source: trunk/libIGCM/AA_create_multi_se @ 1087

Last change on this file since 1087 was 1070, checked in by sdipsl, 10 years ago
  • propagate supervision down to post-processing. See #210
  • Property licence set to
    The following licence information concerns ONLY the libIGCM tools

    Copyright © Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS
    Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique CEA

    libIGCM : Library for Portable Models Computation of IGCM Group.

    IGCM Group is the french IPSL Global Climate Model Group.

    This library is a set of shell scripts and functions whose purpose is
    the management of the initialization, the launch, the transfer of
    output files, the post-processing and the monitoring of datas produce
    by any numerical program on any plateforme.

    This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and
    abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
    modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL
    license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL

    As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy,
    modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only
    with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the
    economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited

    In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated
    with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the
    software by the user in light of its specific status of free software,
    that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also
    therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced
    professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore
    encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their
    requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or
    data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the
    same conditions as regards security.

    The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
    knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms.
  • Property svn:keywords set to Revision Author Date
File size: 18.2 KB
[622]1#-Q- curie ######################
2#-Q- curie ## CURIE   TGCC/CEA ##
3#-Q- curie ######################
[785]4#-Q- curie #MSUB -r MULTISE        # Nom du job
[622]5#-Q- curie #MSUB -eo
6#-Q- curie #MSUB -n 1              # Reservation du processus
[880]7#-Q- curie #MSUB -T 36000          # Limite de temps elapsed du job
[741]8#-Q- curie #MSUB -q xlarge
[704]9#-Q- curie #MSUB -Q normal
[837]10#-Q- curie #MSUB -A ::default_project::
[681]11#-Q- curie set +x
[770]12#-Q- ada #!/bin/ksh
13#-Q- ada #######################
[929]14#-Q- ada ## ADA         IDRIS ##
[770]15#-Q- ada #######################
[848]16#-Q- ada # @ job_type = serial
17#-Q- ada # @ requirements = (Feature == "prepost")
[770]18#-Q- ada # Temps Elapsed max. d'une requete hh:mm:ss
19#-Q- ada # @ wall_clock_limit = 1:00:00
20#-Q- ada # Nom du travail LoadLeveler
21#-Q- ada # @ job_name   = MULTISE
[785]22#-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie standard du travail
[770]23#-Q- ada # @ output     = $(job_name).$(jobid)
24#-Q- ada # Fichier de sortie d'erreur du travail
25#-Q- ada # @ error      =  $(job_name).$(jobid)
26#-Q- ada # pour recevoir un mail en cas de depassement du temps Elapsed (ou autre pb.)
27#-Q- ada # @ notification = error
[1070]28#-Q- ada # @ environment  = $DEBUG_debug ; $BigBrother ; $MODIPSL ; $libIGCM ; $libIGCM_SX ; $SUBMIT_DIR ; $REBUILD_DIR ; $POST_DIR ; $MASTER ; $DateBegin ; $PeriodDateBegin ; $PeriodDateEnd ; $NbRebuildDir ; $StandAlone ; $RESOL_ATM ; $RESOL_OCE ; $RESOL_ICE ; $RESOL_MBG ; $RESOL_SRF ; $RESOL_SBG ; $MASTER
[770]29#-Q- ada # @ queue
[370]30#-Q- lxiv8 ######################
31#-Q- lxiv8 ## OBELIX      LSCE ##
32#-Q- lxiv8 ######################
33#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -N MULTISE
34#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -m a
35#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -j oe
36#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -q medium
[929]37#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -o MULTISE.$$
[370]38#-Q- lxiv8 #PBS -S /bin/ksh
39#-Q- default #!/bin/ksh
40#-Q- default ##################
41#-Q- default ## DEFAULT HOST ##
42#-Q- default ##################
45# Author: Marie-Alice Foujols
46# Contact:
47# $Revision::                                          $ Revision of last commit
48# $Author::                                            $ Author of last commit
49# $Date::                                              $ Date of last commit
[370]50# IPSL (2006)
51#  This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC
55#set -eu
56#set -vx
