


17:08 Changeset [855] by sdipsl
First try. Include rabbitMQ C client call within IGCM_debug_PushStack and …
16:57 Changeset [854] by jripsl
add JSON deserialization, mail notification, logging.
10:48 Changeset [853] by sdipsl
- Clean up job submission
09:44 Ticket #138 (Include rabbitMQ C client within IGCM_debug_PushStack and ...) created by sdipsl
09:41 Ticket #137 (syntax highlighting for bash, ksh and AA_* within trac) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done adding this in trac.ini [mimeviewer] ... mime_map = …
09:32 Ticket #137 (syntax highlighting for bash, ksh and AA_* within trac) created by sdipsl
09:14 Ticket #121 (Install and document rabbitMQ server : the broker) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Install and documentation done. See r852 and …
09:06 Ticket #123 (C client sending messages from libIGCM to broker) closed by sdipsl
fixed: First implementation done. See r852


14:13 Ticket #126 (3 virtual machines for developement) closed by sdipsl
fixed: les nouvelles VM sont crées : OS centos 6.4 cstest-broker.ipsl.jussieu.fr …
12:58 Ticket #136 (Prototype / Demonstration use cases and scenario) created by sdipsl
* libIGCM en DRYRUN pour o(10) simulations (hindcast/forecast par exemple) …


20:26 Changeset [852] by jripsl
* AMQP C-client implementation.


17:02 Changeset [851] by jripsl
* add skeleton and documentation.


12:12 Ticket #135 (Message d'erreur a améliorer) created by jgipsl
Le message d'erreur en cas les fichiers de restart n'existent pas, pour le …


16:33 Ticket #134 (create_se for 20Y packed files) created by mafoipsl
create_se allow 1Y, 1M or *D PeriodLength or PackFrequency for input …


18:24 Changeset [850] by mafoipsl
On curie, change RUN_DIR_PATH to have only one additionnal level (instead …


17:10 Changeset [849] by sdipsl
config.card : do not explicitely read option from comp section. see #127


13:01 Ticket #133 (clean_month) created by jgipsl
Il manque le demande de l'autorisation de l'utilisateur avant que run.card …


11:42 Changeset [848] by sdipsl
- Use sequential post-processing class
11:41 Changeset [847] by sdipsl
- small adjustement to be able to run MPI/OpenMP when only one binary is …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.