


12:40 Ticket #214 (Include an ID to each message (UUID)) created by sdipsl
12:38 Ticket #213 (simuID carry on too much information) created by sdipsl
Break it down in seven pieces to avoid ambiguity like …
11:21 Ticket #212 (rebuild_station fail if a process don't have any station to handle) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1046
11:19 Changeset [1047] by sdipsl
Minor fix to avoid warning when creating yearly average for the first time …
11:15 Changeset [1046] by sdipsl
Fix rebuild_station in the case empty files has been produced. see #212


17:45 Ticket #212 (rebuild_station fail if a process don't have any station to handle) created by sdipsl
This is because some file are just empty. Empty files should not be …


12:58 Ticket #202 (Creating TS and SE : no need to copy files around when not an archive ...) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1037 r1039 r1040 r1042
12:56 Ticket #211 (Fix libIGCM_post/* svn properties) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1044 and r1045
12:55 Ticket #209 (Yearly average derived from monthly mean broken due to r1037) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1042
12:55 Ticket #205 (if rebuild flag is on and xios one file is activated then no ...) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1043
12:53 Changeset [1045] by sdipsl
remove executable properties when not needed
12:49 Changeset [1044] by sdipsl
Clean up properties and headers
12:46 Ticket #211 (Fix libIGCM_post/* svn properties) created by sdipsl
12:40 Changeset [1043] by sdipsl
Fix #205 So even when no rebuild needs to be done downstreams …
12:39 Changeset [1042] by sdipsl
Fix #209 as a side effect to r1037 and #202
12:33 Ticket #210 (${StackFileLocation} ${StackFileName} not exported to son jobs) created by sdipsl
Those variables must be exported when those parameters are true […]
12:30 Ticket #209 (Yearly average derived from monthly mean broken due to r1037) created by sdipsl


17:20 Ticket #208 (Accouting broken due to r1037) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1041
17:15 Changeset [1041] by sdipsl
Fix for #208
17:13 Ticket #203 (No SE for OASIS output when running by year) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1035


18:23 Ticket #208 (Accouting broken due to r1037) created by sdipsl
16:45 Changeset [1040] by sdipsl
Together with r1037. Clean what is there…
16:37 Ticket #207 (timestamp precision for AMQP messages must be milliseconds) created by sdipsl


18:55 Ticket #206 (purge_exp : to remove entirely a simulation) created by mafoipsl
In the spirit of clean_month and clean_year, a tool purge_exp to remove …
18:07 Changeset [1039] by sdipsl
Together with r1037. Clean what is there…
17:57 Changeset [1038] by sdipsl
17:57 Changeset [1037] by sdipsl
Some data movement optimization. See #202
17:52 Changeset [1036] by sdipsl
No way to have a comment after this directive …
10:05 Ticket #205 (if rebuild flag is on and xios one file is activated then no ...) created by sdipsl
No TS, no SE and no Pack


16:06 Ticket #204 (Add loop on rebuild when return code != 0) closed by mafoipsl
fixed: Replying to sdipsl: > Could have 3 tries to rebuild? Done …
15:58 Ticket #204 (Add loop on rebuild when return code != 0) created by sdipsl
Could have 3 tries to rebuild?
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.