Custom Query (324 matches)


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Results (49 - 51 of 324)

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#278 fixed Soucis attribut NetCDF dans fichiers SE sdipsl omamce

Vu dans les fichiers SE de LMDZ et NEMO :

double time_counter(time_counter) ;
                time_counter:bounds = " time_counter_bnds" ;

Il y a un blanc dans le nom avant time_counter_bnds.

Je suppose que les autres composantes sont affectées.

Ce blanc empêche cdat.cdutil de reconnaître les bounds temporelles de ce fichier, et il fait des moyennes temporelles fausses.


#277 fixed enhance error message when post processing stops Computing job sdipsl sdipsl
#276 fixed Add 4 levels {0,1,2,3} to drive behaviours when post-processing fails sdipsl sdipsl

Level = 3 ==> stop as soon as something went wrong in Post Processing Level = 2 ==> except when atlas or monitoring fail Level = 1 ==> except when atlas, monitoring, create_ts or create_se fail Level = 0 ==> except when atlas, monitoring, create_ts, create_se or pack fail

Level=3 <=> enable pedantic behaviour Level=0 <=> disable pedantic behaviour

Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.