#!/bin/ksh #************************************************************** # Author: Sebastien Denvil, Martial Mancip # Contact: Sebastien.Denvil__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr Martial.Mancip__at__ipsl.jussieu.fr # $Revision:: $ Revision of last commit # $Author:: $ Author of last commit # $Date:: $ Date of last commit # IPSL (2006) # This software is governed by the CeCILL licence see libIGCM/libIGCM_CeCILL.LIC # #************************************************************** #======================================================================== function IGCM_comp_Initialize { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_Initialize" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_Initialize" echo typeset comp compname comptagname CompatibilityTag auxprint card_UserChoices first_option option i j for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ListOfComponents ${comp} eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Initialize ${comp} : ${compname} component." # Read libIGCM compatibility version in ${compname}.card card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${card} Compatibility libIGCM eval CompatibilityTag=\${${compname}_Compatibility_libIGCM} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! "${CompatibilityTag}" = "${libIGCM_CurrentTag}" ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "${compname}.card is not compatible with libIGCM version ${libIGCM_CurrentTag} see libIGCM FAQ http://wiki.ipsl.jussieu.fr/wiki_ipsl/IGCMG/libIGCM/DocUtilisateur/FAQ ." fi # Manage component executable IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card Executable ${comp} # Define all options in section [comp] IGCM_debug_Print 3 " DefineArrayFromSection : ${comp}" IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} eval config_comp=\${config_${comp}[*]} > /dev/null 2>&1 for option in ${config_comp[*]} ; do IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} ${option} done IGCM_debug_Print 3 " Found in section config_${comp} : ${config_comp[*]} " # Debug Print : eval auxprint=\${config_${comp}_WriteFrequency} IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Write frequency for ${compname} : ${auxprint} " #2> /dev/null # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Initialize following component library" # Source drivers in directory DRIVER if it exist # else source them from directory COMP if [ -d ${SUBMIT_DIR}/DRIVER ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 ${SUBMIT_DIR}/DRIVER/${compname}.driver # Source component library . ${SUBMIT_DIR}/DRIVER/${compname}.driver else IGCM_debug_Print 2 ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.driver # Source component library . ${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.driver fi IGCM_debug_Print 3 "With tag : ${comptagname}" # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Initialize ${comp} output directory." # Define ARCHIVED Dirs eval R_OUT_${comp}=${R_SAVE}/${comp} eval IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive \${R_OUT_${comp}} eval R_OUT_${comp}_O=\${R_OUT_${comp}}/Output eval IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive \${R_OUT_${comp}_O} eval R_OUT_${comp}_R=\${R_OUT_${comp}}/Restart [ ${config_Post_PackFrequency} = NONE ] && eval IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive \${R_OUT_${comp}_R} eval R_OUT_${comp}_D=\${R_OUT_${comp}}/Debug [ ${config_Post_PackFrequency} = NONE ] && eval IGCM_sys_MkdirArchive \${R_OUT_${comp}_D} eval R_OUT_${comp}_O_I=\${R_OUT_${comp}_O}/INS eval R_OUT_${comp}_O_H=\${R_OUT_${comp}_O}/HF eval R_OUT_${comp}_O_D=\${R_OUT_${comp}_O}/DA eval R_OUT_${comp}_O_M=\${R_OUT_${comp}_O}/MO eval R_OUT_${comp}_O_Y=\${R_OUT_${comp}_O}/YE # Define BUFFERED Dirs if [ ! ${config_Post_PackFrequency} = NONE ] ; then eval R_BUF_${comp}=${R_BUFR}/${comp} eval IGCM_sys_Mkdir \${R_BUF_${comp}} eval R_BUF_${comp}_O=\${R_BUF_${comp}}/Output eval IGCM_sys_Mkdir \${R_BUF_${comp}_O} eval R_BUF_${comp}_R=\${R_BUF_${comp}}/Restart eval IGCM_sys_Mkdir \${R_BUF_${comp}_R} eval R_BUF_${comp}_D=\${R_BUF_${comp}}/Debug eval IGCM_sys_Mkdir \${R_BUF_${comp}_D} eval R_BUF_${comp}_O_I=\${R_BUF_${comp}_O}/INS eval R_BUF_${comp}_O_H=\${R_BUF_${comp}_O}/HF eval R_BUF_${comp}_O_D=\${R_BUF_${comp}_O}/DA eval R_BUF_${comp}_O_M=\${R_BUF_${comp}_O}/MO eval R_BUF_${comp}_O_Y=\${R_BUF_${comp}_O}/YE fi # Read UserChoices section of component card IGCM_debug_Print 2 "DefineArrayFromSection : ${compname}_UserChoices ${card}" IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${card} UserChoices eval first_option=\${${compname}_UserChoices[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # If section is not empty we define corresponding variables if [ X${first_option} != X"Error:" ] ; then if [ X${card_UserChoices[0]} != X ] ; then unset card_UserChoices fi eval set +A card_UserChoices -- \${${compname}_UserChoices[*]} > /dev/null 2>&1 IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${compname}_UserChoices_values:" for option in ${card_UserChoices[*]} ; do IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${card} UserChoices ${option} eval IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${option}=\${${compname}_UserChoices_${option}}" done fi # Read and Build Output File stuff IGCM_debug_Print 2 "DefineArrayFromOption : ${compname}_OutputFiles ${card}" IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} OutputFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_OutputFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then # #IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Component : ${compname}" # # INITIALISATION # eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # i=2 # until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do # eval flag_post=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # if [ X${flag_post} != XNONE ] ; then # # First of all # IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromSection ${card} ${flag_post} # # Seasonal case : If option Seasonal is not found (old cards) put SEASONAL ON by default # # variable option allready typeset above for option in $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}[*]} ) ; do if [ ${option} = Seasonal ] ; then FoundSeasonal=true IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} Seasonal fi done # if [ ! X${FoundSeasonal} = Xtrue ] ; then eval ${compname}_${flag_post}_Seasonal=ON fi # if [ $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Seasonal} ) = ON ] ; then Seasonal=true fi # Dimension = vide si vieille card. IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} TimeSeriesVars IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} Patches if [ X"$( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_TimeSeriesVars[*]} )" = X"Option not" ] ; then # New TimeSeriesVar description, with 2D, 3D and associate ChunckJob. ListDimension[0]=2D ListDimension[1]=3D TimeSeries=false iLoop=${#ListDimension[*]} j=0 until [ $j -ge ${iLoop} ]; do Dimension=${ListDimension[${j}]} IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} TimeSeriesVars${Dimension} IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${card} ${flag_post} ChunckJob${Dimension} # # Time series WITHOUT chunk # if [ ! $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_TimeSeriesVars${Dimension}} ) = ${NULL_STR} ] ; then if [ $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_ChunckJob${Dimension}} ) = NONE ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${Dimension} time series activated for ${flag_post}" eval TimeSeries${Dimension}=true fi fi # # Time series WITH chunk # if [ ! $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_TimeSeriesVars${Dimension}} ) = ${NULL_STR} ] ; then chunck_size=$( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_ChunckJob${Dimension}} ) if [ ! ${chunck_size} = NONE ] && [ ! ${chunck_size} = OFF ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${Dimension} time series activated with chunck for ${flag_post}" eval TimeSeriesChunck${Dimension}=true eval CHUNCK${Dimension}_COMP[\${#CHUNCK${Dimension}_COMP[*]}]=${comp} eval CHUNCK${Dimension}_FLAG[\${#CHUNCK${Dimension}_FLAG[*]}]=${i} eval CHUNCK${Dimension}_NAME[\${#CHUNCK${Dimension}_NAME[*]}]=${flag_post} eval CHUNCK${Dimension}_SIZE[\${#CHUNCK${Dimension}_SIZE[*]}]=${chunck_size} fi fi (( j=j+1 )) done else ListDimension[0]="" TimeSeries=true TimeSeries2D=false TimeSeries3D=false TimeSeriesChunck2D=false TimeSeriesChunck3D=false fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done fi # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Initialize ${compname} with driver." # INIT component ${comp}_Initialize echo done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_Initialize" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles" $@ if [ X${2} != X. ] ; then eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]=$( basename ${2} ) > /dev/null 2>&1 else eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]=$( basename ${1} ) > /dev/null 2>&1 fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_GetInputInitialStateFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputInitialStateFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputInitialStateFiles" echo # Only the first time step need InitialStateFiles # otherwise it's BoundaryConditions if ( ${FirstInitialize} ) ; then typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles i i_ typeset file_in_ file_in file_out_ file_out do_init for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Initialize do_init="y" # Do we need to bring initial state file for this component if [ "${config_Restarts_OverRule}" = "y" ] ; then eval do_init="n" else # Read component Restarts parameters IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} Restart eval do_start=\${config_${comp}_Restart} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${do_start}" = "y" ] ; then do_init="n" else do_init="y" fi fi if [ "${do_init}" = "y" ] ; then # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Initialisation files ${compname}" card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} InitialStateFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_InitialStateFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived ${file_in} if [ $? = 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${file_in} ${file_out} #IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles ${file_in} ${file_out} else IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${file_out} fi (( i=i+2 )) done fi fi done fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputInitialStateFiles" } #======================================================================= # Definition of Smooth modulo function # usage : # IGCM_SmoothModulo StringModulo value # # StringModulo : A string of min max and modulo like definition of Scilab vectors. # [min]:[modulo:][max] # where : # [] value are optionnals; # empty min equal 1 # empty max equal infinity # modulo not given or empty equal 1 # empty string or just ':' equal always. # # value : the value to test with the definition # # return : true(1)/false(0) function IGCM_SmoothModulo { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_SmoothModulo" typeset defVector ModValue eval set +A defVector -- $( echo "${1}" | \ gawk -F ':' '{print ($1 == "" ? 