaam_1030_as.m.html % % carte_eof_df.m_ % % .. _carte_eof_df.m : carte_eof_df.m.html % % TODO % ==== % % improve description % % improve file pb % % use return function % % EVOLUTIONS % ========== % % $Id$ % % - fplod 2009-02-02T10:01:21Z (Darwin) % % * created from time_serie_afr_1030.m to replace it as well as % time_serie_afr_30100.m, time_serie_as_1030.m, time_serie_as_30100.m, % time_serie_ctl_1030.m, time_serie_ctl_30100.m, time_serie_tr_1030.m and % time_serie_tr_30100.m % % Days will be now written ``ndmin``\-``ndmaxd`` (ex: 10-30d) in filenames. % % Dataset ``arpege`` will be forced in output file names. % % Simulation name will be add to output file names (see parameters). % % Postscript files names will be suffixe by partx instead of letter. % %- global IRCAAM_ID; global IRCAAM_OD; if nargin==4 % dataset must be equal to arpege if ~strcmp(dataset,'arpege') disp(['dataset = ', dataset]); error('eee : dataset must be equal to arpege'); end if strcmp(dataset,'arpege') list_simulation={'AfNQIVIV','TrNQIVIV','AsNQIVIV','CtIV','CtCl'}; end switch simulation case list_simulation % ok otherwise disp(['simulation = ', simulation]); disp(['list_simulation = ', mat2str(list_simulation)]); error('eee : simulation must be equal to one of list_simulation'); end clear list_simulation; % ndmin must be lower than ndmax if (ndmin > ndmax) disp(['ndmin = ', int2str(ndmin)]); disp(['ndmax = ', int2str(ndmax)]); error('eee : ndmin must be lower than ndmax'); end else usage='usage : time_serie_jjas_df(dataset,simulation,ndmin, ndmax)'; disp(usage); error('eee : wrong arguments numbers') end % ndmin and ndmax will be used in xx-yyd form in filenames df = [int2str(ndmin),'-',int2str(ndmax),'d']; clear ndmin; clear ndmax; close all; fullfilename=[IRCAAM_ID,'eof_',dataset,'_', simulation, '_', df, '.mat']; status=load(fullfilename,'C','olr'); clear fullfilename; C=status.C; olr=status.olr; clear status; olr=olr'; PC1=olr*C; %%%%%%% cronique de la VP1 time_serie_olr1=PC1(:,360); time_serie_olr2=PC1(:,359); dt_olr1=std(time_serie_olr1); dt_olr2=std(time_serie_olr2); for a=1:3538; time_serie_olr1(a)=time_serie_olr1(a)/dt_olr1; time_serie_olr2(a)=time_serie_olr2(a)/dt_olr2; end; fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'eof1_',dataset,'_', simulation, '_', df,'.txt']; save(fullfilename,'time_serie_olr1','-ASCII'); clear fullfilename; fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'eof2_',dataset,'_', simulation, '_', df,'.txt']; save(fullfilename','time_serie_olr2','-ASCII'); clear fullfilename; x=[1:3538]'; for a=1:29; if a<12; figure(1); subplot(4,3,a); elseif a<23; figure(2); subplot(4,3,a-11); else figure(3); subplot(4,3,a-22); end; clear koro1; debut=(a-1)*122+1; fin=a*122; koro1=time_serie_olr1(debut:fin); koro2=time_serie_olr2(debut:fin); clear x; x=[1:122]'; plot(x,koro1,'r'); hold on plot(x,koro2,'k'); y=zeros(122,1); plot(x,y,'k:'); title(a+1970,'FontSize',8); my_title=['serie temporelle eof ', dataset, ' ' , simulation, ' ' , df]; if a==2; text(0,5.5,my_title); elseif a==13; text(0,5.5,my_title); elseif a==24; text(0,5.5,my_title); end; clear my_title; set (gca,'tickDir','out'); axis([1 122 -3 3]); set (gca,'YTick',[-3:1:3],'YTickLabel',[-3:1:3],'fontname','Arial','fontsize',6); set (gca,'XTick',[0:20:120],'XTickLabel',[0:20:120],'fontname','Arial','fontsize',6); end; figure(1); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'time_serie_eof_', dataset, '_', simulation, '_', df, '_part1.eps']; print('-depsc2',fullfilename); clear fullfilename; figure(2); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'time_serie_eof_', dataset, '_', simulation, '_', df, '_part2.eps']; print('-depsc2',fullfilename); clear fullfilename; figure(3); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'time_serie_eof_', dataset, '_', simulation, '_', df, '_part3.eps']; print('-depsc2',fullfilename); clear fullfilename; clear dataset; clear simulation; clear df;