#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Martial Mancip # Contact: Martial.Mancip__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** echo "" echo "clean_PeriodLength.job has been replaced by clean_or_continue.job." echo "The new script keeps the same funtionnalities as the old one. " echo "Launch using " echo "../../../libIGCM/clean_or_continue.job -h : for help" echo "../../../libIGCM/clean_or_continut.job : for normal execution" echo "Exit now" echo "" exit