[770]60#-Q- ada export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
[712]62#D- Task type (computing or post-processing)
67#D- Flag to determine if this job in a standalone mode
68#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
[554]71#D- Path to libIGCM
[370]72#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
75#D- Flag to determine atlas job's output directory
76#D- Default : value from libIGCM_post.ksh if any
79#D- Increased verbosity (1, 2, 3)
80#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
83#D- Low level debug : to bypass lib test checks and stack construction
84#D- Default : value from AA_job if any
87#D- TEMPORARY Flag to determine atmospheric resolution
88#D- Default : value from atmospheric driver if any
91#D- Flag to determine surface resolution
92#D- Default : value from surface driver if any
95#D- Flag to determine surface resolution
96#D- Default : value from surface driver if any
99#D- TEMPORARY Flag to determine ocean resolution
100#D- Default : value from ocean driver if any
103#D- TEMPORARY Flag to determine ice resolution
104#D- Default : value from ice driver if any
107#D- TEMPORARY Flag to determine marine biogeochemistry resolution
108#D- Default : value from ice driver if any
113. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_debug/libIGCM_debug.ksh
114. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_card/libIGCM_card.ksh
115. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_date/libIGCM_date.ksh
117. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh
[731]118. ${libIGCM}/libIGCM_config/libIGCM_config.ksh
120( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_debug_Check
121( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_card_Check
122( ${DEBUG_debug} ) && IGCM_date_Check
126#set -vx
128IGCM_sys_MkdirWork ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
129IGCM_sys_Cd ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
[436]131# ------------------------------------------------------------------
132# Test if all was right before proceeding further
133# ------------------------------------------------------------------
[370]136if [ ${StandAlone} = true ] ; then
[785]137  CARD_DIR=${SUBMIT_DIR}
[785]139  CARD_DIR=${RUN_DIR_PATH}
140  IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
141  IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/run.card    ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
142  IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP        ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
143  IGCM_sys_Get_Master ${SUBMIT_DIR}/POST        ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
[370]147# First of all
[727]149# Read libIGCM compatibility version in config.card
150# Read UserChoices section
151# Read Ensemble section
152# Read Post section
153# Define all netcdf output directories
155IGCM_config_CommonConfiguration ${CARD_DIR}/config.card
[727]158# Read ListOfComponents section:
[370]159IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection   ${CARD_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents
162# Read SeasonalFrequency:
[370]163IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection   ${CARD_DIR}/config.card Post
166# If option MultiSeasonalFrequency is not found (optionnal) put MultiSeasonalFrequency=50Y
169for option in ${config_Post[*]} ; do
[785]170  if [ ${option} = MultiSeasonalFrequency ] ; then
171    FoundMultiSeasonal=true
172    IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/config.card Post MultiSeasonalFrequency
173  fi
175if [ ! X${FoundMultiSeasonal} = Xtrue ] ; then
[785]176  config_Post_MultiSeasonalFrequency=50Y
179IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/config.card Post SeasonalFrequency
181# Determine period for seasonnal average. Default : value from AA_job if any
183DateBegin=${DateBegin:=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_UserChoices_DateBegin} )}
185PeriodDateEnd=${PeriodDateEnd:=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${config_UserChoices_DateEnd} )}
187IGCM_debug_Print 1 "DefineVariableFromOption : Post "
188IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_Post_SeasonalFrequency
189IGCM_debug_PrintVariables 3 config_Post_MultiSeasonalFrequency
193freq=$( echo ${config_Post_SeasonalFrequency} |  sed -e "s/[yY]//" )
195multifreq=$( echo ${config_Post_MultiSeasonalFrequency} |  sed -e "s/[yY]//" )
199an_multi_fin=$(( $( IGCM_date_ConvertGregorianDateToJulian ${PeriodDateEnd} ) / 1000 ))
200an_multi_deb=$( IGCM_date_YearDigit $(( an_multi_fin - multifreq + 1 )) )
201an_multi_fin=$( IGCM_date_YearDigit ${an_multi_fin} )
203# For each component selected determine which files need post-processing
