function time_serie_histog_phase() % time_serie_histog_phase plot WTs distribution++ %+ % % .. _time_serie_histog_phase.m: % % ========================= % time_serie_histog_phase.m % ========================= % % ++ % % DESCRIPTION % =========== % % From ``occu.txt`` and ``phase[1-8].txt``, time_serie_histog_phase plots % for each WT and each phase distribution ++. % 2 Postscript files time_serie_type_tps_phase14.eps and % time_serie_type_tps_phase58.eps are written. % % EXAMPLES % ======== % % :: % % >> time_serie_histog_phase(); % % SEE ALSO % ======== % % :ref:`lagged_correlations_eof2_eof3_1030.m` % % :ref:`composite_olr_phase.m` % % :ref:`composite_olr_phase_num.m` % % :ref:`time_serie_histog_phase_num.m` % % TODO % ==== % % improve description % % improve file pb % % use return function % % EVOLUTIONS % ========== % % $Id$ % % - fplod 2009-01-28T09:35:17Z (Darwin) % % * replace calls to time_serie_histog_phase[1-8] by calls to % time_serie_histog_phase_num % * add comments in ReST % * EPS files in IRCAAM_OD %- global IRCAAM_OD; close all; figure(1); orient('landscape') phase_num=1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) figure(2); orient('landscape') phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) phase_num=phase_num+1; time_serie_histog_phase_num(phase_num) clear phase_num: figure(1); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'time_serie_type_tps_phase14.eps']; print('-depsc2',fullfilename); clear fullfilename; figure(2); fullfilename=[IRCAAM_OD,'time_serie_type_tps_phase58.eps']; print('-depsc2',fullfilename); clear fullfilename;