Custom Query (14 matches)


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Status: assigned (2 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#303 move BigBrother=true option from AA_job to config.card sdipsl enhancement major Supervisor CORE
#335 Ada AA_purge_simulation don't delete R_BUFR files sdipsl enhancement minor treatment

Status: closed (5 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#292 recommendedPeriodNb to be sent to AMQP sdipsl enhancement minor AMQP message
#336 On ada use nco/4.6.3 instead of nco/4.4.6 for ncrcat included in pack_output. somebody defect major PostProcessing
#301 trigger BigBro_update earlier sdipsl defect major Supervisor CORE
#287 On Ada we need to separate standard and error outputs. somebody enhancement major system
#333 Ajoute option a ins_job pour forcer de refaire les libIGCM/*.job somebody enhancement major system

Status: new (6 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#343 DEVT/PROD and jobs stop. Coming from Irene but still required. enhancement major AMQP Broker
#316 Add a switch to postpone pack jobs somebody enhancement major PostProcessing
#325 2 problemes avec IGCM_comp_modifyXmlFile function somebody defect major system
#337 Load the appropriate environement depending on compilator used for the gcm somebody enhancement critical system
#338 Instead of sourcing only one .atlas_env... divide up in three areas somebody enhancement critical system
#329 Check of re-running an old job has to be improved because pack_debug deletes files. somebody enhancement major treatment

Status: reopened (1 match)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#326 Sur ada, l'option Pack=false ne fonctionne plus (le cas pour CREATE_amip) sdipsl defect major system
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.