205for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do
[785]206  #
207  IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${CARD_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents ${comp}
208  eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1
209  #
210  card=${CARD_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card
211  IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} OutputFiles List
212  #
213  ListFilesName=${compname}_OutputFiles_List
214  eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1
215  #
216  if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then
[370]217    #
[785]218    # INITIALISATION
[370]219    #
[785]220    eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1
221    typeset i=2
[370]222    #
[785]223    until [ $i -gt $NbFiles ]; do
224      #
225      eval flag_post=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1
226      #
227      if [ X${flag_post} != XNONE ] ; then
228        #
229        # Check if seasonal is required for this file
230        #
231        IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${card} ${flag_post}
232        #
233        # Seasonal case : If option Seasonal is not found (old cards) put SEASONAL ON by default
234        #
235        # variable option allready typeset above
236        for option in $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}[*]} ) ; do
237          if [ ${option} = Seasonal ] ; then
238            FoundSeasonal=true
239            IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} Seasonal
240          fi
241        done
242        #
243        if [ ! X${FoundSeasonal} = Xtrue ] ; then
244          eval ${compname}_${flag_post}_Seasonal=ON
245        fi
246        #
247        if [ ! X$( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Seasonal} ) = XON ] ; then
248          (( i=i+3 ))
249          continue
250        fi
251        #
252        # CREATE LIST
253        #
254        FILE=$( echo ${flag_post} | awk "-FPost_" '{print $2}' )
255        #
256        DIRECTORY=${R_SAVE}/${comp}/Analyse/SE
257        #
258        MULTI_DIRECTORY=${R_SAVE}/${comp}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}
259        #
260        TestedFile=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${an_multi_deb}_${an_multi_fin}_${FILE}.nc
261        #
262        IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${MULTI_DIRECTORY}/${TestedFile}
263        if [ ! $? = 0 ] ; then
264          eval set +A LISTE_FILE_${comp} \$\{LISTE_FILE_${comp}[*]} ${FILE}
265        fi
266      fi
267      (( i=i+3 ))
268    done # until [ $i -eq $NbFiles ]
269  fi
[370]270done         # for comp
272for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do
[785]273  #
274  eval R_OUT_${comp}=${R_SAVE}/${comp}
275  #
276  i=0
277  for file in $( eval echo \${LISTE_FILE_${comp}[*]} ); do
[370]278    #
[785]279    RESULT_MULTI_SE=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${an_multi_deb}_${an_multi_fin}_${file}.nc
280    # Do not redo an existing SE
281    IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${R_SAVE}/${comp}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}/${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
282    if [ $? = 0 ] ; then
283      continue
284    fi
[370]285    #
[785]286    eval file_path=\${R_OUT_${comp}}/Analyse/SE/
287    #
288    (( an = an_multi_deb ))
289    # Initialize array
290    unset liste_file_se
291    unset liste_file_se_tmp
292    while [ ${an} -le ${an_multi_fin} ] ; do
293      #
294      an_deb=$(printf "%04i\n" ${an} )
295      #
296      (( an_fin = an_deb + freq - 1 ))
297      date=${an_deb}_${an_fin}
[906]298      #
[785]299      liste_file_se[${#liste_file_se[*]}]=${file_path}${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${date}_${file}.nc
300      liste_file_se_tmp[${#liste_file_se_tmp[*]}]=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE_${date}_${file}.nc
301      (( an = an + freq ))
302    done
303    #
304    IGCM_sys_Get /l liste_file_se[*] ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
305    IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post
306    # Search of common list of variables to be treated
307    nbfile=0
308    for file_common_var in ${liste_file_se_tmp[*]} ; do
309      ncdump -h ${file_common_var} | grep -E 'float|double' | cut -f 1 -d '(' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' >> tmpfile_ncra
310      (( nbfile = nbfile + 1 ))
311    done
312    list_var_final_ncra=`cat tmpfile_ncra | sort | uniq -c | awk -v nbfile=$nbfile '{if ($1 == nbfile) {print $2}}' | paste -s -d ','`
313    IGCM_sys_Rm tmpfile_ncra
[785]315    # detect time counter : time or time_counter ie unlimited variable
