Custom Query (13 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#285 Install CMIP6 data request on computing center. Available in libIGCM. new sdipsl task blocker libIGCM_v3 release candidate
#337 Load the appropriate environement depending on compilator used for the gcm new somebody enhancement critical libIGCM_v2.8.4
#338 Instead of sourcing only one .atlas_env... divide up in three areas new somebody enhancement critical libIGCM_v2.8.4
#289 jobWarningDelay and accounting mail not ok at obelix new somebody defect major
#325 2 problemes avec IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile function new somebody defect major libIGCM_v2.8.4
#326 Sur ada, l'option Pack=false ne fonctionne plus (le cas pour CREATE_amip) reopened sdipsl defect major libIGCM_v2.8.4
#346 Problem with DRYRUN and post processing jobs submitted anyway new somebody defect major
#348 problème init/ksh new somebody defect major
#349 rebuild_nemo configuration PISCES offline new somebody defect major
#328 Add information about model version in netcdf files or Script_output new somebody task minor
#339 In libIGCM_sys/libIGCM_sys.ksh store mail.txt in /tmp directory new somebody enhancement minor libIGCM_v3 release candidate
#352 Ajout d'informations sur les temps d'éxecution dans run.card new somebody enhancement minor
#345 No out_lmdz.x.??? files are created when 1OMP for lmdz is set in config.card : pure MPI case new somebody enhancement trivial
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