1 : $1) " " (NF==3 ? ($2 == "" ? 1 : $2) : 1) " " (NF==3 ? ($3 == "" ? -1 : $3) : ($2 == "" ? -1 : $2))}' ) # Save Smooth Min and Max. Needed to call IGCM_sys_Get when appropriate arr[1]=${defVector[0]} arr[2]=${defVector[2]} # Test limits : # ${defVector[0]} <= ${2} <= ${defVector[2]} # or ${defVector[2]} == -1 if ( [ ${2} -ge ${defVector[0]} ] && ( [ ${2} -le ${defVector[2]} ] || [ ${defVector[2]} -lt 0 ] ) ) ; then # Test modulo ModValue=$( expr \( ${2} - ${defVector[0]} \) % ${defVector[1]} ) if [ ${ModValue} -eq 0 ] ; then arr[3]=true echo ${arr[@]} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_SmoothModulo" return 1 else arr[3]=false echo ${arr[@]} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_SmoothModulo" return 0 fi else arr[3]=false echo ${arr[@]} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_SmoothModulo" return 0 fi } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_GetInputSmoothFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputSmoothFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputSmoothFiles" echo typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles j i i_ i__ typeset file_in_ file_in file_out_ file_out ret SmoothDef aux val for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Smooth files ${compname}" card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} SmoothFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_SmoothFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if ( [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] && [ X${FileName0} != X"Section" ] ) ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} # define CumulPeriod definition for this file (( i__ = i+2 )) eval SmoothDef=\${${ListFilesName}[$i__]} IGCM_debug_Print 3 " ${file_in} ${SmoothDef}" aux=$( IGCM_SmoothModulo ${SmoothDef} ${CumulPeriod} ) j=1 for val in ${aux} ; do [ ${j} -eq 1 ] && SmoothMin=${val} [ ${j} -eq 2 ] && SmoothMax=${val} [ ${j} -eq 3 ] && ret=${val} (( j=j+1 )) done [ ${SmoothMax} -eq -1 ] && SmoothMax=${CumulPeriod} if ( [ X${ret} = Xtrue ] || ( [ ${Period} -eq 1 ] && [ ${CumulPeriod} -ge ${SmoothMin} ] && [ ${CumulPeriod} -le ${SmoothMax} ] ) ) ; then IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived ${file_in} if [ $? = 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${file_in} ${file_out} #IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles ${file_in} ${file_out} else IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${file_out} fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done fi done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputSmoothFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_GetInputBoundaryFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputBoundaryFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputBoundaryFiles" echo typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles i i_ typeset file_in_ file_in file_out_ file_out if [ ${Period} = 1 ]; then ListFixBoundary=" " fi for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Boundary files ${compname}" card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} BoundaryFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_BoundaryFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived ${file_in} if [ $? = 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${file_in} ${file_out} IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles ${file_in} ${file_out} else IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${file_out} fi (( i=i+2 )) done fi # Get non deleted files if [ ${Period} = 1 ]; then IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} BoundaryFiles ListNonDel ListFilesName=${compname}_BoundaryFiles_ListNonDel eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} IGCM_sys_IsFileArchived ${file_in} if [ $? = 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${file_in} ${file_out} #IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles ${file_in} ${file_out} else IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${file_out} fi if [ X${file_out} != X. ] ; then ListFixBoundary=${ListFixBoundary}" "${file_out} else ListFixBoundary=${ListFixBoundary}" "$( basename ${file_in} ) fi (( i=i+2 )) done fi fi done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputBoundaryFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_DelFixeBoundaryFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_DelFixeBoundaryFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_DelFixeBoundaryFiles" echo ls -l ${ListFixBoundary} rm -f ${ListFixBoundary} IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_DelFixeBoundaryFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_GetInputParametersFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputParametersFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputParametersFiles" echo typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles i i_ file_in file_out for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Parameters ${compname}" card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} ParametersFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_ParametersFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${file_out} IGCM_comp_PrepareDeletedFiles ${file_in} ${file_out} (( i=i+2 )) done fi done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputParametersFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles" echo typeset Date_tmp Date_r Path_r do_start CompOldName Path_OUT Path_BUF