316    var_unlim=$(ncdump -h ${liste_file_se_tmp[1]}|grep UNLIMITED|awk '{print $1}')
[785]318    for mois in  01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 ; do
319      #
320      (( nb = ${mois} - 1 ))
321      #
322      OUT_SE[${nb}]=${config_UserChoices_JobName}_SE${mois}_${an_deb}_${an_fin}_${file}.nc
323      IGCM_sys_ncra -O -v ${list_var_final_ncra} -d ${var_unlim},${nb},,12 ${liste_file_se_tmp[*]} ${OUT_SE[${nb}]}
324    done
325    IGCM_sys_Rm ${liste_file_se_tmp[*]}
326    #
[785]328    # Search of common list of variables to be treated
329    nbfile=0
330    for file_common_var in ${OUT_SE[*]} ; do
331      ncdump -h ${file_common_var} | grep -E 'float|double' | cut -f 1 -d '(' | cut -f 2 -d ' ' >> tmpfile_ncrcat
332      (( nbfile = nbfile + 1 ))
333    done
334    list_var_final_ncrcat=`cat tmpfile_ncrcat | sort | uniq -c | awk -v nbfile=$nbfile '{if ($1 == nbfile) {print $2}}' | paste -s -d ','`
335    IGCM_sys_Rm tmpfile_ncrcat
[785]337    IGCM_sys_ncrcat -O -v ${list_var_final_ncrcat} ${OUT_SE[*]} ${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
338    #
339    IGCM_sys_Rm ${OUT_SE[*]}
[906]341    # Put correct climatological axis following calendar
[785]342    case ${config_UserChoices_CalendarType} in
343      360d|360_day)
344      # 360 days
345        ncap2cmd="'defdim(\"tbnds\",2) ; ${var_unlim}[${var_unlim}]={15, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165, 195, 225, 255, 285, 315, 345.} ; ${var_unlim}_bnds[${var_unlim},tbnds]={0, 30, 30, 60, 60, 90, 90, 120, 120, 150, 150, 180, 180, 210, 210, 240, 240, 270, 270, 300, 300, 330, 330, 360.} ; ${var_unlim}@units=\"days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@time_origin=\"01-JAN-0000 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@calendar=\"360_day\" ; ${var_unlim}@bounds=\"${var_unlim}_bnds\"'"
346        ;;
347      noleap|365_day)
348      # 365 days
349        ncap2cmd="'defdim(\"tbnds\",2) ; ${var_unlim}[${var_unlim}]={15.5, 45, 74.5, 105, 135.5, 166, 196.5, 227.5, 258, 288.5, 319, 349.5} ; ${var_unlim}_bnds[${var_unlim},tbnds]={0, 31, 31, 59, 59, 90, 90, 120, 120, 151, 151, 181, 181, 212, 212, 243, 243, 273, 273, 304, 304, 334, 334, 365.} ; ${var_unlim}@units=\"days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@time_origin=\"01-JAN-0000 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@calendar=\"365_day\" ; ${var_unlim}@bounds=\"${var_unlim}_bnds\"'"
350        ;;
351      all_leap|366_day)
352      # 366 days
353        ncap2cmd="'defdim(\"tbnds\",2) ; ${var_unlim}[${var_unlim}]={15.5, 45.5, 75.5, 106, 136.5, 167, 197.5, 228.5, 259, 289.5, 320, 350.5} ; ${var_unlim}_bnds[${var_unlim},tbnds]={0, 31, 31, 60, 60, 91, 91, 121, 121, 152, 152, 182, 182, 213, 213, 244, 244, 274, 274, 305, 305, 335, 335, 366.} ; ${var_unlim}@units=\"days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@time_origin=\"01-JAN-0000 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@calendar=\"366_day\" ; ${var_unlim}@bounds=\"${var_unlim}_bnds\"'"
354        ;;
355      leap|gregorian|standard)
356      # 365.2425 days
357        ncap2cmd="'defdim(\"tbnds\",2) ; ${var_unlim}[${var_unlim}]={15.5, 45.12125, 74.7425, 105.2425, 135.7425, 166.2425, 196.7425, 227.7425, 258.2425, 288.7425, 319.2425, 349.7425} ; ${var_unlim}_bnds[${var_unlim},tbnds]={0, 31, 31, 59.2425, 59.2425, 90.2425, 90.2425, 120.2425, 120.2425, 151.2425, 151.2425, 181.2425, 181.2425, 212.2425, 212.2425, 243.2425, 243.2425, 273.2425, 273.2425, 304.2425, 304.2425, 334.2425, 334.2425, 365.2425} ; ${var_unlim}@units=\"days since 0000-01-01 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@time_origin=\"01-JAN-0000 00:00:00\" ; ${var_unlim}@calendar=\"gregorian\" ; ${var_unlim}@bounds=\"${var_unlim}_bnds\"'"
358        ;;
359    esac
360    eval IGCM_sys_ncap2 -Oh -s $ncap2cmd ${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
361    IGCM_sys_Rm ${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
362    IGCM_sys_Mv ${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
363    #
364    eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${RESULT_MULTI_SE} \${R_OUT_${comp}}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}/${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
365    IGCM_sys_Rm ${RESULT_MULTI_SE}
366    #
367  done
370# DODS copy
[903]371if [ X${config_Post_DodsCopy} = XTRUE ]  ; then
372  for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do
373    IGCM_sys_TestDirArchive ${R_SAVE}/${comp}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}
374    [ $? = 0 ] && IGCM_sys_Put_Dods ${comp}/Analyse/${DIR_OUT}
375  done
[903]378# Temporal coverage id for atlas
381export POST_DIR; export SUBMIT_DIR; export libIGCM; export R_INIT; export R_BC; export StandAlone
