Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (46 - 48 of 324)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#166 sdipsl sdipsl fixed Manage standard and error outputs from several cores and several components

To ease debugging phases output from models execution must be manage differently :

  • a flag must exist so that each process can write in its own file
  • a flag must exist so that standard and error output are separated

Due to inhomogeneity in standard/error output management within each model code this may be hard to achieve in a generic way.

#170 sdipsl jgipsl fixed probleme at obelix : RunChecker and TS

using libIGCM trunk rev 964

At obelix, the RunChecker.job crash with following error message :

./RunChecker.job[167]: IGCM_check_SearchCatalog[114]: unset: warning: SUBMIT_DIR: is read only
./RunChecker.job[167]: IGCM_check_SearchCatalog: line 192: SUBMIT_DIR: is read only

Find exemple here :

cd /home/scratch01/jghattas/MYPOSTTEST/modipsl_libItrunk/libIGCM
./RunChecker.job -u jghattas -p /home/scratch01/jghattas/MYPOSTTEST/modipsl_libItrunk/config/ORCHIDEE_OL/testrun

At obelix, also the TS do not work, they are not even launched because the rebuild_fromWorkdir crash in the end on an "export SUBMIT_DIR". Error message :

# Exemple from file /home/scratch01/jghattas/IGCM_OUT/OL2/TEST/test/testrun/Out/rebuild_fromWorkdir.19821231.out
/var/spool/torque/mom_priv/jobs/520464.obelix1.SC[156]: IGCM_FlushRebuild: line 38: SUBMIT_DIR: is read only

And in Script_Output, there is another error message, minor I think :

# exemple from /home/scratch01/jghattas/IGCM_OUT/OL2/TEST/test/testrun/Out/Script_Output_testrun.000001.30514
cat: write error: Broken pipe
#188 sdipsl sdipsl fixed Even if SimulationLength < PackFrequency we have to submit pack!

Check that for various simulation profile.

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