typeset Buffered Archived Tared PotentialTarFile IsMatching TarFileFound typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles i i_ typeset file_in file_out file_in_ file_out_ file_in_Name typeset -Z4 j4 #BASH declare j4 IsMatching="" for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card # IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} RestartFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_RestartFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print : IGCM_debug_Print 3 "restart ${compname}" if ( ${FirstInitialize} ) ; then if [ "${config_Restarts_OverRule}" = "y" ] ; then eval config_${comp}_Restart="y" eval config_${comp}_RestartDate=${config_Restarts_RestartDate} eval config_${comp}_RestartJobName=${config_Restarts_RestartJobName} eval config_${comp}_RestartPath=${config_Restarts_RestartPath} eval do_start=\${config_${comp}_Restart} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval CompOldName=${comp} else # Read component Restarts parameters IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} Restart eval do_start=\${config_${comp}_Restart} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ "${do_start}" = "y" ] ; then IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} RestartDate IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} RestartJobName IGCM_card_DefineVariableFromOption ${SUBMIT_DIR}/config.card ${comp} RestartPath else eval config_${comp}_RestartDate=-1 eval config_${comp}_RestartJobName=${NULL_STR} eval config_${comp}_RestartPath=${NULL_STR} fi eval CompOldName=\${config_${comp}_OldName} if [ X${CompOldName} = X ] ; then eval CompOldName=${comp} fi # Reinitialize IsMatching to allow searching for a different tar file for each component. IsMatching="" TarFileFound="" fi if [ "${do_start}" = "y" ] ; then # Restore Restarts files #----------------------- if ( [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] && [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ) ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=1 )) until [ $i -gt $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} eval Date_tmp=\${config_${comp}_RestartDate} Date_r=$( IGCM_date_ConvertFormatToGregorian ${Date_tmp} ) # will be re-use eval RestartPath=\${config_${comp}_RestartPath} eval RestartJobName=\${config_${comp}_RestartJobName} # Path_r=${RestartPath}/${RestartJobName}/${CompOldName}/Restart file_in_Name=${RestartJobName}_${Date_r}_${file_in} extension_in=$( echo ${file_in_Name##*.} ) extension_out=$( echo ${file_out##*.} ) generic_restart_file_name_in=$( basename ${file_in_Name} .${extension_in} ) generic_restart_file_name_out=$( basename ${file_out} .${extension_out} ) Path_OUT=${Path_r}/${generic_restart_file_name_in} if [ $( IGCM_sys_TestFileBuffer ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in} ; echo $? ) = 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Buffered restart ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in} " Buffered=true Archived=false Tared=false nb_restart_file=$(IGCM_sys_CountFileBuffer ${Path_OUT}_????.${extension_in}) elif [ $( IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in} ; echo $? ) = 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Archived restart ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in}" Buffered=false Archived=true Tared=false nb_restart_file=$(IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive ${Path_OUT}_????.${extension_in}) else IGCM_debug_Print 3 "No restart file in the buffer nor in the archive directory" IGCM_debug_Print 3 "${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in} do not exist" IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Restart files will now be searched for in : ${RestartPath}/${RestartJobName}/RESTART" Buffered=false Archived=false Tared=true # Look after the tar file we want if we did not found it already if [ X${IsMatching} = X ] ; then if [ -d ${RestartPath}/${RestartJobName}/RESTART ] ; then for PotentialTarFile in $( IGCM_sys_RshArchive "find ${RestartPath}/${RestartJobName}/RESTART -name "${RestartJobName}_*restart*.tar" -print" ) ; do IsMatching=$( echo ${PotentialTarFile##*/} | \ sed "s:_restart::" | \ sed "s:^${RestartJobName}_::" | \ sed "s:\.tar$::" | \ gawk -F_ -v restartdate=${Date_r} \ '{if (($1 <= restartdate) && ($2 >= restartdate)) {print $1"_"$2}}' ) if [ ! X${IsMatching} = X ] ; then TarFileFound=${PotentialTarFile} break fi done else IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Restart files were not found!" IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Restart files have been searched for in buffer and archive directory." IGCM_debug_Print 3 "They have been searched for in packed and unpacked format." IGCM_debug_Exit "Please double check restart settings in config.card" IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit fi fi IGCM_sys_PrepareTaredRestart ${TarFileFound} TarFileLocation=$( basename ${TarFileFound} ) IGCM_debug_Print 1 "tar xvf ${TarFileLocation} ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}*.${extension_in}" tar xvf ${TarFileLocation} ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}*.${extension_in} nb_restart_file=$( IGCM_sys_CountFileBuffer ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}_????.${extension_in} ) fi if [ ${nb_restart_file} -gt 1 ] ; then j=0 # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED # BASH for j4 in in $( eval echo {0000..