


16:09 Ticket #262 (It must be possible to add an atlas.cfg in the POST directory) created by sdipsl
Mimic what's in place for the monitoring. If a file is in POST we use it …
16:06 Milestone libIGCM_v2.6 metrics completed
Tag libIGCM_v2.6. - A first set of metrics is produced for LMDz and …


16:22 Changeset [1213] by sdipsl
- hotfix. The wrong environment setup was sourced
16:22 Changeset [1212] by sdipsl
- hotfix. The wrong environment setup was sourced
11:07 Ticket #261 (Output file not saved for trivial case of parallel output files) created by omamce
XIOS server often runs on only one processor. However, it can generates …


14:52 WikiStart edited by sdipsl
12:42 Changeset [1211] by sdipsl
Tag libIGCM_v2.6. - A first set of metrics is produced for LMDz and …


17:54 Changeset [1210] by sdipsl
- we don't want the module list when running checker like tools
17:45 Changeset [1209] by sdipsl
- bugfix introduced by r1202
17:22 Changeset [1208] by sdipsl
- Print list of loaded modules


18:04 Changeset [1207] by sdipsl
- IGCM_debug_BigBro_Finalize and IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit are in charge of …
17:28 Changeset [1206] by sdipsl
- Remove IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit_Post. Only IGCM_debug_Verif_Exit will …
16:10 Changeset [1205] by sdipsl
- Bugfix
15:31 Ticket #259 (Add an IgnoreNonMonotonic flag to accomodate orchidee spinup) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done. See r1204
15:29 Changeset [1204] by sdipsl
- Add an optional flag for the [Post] section of config.card : …


12:33 Ticket #260 (Any post-procesing errors will stop the computing jobs when SpaceName=PROD) created by sdipsl
12:10 Ticket #259 (Add an IgnoreNonMonotonic flag to accomodate orchidee spinup) created by sdipsl
Up to now non-monotonicity was a proof of filesystem failure. But this is …


17:14 Ticket #258 (libIGCM must send metrics Group Name) closed by sdipsl
fixed: Done see r1202
17:12 Ticket #255 (libIGCM must send to BigBrother project name (gencmip6 for example)) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r1202 and r1201
17:11 Ticket #253 (libIGCM must send to BigBrother jobs duration in seconds) closed by sdipsl
fixed: done see r1201 and r1202
17:09 Changeset [1203] by sdipsl
- bugfix
16:58 Changeset [1202] by sdipsl
- send job duration in seconds. see #253 - send project name (aka …


12:32 Ticket #258 (libIGCM must send metrics Group Name) created by sdipsl
send a group name that will be one of those (non definitive list). …
10:56 Ticket #257 (message d'erreur peu claire) created by jgipsl
[…] Bonjour, nous avons eu cette message d'erreur et ca nous a pris …


17:29 Changeset [1201] by sdipsl
- add jobWarningDelay in seconds to supervision messages see #253
15:58 Ticket #256 (Fonction pour verifier la coherence des fichier xml) created by jgipsl
Objective de la function * Verifier la coherence entre les …
15:45 Changeset [1200] by sdipsl
... useless cosmetics
15:43 Changeset [1199] by sdipsl
- submit metrics job for configuration involving LMDz.
15:40 Changeset [1198] by sdipsl
- Supervize post-processing jobs see #252 - Homogenize post-processing …
15:30 Changeset [1197] by sdipsl


12:52 Ticket #255 (libIGCM must send to BigBrother project name (gencmip6 for example)) created by sdipsl
12:51 Ticket #252 (Allow BigBrother to watch post-processing jobs. "Checker" phases excluded ...) reopened by sdipsl
only the metrics job is supervised for now. Let's extend this to all …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.