


17:58 Changeset [1161] by sdipsl
- this part is really ugly ... but let's continue to add to it for now …
17:54 Changeset [1160] by sdipsl
- better this way …
17:51 Changeset [1159] by sdipsl
- metrics first guess
17:48 Changeset [1158] by sdipsl
- metrics path
17:10 Changeset [1157] by sdipsl
- whitespace cleanup
16:50 Changeset [1156] by sdipsl
- homogenize indentation
16:45 Changeset [1155] by sdipsl
- enhanced comments - whitespace clean up
15:20 Ticket #241 (gencmip6 postprocessing must run on thin node) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1154. ins_job has been modified as well in the igcmg repo.


16:25 Ticket #243 (restarting from tar file broken at IDRIS) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1148
16:24 Ticket #244 (Avoid usage of tmpfile_$$) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1152
16:22 Changeset [1154] by sdipsl
- Add a pattern for node type. See #241
15:48 Changeset [1153] by sdipsl
- r1150 missed this bit. Need to flush messages when something wrong …
15:45 Changeset [1152] by sdipsl
- Avoid tmpfile usage. See #244


18:24 Ticket #244 (Avoid usage of tmpfile_$$) created by sdipsl
Deleted files remain visible for some time. chmod: cannot access …
17:40 Ticket #243 (restarting from tar file broken at IDRIS) created by sdipsl
mfls behaviour has been changed without notice. libIGCM can't find "tared" …
17:37 Ticket #242 (BigBrother on obelix) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1150
17:36 Ticket #237 (Enhance error handling affecting rebuild.ksh) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1151
17:34 Ticket #236 (AA_job Curie headers lacking openMP constraints) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1149


19:46 Changeset [1151] by sdipsl
adressing #237
19:20 Changeset [1150] by sdipsl
adressing #242 message 2000 and 3000 (pushstack and popstack) has been …
19:18 Changeset [1149] by sdipsl
adressing #236
16:56 Ticket #242 (BigBrother on obelix) created by sdipsl
/tmp is not a shared filesystem on obelix. Each obelix node have his own …
14:43 Ticket #241 (gencmip6 postprocessing must run on thin node) created by sdipsl
ins_job have to configure post processing jobs to run on thin node for the …


16:20 Changeset [1148] by sdipsl
Adapt to mfls recent modifications


11:55 Ticket #240 (Explicit naming of rebuild jobs) closed by sdipsl
duplicate: this ticket and the #161 are the same
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.