$(( nb_restart_file - 1 ))} ) ; do until [ $j -ge ${nb_restart_file} ]; do # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED j4=${j} # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED if [ X${Buffered} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_GetBuffer ${Path_OUT}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} elif [ X${Archived} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${Path_OUT}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} elif [ X${Tared} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Mv ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} fi (( j=j+1 )) #BASH LINE NOT NEEDED done if [ X${NUM_PROC_OCE} != X ] ; then if [ ${NUM_PROC_OCE} -ne ${nb_restart_file} ] ; then IGCM_sys_rebuild ${generic_restart_file_name_out}.${extension_out} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_????.${extension_out} IGCM_sys_Rm ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_????.${extension_out} fi fi else if [ X${Buffered} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_GetBuffer ${Path_r}/${file_in_Name} ${file_out} elif [ X${Archived} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${Path_r}/${file_in_Name} ${file_out} elif [ X${Tared} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Mv ${comp}_${file_in_Name} ${file_out} fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done else if [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles : No file in list for ${compname}." else IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles : NONE specified in Restart List ${compname}." fi fi fi elif ( [ ${Period} -eq 1 ] && [ ${DRYRUN} -eq 0 ] ) ; then # if not FirstInitialize and first loop of this job # Restore Restarts files #----------------------- if ( [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] && [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ) ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=1 )) until [ $i -gt $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} file_in_Name=${run_Configuration_OldPrefix}_${file_in} extension_in=$( echo ${file_in_Name##*.} ) extension_out=$( echo ${file_out##*.} ) generic_restart_file_name_in=$( basename ${file_in_Name} .${extension_in} ) generic_restart_file_name_out=$( basename ${file_out} .${extension_out} ) eval Path_BUF=\${R_BUF_${comp}_R}/${generic_restart_file_name_in} eval Path_OUT=\${R_OUT_${comp}_R}/${generic_restart_file_name_in} if [ $( IGCM_sys_TestFileBuffer ${Path_BUF}*.${extension_in} ; echo $? ) = 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Buffered restart ${Path_BUF}*.${extension_in}" Buffered=true Archived=false Tared=false nb_restart_file=$(IGCM_sys_CountFileBuffer ${Path_BUF}_????.${extension_in}) elif [ $( IGCM_sys_TestFileArchive ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in} ; echo $? ) = 0 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Archived restart ${Path_OUT}*.${extension_in}" Buffered=false Archived=true Tared=false nb_restart_file=$(IGCM_sys_CountFileArchive ${Path_OUT}_????.${extension_in}) else IGCM_debug_Print 3 "No restart file in the buffer nor in the archive directory" IGCM_debug_Print 3 "Restart files will now be searched for in : ${R_SAVE}/RESTART" Buffered=false Archived=false Tared=true # Look after the tar file we want if we did not found it already if [ X${IsMatching} = X ] ; then for PotentialTarFile in $( IGCM_sys_RshArchive "find ${R_SAVE}/RESTART -name "${config_UserChoices_JobName}_*_restart.tar" -print" ) ; do IsMatching=$( echo ${PotentialTarFile##*/} | sed "s:^${config_UserChoices_JobName}_::" | sed "s:\.restart\.tar$::" | gawk -F_ -v restartdate=${LastPeriodDateEnd} '{if (($1 < restartdate) && ($2 >= restartdate)) {print $1"_"$2}}' ) if [ ! X${IsMatching} = X ] ; then TarFileFound=${PotentialTarFile} break fi done fi IGCM_sys_PrepareTaredRestart ${TarFileFound} TarFileLocation=$( basename ${TarFileFound} ) IGCM_debug_Print 1 "tar xvf ${TarFileLocation} ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}*.${extension_in}" tar xvf ${TarFileLocation} ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}*.${extension_in} nb_restart_file=$( IGCM_sys_CountFileBuffer ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}_????.${extension_in} ) fi if [ ${nb_restart_file} -gt 1 ] ; then j=0 # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED #BASH for j4 in in $( eval echo {0000..$(( nb_restart_file - 1 ))} ) ; do until [ $j -ge ${nb_restart_file} ]; do # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED j4=${j} # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED if [ X${Buffered} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_GetBuffer ${Path_BUF}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} elif [ X${Archived} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Get ${Path_OUT}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} elif [ X${Tared} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Mv ${comp}_${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.${extension_in} ${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.