382export RESOL_ATM; export RESOL_OCE ; export RESOL_ICE ; export RESOL_MBG ; export RESOL_SRF ; export RESOL_SBG
383export R_SAVE; export config_UserChoices_JobName; export config_UserChoices_TagName; export YEARS; export DIR_OUT
385export listVarEnv;
388# --------------------------------------------------------------------
389#D- Test if all was right before ATLAS
390# --------------------------------------------------------------------
393if [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM4_v1_OASIS3" ] || \
394   [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM4_v2" ]        || \
395   [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSL_ESM_V1" ] ; then
[785]396  #
397  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCHIDEE.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
398  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCHIDEE                   ;
399  Script_Post_Output=atlas_LDMZ.${PeriodDateEnd}     ;
400  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_LMDZ                       ;
401  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCA_LIM.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
402  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCA_LIM                   ;
403  Script_Post_Output=additionnal.${PeriodDateEnd}    ;
404  IGCM_sys_QsubPost additionnal                      ;
405  #
[370]406elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM5" ]  || \
407     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM5A" ] || \
[461]408     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM5B" ] || \
[370]409     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "IPSLCM5A-MR" ] ; then
[785]410  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCHIDEE.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
411  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCHIDEE                   ;
412  Script_Post_Output=atlas_LDMZ.${PeriodDateEnd}     ;
413  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_LMDZ                       ;
414  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCA_LIM.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
415  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCA_LIM                   ;
416  Script_Post_Output=atlas_PISCES.${PeriodDateEnd}   ;
417  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_PISCES                     ;
418  #
[370]419elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "LMDZ4OR" ]  || \
420     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "LMDZOR" ]   || \
421     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "LMDZ4OR_v2" ] ; then
[785]422  #
423  Script_Post_Output=atlas_LDMZ.${PeriodDateEnd}     ;
424  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_LMDZ                       ;
425  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCHIDEE.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
426  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCHIDEE                   ;
427  #
[370]428elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "LMDZ" ] ; then
[785]429  #
430  Script_Post_Output=atlas_LDMZ.${PeriodDateEnd}     ;
431  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_LMDZ                       ;
432  #
[370]433elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "OL" ]      || \
434     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "OL2" ] ; then
[785]435  #
436  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCHIDEE.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
437  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCHIDEE                   ;
438  #
[370]439elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "ORCA2_LIM" ]       ||
440     [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "ORCA2_LIM2" ] ; then
[785]441  #
442  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCA_LIM.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
443  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCA_LIM                   ;
[370]444elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "ORCA2_LIM2_PISCES" ]  ; then
[785]445  #
446  Script_Post_Output=atlas_ORCA_LIM.${PeriodDateEnd} ;
447  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_ORCA_LIM                   ;
448  Script_Post_Output=atlas_PISCES.${PeriodDateEnd}   ;
449  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_PISCES                     ;
[370]450elif [ ${config_UserChoices_TagName} = "ORCA2_OFF_PISCES" ]  ; then
[785]451  #
452  Script_Post_Output=atlas_PISCES.${PeriodDateEnd}   ;
453  IGCM_sys_QsubPost atlas_PISCES                     ;
454  #
[590]457# Clean RUN_DIR_PATH (necessary for cesium and titane only)
[370]458IGCM_sys_RmRunDir -Rf ${RUN_DIR_PATH}
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