Custom Query (324 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#347 fixed Suppression de RebuildFrequency des config.card des expériences n'utilisant plus rebuild somebody acosce

La fonction rebuild n'est quasiment plus utilisée par les configurations de modèles, nous souhaitons retirer le paramètre RebuildFrequency des config.card concernés pour éviter toute confusion pour les utilisateurs.

Cependant libIGCM s'arrête avec un message d'erreur

2020-02-10 14:37:30 --Debug1--> Check coherence between RebuildFrequency and PeriodLength
2020-02-10 14:37:30 --------Debug2--> IGCM_post_CheckModuloFrequency : Master= Slave=1D
2020-02-10 14:37:30 --Debug1--> KeyWord not allowed for config_Post_RebuildFrequency in config.card
IGCM_debug_Exit :  Check your config_Post_RebuildFrequency in config.card

Il faut donc modifier libIGCM pour que RebuildFrequency ait NONE comme valeur par défaut même si il n'est pas défini dans config.card

#344 fixed Purging simulation does not purge/reset job counter somebody jgipsl

Ticket moved from

In the case where a simulation terminates "abnormally" and is relaunched, the user has the possibility to update the counter (using clean_PeriodLength.job) which appears in the header of the job so that it corresponds to the value at which the simulation stopped.

However, in case such resub has been performed and the user decides to purge the simulation (using purge_simulation.job), the counter in the header of the job is not reset, while it should be.

#342 fixed Adapt libIGCM to new file system of irene somebody acosce

since the last maintenance users can have several workdir/storedir/scratchdir/homedir. This choice was made by project PI, and to be coherent with this choice, the new way to work will be : when we are using hour of a project, we write automatically on the file system of this specific project. We need to conserv a solution to write on an other file system.

Proposition : use a switch dfldatadir/own dfldatadir/project to position Environment variables on the project filesystem Note : it's possible that dfldatadir was already on a project, so we need to determine this before the switch Note : we need to check if option archive in config.card works

We don't change sys_curie

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