${extension_out} fi (( j=j+1 )) # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED done else if [ X${Buffered} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_GetBuffer \${R_BUF_${comp}_R}/${file_in_Name} ${file_out} elif [ X${Archived} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_Get \${R_OUT_${comp}_R}/${file_in_Name} ${file_out} elif [ X${Tared} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_Mv ${comp}_${file_in_Name} ${file_out} fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done else if [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles : No file in list for ${compname}." else IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles : NONE specified in Restart List ${compname}." fi fi fi done NbFiles=$( ls * 2> /dev/null | wc -l ) if [ ${NbFiles} -gt 0 ] ; then IGCM_sys_Chmod u+rw * fi IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_GetInputRestartFiles" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_PeriodStart { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_PeriodStart" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_PeriodStart" echo typeset ExeNameIn ExeNameOut typeset comp compname comptagname for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Copy executable for this component eval ExeNameIn=\${config_Executable_${comp}[0]} eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 3 "PeriodStart ${compname} Driver Function (if any)." # UPDATE component ${comp}_PeriodStart 2> /dev/null done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_PeriodStart" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_Update { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_Update" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_Update" echo typeset ExeNameIn ExeNameOut typeset comp compname comptagname for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Copy executable for this component eval ExeNameIn=\${config_Executable_${comp}[0]} eval ExeNameOut=\${config_Executable_${comp}[1]} # If missing executable and DRYRUN is set to 0 or 1 then stop! if [ ${DRYRUN} -le 1 ] && [ X${ExeNameIn} != X\"\" ] && [ ! -f ${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_comp_Update missing executable ${ExeNameIn}" fi if [ ${Period} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_Cp ${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} ${ExeNameOut} if [ -f ${RUN_DIR}/${ExeNameOut} ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_Chmod +rx ${RUN_DIR}/${ExeNameOut} fi elif [ -f ${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} ] && [ ! -f ${RUN_DIR}/${ExeNameOut} ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_Cp ${R_EXE}/${ExeNameIn} ${ExeNameOut} if [ -f ${RUN_DIR}/${ExeNameOut} ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_Chmod +rx ${RUN_DIR}/${ExeNameOut} fi fi # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Update ${compname} Parameter Files." # UPDATE component ${comp}_Update done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_Update" } #======================================================================= function IGCM_comp_Finalize { IGCM_debug_PushStack "IGCM_comp_Finalize" # Debug Print : echo IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_Finalize" echo typeset ListTextName TextName0 typeset comp compname comptagname card ListFilesName FileName0 NbFiles SaveOnArchive typeset i i_ file_in file_in_ file_out file_out_ file_outin file_outin_ generic_file_name nb_rebuild_file typeset -Z4 j4 #BASH declare j4 typeset list_file nlist_file typeset compactoutputs compactoutputs=false if [ X${JobType} != XRUN ] ; then compactoutputs=true elif [ X${config_UserChoices_CompactText} != Xn ] ; then compactoutputs=true fi for comp in ${config_ListOfComponents[*]} ; do # Define component eval compname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval comptagname=\${config_ListOfComponents_${comp}[1]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # Debug Print IGCM_debug_Print 1 "Finalize ${comp} : ${compname} component." # FINALIZE component ${comp}_Finalize card=${SUBMIT_DIR}/COMP/${compname}.card # Save Output Text files of models #--------------------------------- IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Save Output Text files for ${comp} : ${compname} component." IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} OutputText List ListTextName=${compname}_OutputText_List eval TextName0=\${${ListTextName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${TextName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListTextName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -eq $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in=\${${ListTextName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${PREFIX}_${file_in} (( i=i+1 )) unset list_file #set +A list_file -- $( ls ${file_in}* | sort 2>/dev/null ) # result for a a1 a10 a2 with file_in=a a a1 a2 a10 set +A list_file -- $( [ -f ${file_in} ] && ls ${file_in} ; for i in $(ls ${file_in}* 2>/dev/null | sed "s/${file_in}//" | sort -n) ; do ls ${file_in}$i ; done ) nlist_file=${#list_file[@]} if [ ${nlist_file} -gt 1 ] ; then if ( ${compactoutputs} ) ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Parallelism of Text Output with ${nlist_file} files." IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Compact files in ${file_out} : " ${list_file[*]} echo ${list_file[*]} > ${file_out} echo " " >> ${file_out} (( i_ = 0 )) for file in ${list_file[@]} do echo "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " >> ${file_out} echo "| " ${i_} " " ${file} >> ${file_out} echo "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " >> ${file_out} cat ${file} | sed "s/\(.*\)/${i_}\1/" ${file} >> ${file_out} echo " " >> ${file_out} eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${file}" > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i_ = i_ + 1 )) done if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file_out} \${R_BUF_${comp}_D}/${file_out} else eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file_out} \${R_OUT_${comp}_D}/${file_out} fi eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${file_out}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if ( ${ExecutionFail} ) ; then IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_out} ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Debug fi else for file in ${list_file[@]} do if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file} \${R_BUF_${comp}_D}/${PREFIX}_${file} else eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file} \${R_OUT_${comp}_D}/${PREFIX}_${file} fi eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${file}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if ( ${ExecutionFail} ) ; then IGCM_sys_Cp ${file} ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Debug/${PREFIX}_${file} fi done fi else if ( [ -f ${file_in}_0000 ] || [ -f ${file_in}0 ] ) ; then eval IGCM_sys_Mv ${file_in}* ${file_in} fi if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file_in} \${R_BUF_${comp}_D}/${file_out} else eval IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file_in} \${R_OUT_${comp}_D}/${file_out} fi eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${file_in}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if ( ${ExecutionFail} ) ; then IGCM_sys_Cp ${file_in} ${SUBMIT_DIR}/Debug/${file_out} fi fi done fi # Save Restarts files #-------------------- IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Save Restart files for ${comp} : ${compname} component." IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} RestartFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_RestartFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if ( [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] && [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ) ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} (( i_ = i+2 )) eval file_outin_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_outin=${file_outin_} generic_restart_file_name_in=$( basename ${file_in} .nc ) generic_restart_file_name_out=$( basename ${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_${file_out} .nc ) generic_restart_file_name_outin=$( basename ${file_outin} .nc ) nb_restart_file=$( ls ${generic_restart_file_name_in}_????.nc 2>/dev/null | wc -l ) if [ ${nb_restart_file} -gt 1 ] ; then j=0 # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED # BASH for j4 in in $( eval echo {0000..$(( nb_restart_file - 1 ))} ) ; do until [ $j -ge ${nb_restart_file} ]; do # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED j4=${j} # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Rest ${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.nc \${R_BUF_${comp}_R}/${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.nc else eval IGCM_sys_Put_Rest ${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.nc \${R_OUT_${comp}_R}/${generic_restart_file_name_out}_${j4}.nc fi if [ ! ${file_in} = ${file_outin} ] ; then if ( ${ExitFlag} ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mv ${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.nc ${generic_restart_file_name_outin}_${j4}.nc not executed." else IGCM_sys_Mv ${generic_restart_file_name_in}_${j4}.nc ${generic_restart_file_name_outin}_${j4}.nc fi fi (( j=j+1 )) # BASH LINE NOT NEEDED done else if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then eval IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Rest ${file_in} \${R_BUF_${comp}_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_${file_out} else eval IGCM_sys_Put_Rest ${file_in} \${R_OUT_${comp}_R}/${config_UserChoices_JobName}_${PeriodDateEnd}_${file_out} fi if [ ! ${file_in} = ${file_outin} ] ; then if ( ${ExitFlag} ) ; then echo "IGCM_sys_Mv ${file_in} ${file_outin} not executed." else IGCM_sys_Mv ${file_in} ${file_outin} fi fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done else if [ X${FileName0} != XNONE ] ; then IGCM_debug_Exit "IGCM_comp_Finalize : No file in restart list for ${compname}." else IGCM_debug_Print 1 "IGCM_comp_Finalize : NONE specified in Restart List ${compname}." fi fi # Save Output files #------------------ IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Save Output files for ${comp} : ${compname} component." IGCM_card_DefineArrayFromOption ${card} OutputFiles List ListFilesName=${compname}_OutputFiles_List eval FileName0=\${${ListFilesName}[0]} > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ X${FileName0} != X${NULL_STR} ] ; then eval NbFiles=\${#${ListFilesName}[@]} > /dev/null 2>&1 (( i=0 )) until [ $i -ge $NbFiles ]; do SaveOnArchive=true eval file_in_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_in=${file_in_} (( i_ = i+1 )) eval file_out_=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 eval file_out=${file_out_} # # Override file_out path remplacing R_SAVE by R_BUFR # if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then file_out=$( echo $file_out | sed "s:^$R_SAVE:$R_BUFR:" ) fi # # Not necessarily the best option. /!\ Potential side effects /!\ # (( i_ = i+2 )) eval flag_post=\${${ListFilesName}[$i_]} > /dev/null 2>&1 # generic_file_name=$( basename ${file_in} .nc ) nb_rebuild_file=$( ls | grep "^${generic_file_name}_[0-9]*.nc" | wc -l ) # if ( [ ${nb_rebuild_file} -eq 1 ] && [ -f ${generic_file_name}_0000.nc ] ) ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Parallelism with 1 file. Rebuilding ${file_in} not needed" IGCM_sys_Mv ${generic_file_name}_0000.nc ${file_in} elif [ ${nb_rebuild_file} -gt 1 ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Parallelism detected and rebuilding ${file_in} is needed" if [ X${AsynchronousRebuild} = Xfalse ] ; then IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Rebuilding ${file_in} online" IGCM_sys_rebuild ${file_in} ${generic_file_name}_*.nc else IGCM_debug_Print 2 "Preparing offline rebuild for ${file_in}" [ ! -d ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} ] && IGCM_sys_Mkdir ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} IGCM_sys_Mv ${generic_file_name}_????.nc ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} # Prepare headers for the shell dedicated to offline rebuild if [ ! -f ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh ] ; then if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then echo "#!/bin/ksh " > ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "function IGCM_FlushRebuild " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "{ " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_PushStack \"IGCM_FlushRebuild\" " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "echo " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_Print 1 \"IGCM_FlushRebuild\" " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "echo " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export R_SAVE=${R_SAVE} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export R_BUFR=${R_BUFR} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export R_OUT_KSH=${R_OUT_KSH} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export R_BUF_KSH=${R_BUF_KSH} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export config_UserChoices_JobName=${config_UserChoices_JobName} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export config_UserChoices_SpaceName=${config_UserChoices_SpaceName} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi fi # Prepare the shell dedicated to offline rebuild if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then if [ ${file_in} = histstn.nc ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_rebuild_station ${file_in} ${generic_file_name}_*.nc" >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh else echo "IGCM_sys_rebuild ${file_in} ${generic_file_name}_*.nc" >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi echo "IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post" >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi # # Load Patch we need to apply and apply if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then if [ X$( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Patches[0]} ) != X${NULL_STR} ]; then for Patch in $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Patches[*]} ); do echo ". ${libIGCM_POST}/libIGCM_post/IGCM_${Patch}.ksh" >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_${Patch} ${file_in} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh done fi fi # if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh else echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi echo "IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_sys_Rm ${generic_file_name}_*.nc " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi SaveOnArchive=false fi fi # if [ ${SaveOnArchive} = true ] ; then # # Rebuild has been done online or it was not needed # # If we need to apply a patch we use TMP DIRECTORY before ARCHIVING if asynchronous rebuild is on # thereisapatch=$( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Patches[0]} ) if ( [ ! X${thereisapatch} = X${NULL_STR} ] && [ X${AsynchronousRebuild} = Xtrue ] && [ -f ${file_in} ] ) ; then [ ! -d ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} ] && IGCM_sys_Mkdir ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} IGCM_sys_Mv ${file_in} ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin} eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]=REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/${file_in} > /dev/null 2>&1 # if [ $DRYRUN -le 1 ]; then if [ ! -f ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh ] ; then echo "#!/bin/ksh " > ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "function IGCM_FlushRebuild " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "{ " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_PushStack \"IGCM_FlushRebuild\" " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "echo " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_Print 1 \"IGCM_FlushRebuild\" " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "echo " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export R_SAVE=${R_SAVE} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "export config_UserChoices_JobName=${config_UserChoices_JobName} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi # for Patch in $( eval echo \${${compname}_${flag_post}_Patches[*]} ); do echo ". ${libIGCM_POST}/libIGCM_post/IGCM_${Patch}.ksh" >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_${Patch} ${file_in} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh echo "IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh done # if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then echo "IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh else echo "IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh fi echo "IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post " >> ${RUN_DIR}/REBUILD_${PeriodDateBegin}/rebuild.ksh # fi else # # No Patch, No Asynchronous rebuild, online rebuild has been done or was not needed # if [ X${Pack} = Xtrue ] ; then IGCM_sys_PutBuffer_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} else IGCM_sys_Put_Out ${file_in} ${file_out} fi eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]="${file_in}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ${nb_rebuild_file} -gt 1 ] ; then for DelFile in $( ls | grep "${generic_file_name}[_0-9]*.nc" ) ; do eval FileToBeDeleted[${#FileToBeDeleted[@]}]=${DelFile} > /dev/null 2>&1 done fi fi fi (( i=i+3 )) done fi echo done IGCM_debug_PopStack "IGCM_comp_Finalize" }